[WIKI] List of all active forums users in alphabetical order


@Jargonsong, make sure there is no space between the = and "

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ah, kk thanks :smiley:

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Yea… sadly its my brain, but i do remember some stuff about your “past forms” at least.
My memory is garbo if it goes to names
Imagine being at school, and not remember half of classmates names… after 2 years. I could rememeber their faces, but not who they are exactly… yea… it took time to learn those for me.

Does active lurking count?

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put “lurking” in your hover text

How to do hover text:

Anyone can edit it? Weird


@Yourself, “(buff zarya)”

Is not your name or another player’s name. It is being removed due to being irrelevant.

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Surely that’s a joke, right? Yourself is a real person on the Forums.

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This is a really nice thing. Good job AlaskaWolf and everyone else contributing :heart:


Hey there BestrafeMich, If you look at edit number 26-27, you will see that “(buff zarya)” (which is an invalid battletag) was added to the post by Yourself.

It was resolved, and is no longer a problem now


I forced my way in the cool kids part of the forums, neat-o :smiley:


good for you random person on the Official Overwatch Forums!

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Ooooh, I see. My bad. I thought you meant that Yourself wasn’t an actual person on these Forums… :point_up: :woozy_face:

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Maybe there should be some sort of “edit approval by topic author” thing or something :thinking:

But what if I die? Or delete my account? Then nobody can edit it :frowning:

Then stay alive and don’t delete your account :eyes:

Got it.

But-- what if I don’t want to be trapped on the forums and in overwatch forever?

You could still use that account for any other blizzard games like World of Warcraft or Heroes of the Storm

…Or Call of Duty if you are that kind of person ._.

Hey what ever happened to the old version of this list from a couple years back? Think it had forum names but also silly titles for most regulars. Can’t even remember who created the post and now I’m sad.

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