Widowmaker noire dosnt appear on overwatch 2

I finaly enter to the game and I have my ps4 account with my pc account connected, where I have the skin is in my ps4 account and when I enter my pc my widowmaker noire skin does not appear, since the pink mercy did appear, what can I do?


Same, I had Noire in PS4.


same. I had it on xbox one and am now playing on ps5 and all my xbox stuff is here except for noire.

Got it on PC, worked after logging via Asia servers.

is there a way to change servers on playstation ?

Ah im not sure. I do it on the app. On top of the “PLAY” button, theres like a global icon, you click it and a drop menu appears with Americas, Europe, Asia. Theres where I switched it.

Same, I had Noire in Xboz One

So, I have this same issue… kind of. I have the Origins skins on only one platform.

I originally played OW1 on PS4 and put in a lot of hours before I switched to Xbox. I had bought a boxed Origins Edition for the PS4, so I had the Origins-specific Widowmaker Noire skin as well as the Pharah and Soldier: 76 skins included.

During the mess of OW2 day 1, I ended up installing OW2 on my PC, Xbox and PS5. Those Origins skins are missing on the Xbox and PC versions, but they are still present on the PS5.

I am not sure if this is an unintended bug or a feature.

me too, the skin is not appearing in the selection at all and i’m also missing all the origins skins

same here! i’m on xbox

Having the same issue, myself. Preordered OW1 for PS4 back in the day. Switched to PC two-ish years ago. Did the account merge and everything. Noire skin’s the only thing I’m missing =/

It’s showing up for me, but other skins are missing. Specifically, some blizzcon skins and Lucio’s Poison Dart skin.

Noire Widowmaker not showing after the account merger completed for me also. Everything is back but that skin so I closed the game, uninstalled Noire, redownloaded, booted the game back up and still nothing. I think they forgot to update that skin with the rest.

Yh no clue why. Finaly got all my skins except my orgin skins and noir . Kinda weird not gonna lie. Hope it gets fixed soon

I hope we can have an answer soon, my skin does not appear yet

Still no skin :sob: Glad I went to the forums before thinking I was the only one

I am fortunate to have received the widow maker skin.

i am still missing the noire skin and origins skins (pc) yikes