Widowmaker dictates the Meta, change my mind

Dive? Widow can drop the squishes easy, but then people get to realizing that she isn’t exactly mobile (remember, this was pre grapple buff) and D.Va and Winston are used to make her life hell on earth. She has an increasingly difficult time getting picks, and eventually she just isn’t pulling weight.

Goats? Along comes Brigitte and eliminates the threat of D.Va and Winston because they don’t wanna get a mace to the face. Widowmaker dances back on the scene and resumes her reign of terror until people realize that there are now two Supports who can heal in an area around them, and Tanks can’t be one shot by Widowmaker unless the stars are in her favor. Throw in another Support for extra sustain and/or utility and Widow is just trying to find some way to find a pick in the freight train coming towards them, but can’t because Reinhardt has a big Barrier that walls her out.

And where are we now? Bunker is coming into the scene with Baptiste who conveniently has an ability that prevents insta kills, and heroes are rallying behind Orisa because her Barrier are admittedly frustrating but they need to be that way because if not then Widow is going to have a field day.

I challenge you to change my mind community

Most of the people on this forum are bellow diamond.
They can’t really understand how oppresive and broken a good Widowmaker is.
Except this guy of course that made a good post about how she is a problem.

Baptiste pickrate in GM is really low. Plus in other rank, his winrate in negative. Currently people are just accepting that Widow/Hanzo is the meta and are playing mirror in above ranks.

I think they meant Baptiste was added due to one shots being prevalent.

But yeah once you reach Diamond or above Widowmaker gets more relevant and the obstacle of countering her gets smaller and smaller.

We don’t add new heroes for nerf already existing one.
I thought the devs already know it. With the release Brigitte.

Yet Baptiste’s stats show the opposite of launch Brigitte.

I think he was intended in such a way but falls short a bit on what he was meant to be. Doesn’t help that Ana outclasses him and exo-boots make him an easy sniper target

Actually, that’s exactly what the function of some heroes is, to serve as a nerf to another hero, or perhaps to reign them in is a better way of putting it?