Widowmaker is the infuriating character in this game to play against

0 synergy with team, always hiding in the backlines.
Take cover right?
sure I’ll cram myself behind Reins shield
I’ll cram myself behind Orisa’s shield
use the map? Oh boi I wish, its just that some maps are so open its impossible to even poke the Widowmaker
Counter her? Okay I’ll just switch to Tracer and Gen… wait nevermind she just hooked away or one shotted me.
Dive her as Winston or DVA? well Dva’s now dead, Winston tickles widowmaker but not fast enough so she can just hook away.
Choose Widowmaker? And that right there is her problem.
I despise this hero blizzard, worse than accidental Hanzo kills and Doomfist one punches.
Zero risk, highest reward in the game.
I’d like to see her with 150hp or a slower charge time on her sniper. She’s too effective and impactful whereas no other character can even contest her.
You make some maps with too long site lines like Havana final point, Junkertown.
Not that it matters, because Widows can also destroy close range, you know… the range she should be weakest at?

But no nerfs will ever come of this hero, she will never be touched for some reason.
I don’t want to see her get thrown into the dumpster like Doom in January, but I’d like to see her toned down a little bit.
She’s literally the reason I turn off the game, or I get salty. Just give her a weakness for god sake.

oh hey widow threads are back

did not miss them

They’re just, Widow is oppresive since dive died.
Plus she still one of the best pickrate Dps along with Hanzo.

She is clearly meta in GM, you cannot have a game without a Hanzo or a Widow right now.
So this is really normal than some people complain about her.

Anyway, I would suggest a more detailed post about this.

Also, the first post of complain about Widowmaker that triggered these forum came from me after an horrible game I have.

Winston can pretty much kill her easily unless the healers are very aware of her health. She can hook away but his jump will be back before her second hook.
Wrecking Ball can also do an awesome job against her.
Besides, you don’t necessarily need to kill her (of course it’s better if you do), but as long as you don’t let her just keep shooting uncontested, she’s losing a lot of her value.
(DF is pretty much a matter of getting into range. If you can do it, it’s your kill)

Welcome to Sniperwatch! :joy:


How to nerf Widow without affecting damage:
Increase the grapple cooldown.
Increase the depth of the scope.

My problem though is that when theres a big team fight, she’s in the backlines. Whereas other dps and tanks have to fight on the frontlines. But its hard to focus her mid team fight.
It feels the only way to win against her as a team is to engage her first before anything. But again… she’s in the backlines, and since dive is dead she remains uncontested until a dps has to deal with her, and that means leaving your team to deal with just one hero.

It will depend if your team is doing what they should. If the Widow is being the bigger danger, then your team gets more value by having someone contest her. Specially Winston/WB can easily make her flee to heal and go back to the fight.
“Leaving your team to deal with one hero” is leaving your team to a 5v5. (Unless you have half your team going after her)

oh boy, what a fun game of hide and se… wait
what a fun game of hide