Will Blizzard World ever be used as a setting for the story?

I feel as if the location deserves to be used at least once for a comic or animated short. Or would this be too awkward for Blizzard to do?

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Probably not. Not every map has to be relevant, and Blizzard World is very much their playground. But who knows, maybe they want to show off a hero saving the park from Null Sector or something. It seems like exactly the type of place they could terrorize.

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I don’t know. It seems a little tacky to hold an amusement park hostage, and all those backstage areas would be a nightmare to secure.
Maybe just some downtime for our heroes, or even a few antagonists.

Here’s one way it could be used:

Junkrat and Roadhog decide to go to Blizzard World for some amusement. At the same time, Lucio is doing a promotional gig there. Needless to say, after some misunderstandings and poor choices of words, a fight breaks out.

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I have to ask. Was any reason given why Paris was added in the game? It came out of nowhere and it feels random.

I love blizzard world but I think it’s more of a novelty type map, more of nice nod to there other games.

It was worldbuilding. Paris told us what omnic sentiment was in France, and how there is an underground omnic resistance that apparently Mondatta has visited.


Ah ok sorry I must have missed it. Thank you.

In Soldier 76 Origin story, you have a map of “Active threats” and Paris, Numbani, Dorado, Rio de Janeiro and Seattle are on this map.

(And that’s why I’m still waiting for Rio because Paris is off that list now ^^)