Will Mercy ever be reverted?

Will Mercy mains stop asking this question is the developers tell them, one more time?

there are so many posts about this topic. just stop already

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No, I can pretty much guarantee you that.

Mercy will never be reverted.

Will she ever get a rework?

Most likely.

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I’m honestly fine with the possibility of a rework as well but considering the fact that they denied EeveeA’a rework suggesting, saying it was too complicating, I honestly think they’d just revert her as it is the easiest.

Just going to stick this into your thread cause I want too.

Duly noted.

From the old forums:


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At the time they didn’t feel the need to revert Mercy but that was 5 months ago and Mercy got some nerfs. Them changing their stance on the topic wouldn’t be too surprising. Also, most of the stuff they say are so contradicting e.g: they said countless times that Mercy is a solo target healer yet they give her an AoE healing ultimate.


They have never exactly stated that “Mercy will not get changes, and will not be reverted. We believe we can find a way to balance her Resurrect ability.” and whatever other responses you can come up with.

And no, we won’t stop asking this question, because she lost all of the enjoyment she once had.

I originally played her because I loved how she worked. I loved the thought of being able to make an amazing play, without harming others. She isn’t the hero many Mercy mains fell in love with. Mercy mains who struggled ignoring those who said to hide, could change mains, or whatever they would like.

We shouldn’t be considered the problem as Mercy mains. It should be dps mains, and other mains. They are the ones who could ignore a Mercy sitting right in front of them, who could have ult. If you even PAID ATTENTION, a lot of Mercy mains did NOT hide. They were contributing, healing, damage boosting, and EVEN DEALING DAMAGE, just behind their teammates like MOST SUPPORTS SHOULD.

All we want is Blizzard to reach out to us Mercy mains who struggle to find enjoyment out of her, those who can’t play other heroes because of those toxic people that say “You have all this time on this hero, so why are you playing that hero?” and the “You aren’t playing your main, you’re throwing.” We just want an answer, a response that isn’t just “We think Mercy is fine where she is because of her pickrate.”

We want to know that Blizzard has been listening to the the feedback in the mega thread, like they said they were. We need this proof, we need to feel listened to.


“But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy will be reverted to rest.”

That about says it all tbh.


I don’t exactly get why people confidently stand by this even though most of what Blizzard says is contradicting. For example,

  • ”Mercy is a solo target healer”
    Blizzard: Give her an AoE ultimate.
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What do we have to say to make you stop asking the same question? You already know the answer, and the answer will never change. Please just tell us. I’m tired of flagging and then muting threads.

I’m not interested in tossing bones and trying to build elaborate ciphers out of what was said like it’s some Bible code.

Imo I have no reason to think Blizzard would consider reversion to mass rez a viable option after what they said, their efforts to tune the rework, etc. But hey maybe the illuminate will pressure them and we could say they have changed their position before and adjusts tinfoil hat when the moonlanding was faked in Hollywood if you focus in on a particular rock there is an inscription that reads “Heroes never die” clearly proving that mass rez will return.

But tbh, I have no reason to believe it will, and they have (imho) proven they are dedicated to the balancing of valk mercy.

All I need is either:

  • Blizzard clearly stating whether a revert is a possibility

  • Blizzard rework Mercy again

  • A refund on all my Mercy cosmetics including my golden staff/gun.

Don’t even say anything, if you don’t want to see this posts then fine, ignore them. Don’t respond if they cause you such an issue.

And FLAGGING??? Shouldn’t that be used for actual inappropriate posts, or posts that don’t follow the rules?

Maybe I could flag you for false flagging? Plus the Mercy garbage bin is closed since the community is toxic and can’t handle a majority of Mercy mains’ opinions!!

No, now stop asking.

Nah fam, we are allowed to ask questions just as many others are.

No, stop responding if it bothers you so much :slight_smile:

So people are allowed to ask who’s the cutest character in the game but I can’t ask if a revert is a possibility for Mercy? This community sucks…


There becomes a point where “who’s the cutest character in the game?” (if asked over and over again) becomes annoying and stupid. Same thing happens with all these mercy threads. It’s all “revert mercy!1!1!1!” And “mercy’s now dead because blizzard doesn’t care!1!1!1!” It’s annoying and I’m assuming a large majority of the forums are over it.