[WIKI-THREAD] Workshop suggestions 2!

Try using the whole “is true for any” rule,

i think that would work

Something like, having the matrix be player variable A of event player, Then, have a Compare thing, and have the other condition be < Player variable A of all living players

or something like that?

that will only tell me if a player is on last place. but i have an idea (that is specific to my game) to solve the problem

Ok I have neither used sorted array nor sliced array yet but this is how you do it:
array slice(sorted array(all players(all teams), score of(current array element)), index of array value(event player), 12)

At first the array of all players gets sorted in ascending order by their score. Then you look for the event player in the sorted array and cut everything with lesser score off. If you want to know the number of all players who have a higher score than the event player you just use the last index of the array with “last of(the sliced array)”. This might have issues if multiple players have the same score as the event player though.

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*smoke starts coming out of my head * ill be more specific to what i need: i need to know for each player which players are on 1 place obove him, which players are at the same place as him and which playesr are 1 place below him. *same amount of kills=same place. i have an idea (its pretty much ur idea) but it will work if 2 values can have 1 index. oh and i dont know how to use index (:

I think I explained to you what and “index” is in another thread. And 2 values having the same index is impossible. Each index has exactly one value. Sometimes 2 indices can have a similar value, but not 2 values the same index.

Functions / macros / custom actions (with parameters), made of multiple actions.

This is kinda the thing i was feeling was lacking the most. The ability to create loops that work like for loops in most programming languages.

It’s a really standard feature that I’m really surprised is missing and i think is really needed.


I was hoping for a function that shows you the code Blizzard devs use to program a hero. So let’s say you press “Load Genji”, you would see a a number of rules. One of those rules would be “Swift Strike” and you would see what goes into making that ability work the way it does.

Reviving this thread!

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These are honestly the best ideas ever!!! (don’t forget your dummy bot idea though)
I LOVE all these suggestions! Really hope devs take these suggestions into consideration!!!
A few other cool things:

  • Blank hero
  • Some sort of basic pain editor to hero models
  • A wall in general
  • map detector (changing code for different maps)
  • higher numbers in general, most things only go up to 500
    I’ve stopped playing real OW and only playing workshop now and I’m BEGGING for those things to be added (including ones in the thread)

Pretty good ideas here!

I’m surprised that a Restart Game action doesn’t exist in the Workshop yet.
Most people leave after the end game card screen so I want to be able to quickly restart the game automatically without having to do it myself.


also need ability to change teams of players.

( bump )

ah right, let me kick this thread back to life


this thread is still relevant god dammit!

Some humble suggestions:

  • Add a way to show player controls somehow. Many modes require specific controls to operate with that are difficult to communicate to people as text does not exist referringto them in the string library. Two solutions (both would be ideal):
    – Add a “string” type that displays appropriate image to coincide with various controls available to the player (e.g. “Primary fire” would equate to left-mouse-button icon on PC, or R2 icon on PS4). That would be used in exactly the same manner as “Hero icon string” string type.
    – Add strings to the string database for every control type (“Interact”, “Primary fire”, etc).

  • Allow a way for variable values to be supplied as a copy rather than as a reference. E.g. if a sphere radius is determined by “Value in array(Player variable A, 0)”, supply a way to not query that variable each time it is reevaluated, but instead be a constant value of the one refererred to at the time the action is called.

  • If possible, supply a way to specify a radius in which a sound can be heard. Radius current seems to apply to volume, which has little correlation to distance audible, but sometimes it is useful for audio to only be heard at a certain distance.

  • Allow colours, or effect types, to be stored as a variable type.

Of these, my first suggestion is by far the most important to me. It is difficult to communicate to players how to do certain things in a mode with no tools to do so - not even plain text.

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Or just give us typeable text strings

The text is legit so bad, half the words are missing

Add more words too

For me, it doesn’t matter how many features they add to the workshop if they don’t increase the power of custom game servers. You can barely use any of the advanced features (such as ray casts) without risking causing the server to shut down due to an unexpected error

Please a night/day system!

Another preset was deleted btw

Still waiting on that fix

Are you perhaps saving over your presets accidentally? If you select an existing preset to save as, then change the name, it replaces the selected preset with the new name rather than make a new preset.

i wont edit that in my self cuz my bad english but these r my suggestions:
*Some r important and some will just be cool if added
**i edit it from time to time

  • cc modifcations - the cc precent a player/does to another player/s (some status will be all or nothing like sleep but a different precent can effect things like Lucio’s boop)
  • the event - player effected / got effcted by a cc abilty
  • in apply impulse - add a place to give credit (who impulsed the player/s)
  • a way to tell if a button input was from the player or from a workshop rule
  • make error messeges more specific in some way - what action in which rule is not good
  • change nearest walkable position to closest walkable position
  • closest in map position - closest position to a position that is “flyable” - can be mid air but not out of the map or in walls
  • make it so nearest walkable position cant be behind barriers u cant pass in ffa, maybe even add an option so that it will work in non ffa modes “closest walkable position to a position for ___” so it wont be for example in the spawn of the opposite team of the player/s
  • in throtlle - instead of “sideways” make it “left” and “right”
  • in ffa - let us edit assists and deaths
  • make it so if a player is in an immortality field he can still be killed by a workshop command
  • make more things that refer to player owned objects
  • an option to edit effects transparency
  • a clipping option (visible behind walls and stuff/not) to icons
  • an option to create wall like barriers :star: for players/shots and projectile - will be great if u could use more simple shapes that arent spheres to create these barriers ↓
  • effects for simple shapes like squares, triangles, circles, cubes, pyramids…
  • an option to change the proportions and oriantation of effects (and barriers shapes :D)
  • the abilty to use chat (was written in chat, write in chat…)
  • in reevaluation and ray cast include and things like that let us enable/disable everything ourselves. For example in effect reevaluation:
    Position: on/off
    Radius: on/off
    Visible to: on/off
    Or in ray cast include:
    Surfaces: on/off
    Players: player value
    Player owned objects on/off
  • let us put negative numbers in skip actions (to skip actions at the opposite direction - bakwards on the actions list) and add “skip if conditions r true” and “skip if conditions r false” (and delete loop cuz it will be useless)
  • if ur not letting us write our own text at least improve string system so there will be less "null"s . that 1 might be just me but in my strings most {2}s r null
  • not really workshop but - do something to make more players read the description of games or at least add “description” to string
  • let us put a higher number than 100 in set slow motion (to use fast motion)
  • add a way to refrence the array of the current array element when using an array tool inside of another 1 for example: using a filtered array inside of filtered array
  • make it so force hero and set allowed heros wont make the player skip respawn time
  • when u make someone the owner of the custom game he cant edit any text (title description and rules names) and the workshop ui looks weird so that its harder to see rules names and if they r on or off
  • let us use the free camera spectator thing in workshop
  • a way to get mouse input not using facing?
  • when a player is invisible make it so he doesnt make sounds and footsteps like sombra
  • in enable spectating - let us choose who is the player/s allowed to spectate (using a player value) and have re-evaluation for that
  • add re-evaluation for sort order in hud text
  • the abilty to use a color and a string as a value (for example store a color/string in a variable)
  • the action “wait until (condition, time)” it will wait until the condition is equal to true
  • right now under some conditions the eye position of a player wont be on his head for example if a player is asleep or if a wrecking ball is using roll
  • the action: “set health” - u enter it as a precent of the max health
  • the conditions: “event dmg was dealt using abilty 1”, same thing with the rest of the abiltys (maybe even passive)
  • the string “abilty hero icon”, u will enter the name of the abilty (primary/secondary fire, ult, abilty 1, abilty 2) and the hero and the icon of the abilty will come out
  • mode/map identifier
  • add an “all” and “none” option on modes - it will disable or enable all the modes
  • make the respawn action always force the player to spawn, even if he didnt pick a hero. like in the start of an elimination game

The feature Id like to have is being able to store strings in variables.

I think this got already suggested somewhere else.