Widowmaker Death Stare showing her gums is so ugly

If I cover her eyes with my hands then it’s very obvious. It’s either disgust or pain

It’s crazy how many widow mains are here

Good thing they nerfed her potg.

That’s one of my issues with many new emotes and intros and that. They only make sense with the skin they come with. Widow one here, kirko intro with a broom only makes sense with witch skin. Ramattra trident emote is odd outside of Poseidon skin etc.


Thats fugly.

Did blizz staff not review this? Is it unfinished? Or did they look at it and thought it was good to go? If they did then they have very poor taste

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I’m surprised she doesn’t have fangs or something.


Unpopular opinion, I quite like the gums :flushed:

Looks better on her default skins where she doesn’t open her mouth.


She saw the price of the skin that’s why.


i cant believe this is seriously a concern with people. go outside touch some grass I’m begging you


I do not see what is wrong :sweat_smile:

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What’s weird is she doesn’t open her mouth for any other skin.
Can see this previewing it with whatever skin you have equipped on her.

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No mouth in the history of mouths has ever opened that way, and even if it did, the rest of her face doesn’t match. It’s too plastic looking, uncanny valley territory. For example, her nose should be crinkled. Try making that face and pay attention to what your nose does.

The teeth look fake. Too many. Too small. Too straight.

It just looks bad.


On normal skins it just…enlarges her lips???

I think this is what they “intended” but made an entirely new skin they didn’t need to make.


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Worked on the hamster.

For some reason, I assumed the skin/animation/whatever quality would have to be good if they were going to charge a premium for them. I guess I was wrong and stupid as I often am.

We’re living in a world where cosmetic prices rose dramatically, but quality seems to be dropping. Maybe that’s because they’re trying to pump a ton of them out?

“I can’t believe the quality of a product is a concern for potential buyers!” Is essentially what you’re saying.


Do people not know who this skin is supposed to be based on?

Medusa. Look her up. She is ugly. Shes supposed to be ugly. Her expression (Widowmaker) is similar to Medusas trademark stare. The stare turns people to stone.

The highlight is accurate.

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Isn’t medusa… SUPPOSED to be hideous? Is that not the entire point or did I miss something?


If you wanted pretty why get Medusa skin? She’s meant to scary in an ugly way.

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This isn’t an excuse for bad art or bad animation. In everything, there’s supposed to be “appeal”. That doesn’t mean “thing is beautiful” it means “Thing looks good”. If you make an ugly character, the character has to have some kind of appeal.

Ugly characters can still look good, you know. Like a the monsters in Left 4 Dead. They’re all hideous, and also they’re well designed.