Widowmaker's SMG may as well not exist now

To what I just said. I’m sure there are people who are experiencing it and people whpo haven’t. My friend squad of 6 says they’ve never noticed a change. And I bet another 6 and plenty more people have experienced it.

honestly i bet they did it to shut people up, thats what they did with tracers change basically

The point is, they’re taking away the SMGs last good use. You can sit there and say “just git gud and finish off that 5 hp target with your sniper”. Sure, but if the SMG exists as part of Widow’s kit, it may as well be good for something. No sense in having an ability that’s useless.

It’s why I say in the title that it may as well not exist. Give her something else in place of it, or don’t go through with the nerf.

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Okay, well great for you to have good internet that you don’t get dropped packets… but this is literally a problem that’s unpredictable and unavoidable when it does happen.

And you know what, it probably does happen to you and you just think you missed and blame yourself for missed shots.

Console runs on 30 fps by the way, so you probably don’t even notice when it does happen.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH I live in Pennsylvania, internet is TERRIBLE here. My download sped is about 3mb, for example. But it sounds like it may be attributed to lag.

Well then, people use it differently. I use it to finish off/ward off closer targets, and sniper for long range. It will not be useless after the nerf. Worse, but not useless.

No, it’s not attributed to lag, it’s attributed to the lack of redundancies to confirm a proper event in the game.

The number of times I’ve had to explain this…

If it’s worse, and there’s evidence to suggest that it can’t even do the things it’s advertised to do (as I’ve pointed out above) then it’s not a stretch to call it useless.

If it wasn’t why would you say it is attributed to me not experiencing it because of “good internet and you don’t get dropped packets.”

I’m not denying it exists, but if you say it’s a bug and is an issue due to netcode and it is an aiming problem, you can’t say it’s because of internet. That would indeed be because of lag.

Again, not denying it exists under a different reason, just pointing about a discrepancy.

It happens to me, too. I play on console but I do record shots that I’m sure should hit. It’s usually not a big deal, but I did have a match a week or two ago in which it occurred multiple times, forcing me to switch off Widow. I showed the footage to a friend to verify that it wasn’t just my eyes playing tricks on me.

Because packet loss is not the same thing as lag. Do you understand what packets are? What packet loss is?

Yes, yes i do. Loss of packets travelling through a computer network wanting to reach where they must go. Though, from looking ti up on Google, it states “typically across wireless networks or network congestion.”

Better get yoself an Ethernet or get yoself or other people in your house off the internet to be alone and connected securely.

It’s a well-documented and known issue called misprediction. It’s a netcode/postprocessing bug.

Blizzard has known about it for almost a year and promised a long time ago a fix. A fix they never delivered on.

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Obviously if I use it to finish off targets at long range, it means I also use it to finish off close ranged targets. But ward off? Funny, because I either grapple away, or I simply attempt to land a scoped shot at close range. To me, there’s no reason to use the SMG on a target that has a significant amount of their HP. 120 burst damage is much better.

I can again sit here and say “git gud and learn to snipe at close range”. Is that valid?

May as well give Widow the ability to do unscoped sniper shots.

Blizzard don’t seem to like directly addressing the problems some heroes have.

Sombra’s problems revolve almost entirely around her SMG and Hack and Blizzard seem to think they can fix that by buffing Stealth and Translocator.

Widow too safe? Better nerf the SMG.

Hanzo Dragons burning through Transcendence? Gotta nerf Volley (admittedly it was justified, but Hanzo needs actual nerfs to Dragonstrike).

Mercy isn’t even touched despite her being half the reason we’re in a Double Sniper meta.

Don’t get me wrong, there were good changes in there. The drop-off changes were excellent. But Blizzard seems to have an aversion to directly fixing problems.

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We just play her different. That’s about it.

Okay, yeah you don’t actually understand anything about packet loss.

I was being facetious with you earlier, because it’s not just your internet at play here… it’s the entire networking infrastructure of the entire continent.

Packets don’t travel the same route every time. Packets get sent out of order, across multiple different paths of cabling to reach the server.

It’s quite literally the same thing as 5 of your friends starting at the same house, all driving in separate cars and taking different roads that might even be twice as long, and trying to meet up at the same time to deliver something to a destination. Some of them take the highway, some of them take backroads. Some of them accidentally take 4 right turns.

If at any point in the networking infrastructure something goes down, a packet can get lost or delivered too late that it gets discarded. To continue the car analogy, if there’s roadwork, if a road is closed or has heavy congestion, if one of your friends gets into an accident and can’t make the delivery in time, then those are all potential faults of packet loss.

Ethernet helps eliminate local issues of getting the delivery cars out on the road, but if the roads themselves cause a delay in the delivery, then you can’t do anything about it.

That’s why this is a netcode bug.

If there’s a critical item that needs to be delivered (namely, something like the aiming coordinates of Widow), that MUST be delivered in order for something to resolve, it stands to reason that you’d duplicate the critical item, and send it along in two or three different cars before they go out for delivery to ensure it’s delivered.

Overwatch doesn’t do that. That critical piece of information, that raytrace coordinate of where you’re aiming, isn’t duplicated and sent across multiple packets. If a packet drops and it has that information, it’s the only one of it’s kind. That information is lost, and the client panics, and sends another packet out as a rush order for delivery, but that packet’s information is different than the one that was initially sent out for delivery.

If you’re aimed over someone’s face, and the packet drops that says you fired with the crosshair over their face, it’ll send another packet out with different coordinates – coordinates that were just affected by the camera recoil that overshoot the enemy’s face by an absurd amount.

If you don’t ever experience this, it’s by pure luck that you don’t.

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Okay, then why is it that if you don’t go with the more skilled, but objectively better option of sniping at close range, it’s simply you playing differently? But if I use the SMG to finish off a 5 hp target at long range, I have to “git gud”?

It’s a 5 hp target for goodness sake. Can’t I have this one easy thing of SMGing them at long range? It’s not like keeping this makes her a brain-dead noob friendly character. I admit to not being the best Widow player in the world, but jeez, Hanzo gets to have this rapid fire CD ability. Let me have this one freakin’ thing!