Wildly varied Sr in match

I’m not sure why but I’m a mid platinum player. 2700 at most times. I just got a game with 3 top 500 players and a master and two diamond. Basically i was the only Plat. Why.

Also open queue time is over 10 minutes. What is happening


When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.

Open Queue is a dead gamemode.

My main account being Master/GM, resulted in me waiting 17min in Open Queue for a match. Most players were Top 500 and Master in that match.

It was a fun match for sure, but damn, I am not queueing Open Queue on my main again anytime soon


That’s sad to me. 2 2 2 was the worst thing since back when every character was broken i.e scatter arrow and team rez. Lol
Controversial opinion, I think everyone should be op

Fewer and fewer players in game. So the game breaks it’s own rules to get matches. Does it affect SR? Yeah, but players want to play.

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