Widow needs a rework

In no universe for a pvp game that’s 5v5 with one tank should said tank get one shot in the head by a widow dps. I get snipers are powerful and can do lots of damage but widow can literally one shot the entire roster and that seems a bit ridiculous. There is no reason that she needs to be that powerful with one shot. Y’all may or may not agree but in a game with one tank a single sniper shouldnt be able to remove you that easily

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she can get a rework when healing does

Maybe healing could be fixed if she wasn’t one shot killing the tanks and supports

there is no tank that has 300 health and if you’re talking about open queue then that point is moot since the mode isnt balanced for competitive play

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Was playing junker queen with over 400 health once and she shot me down in one hit. It wasnt open queue

That’s still easy enough to fix though.

maybe possible if you were discorded and she was nano boosted or damage boosted by mercy but more likely you got taken down by spam fire before she headshot’ed you

still the way things are going i wouldnt doubt she get nerfed somehow in the future. it seems like they feel she is fine but the outcry (at least on the forums) seems pretty high but its a judgement call by the devs. they have the stats/info and they said they will always be looking at the power level of them if they (snipers) get out of hand

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I doubt that, but a damage boosted Widow shot is currently 390 damage, so almost anything else would confirm that kill.

There was nobody else around and she there was no icon on the kill feed as an assist for her. It’s possible yes but the fact still remains that she’s a bit over powered for a sniper. Even hanzo is more controllable then her