I’m also sure there’s sniper damage falloff in at least one other video game.
I’m also sure there’s sniper damage falloff in at least one other video game.
Doesn’t pubg and warframe have falloff for snipers.
Almost all of them. In games where their is damage falloff, the snipers almost always have it.
It is just usually capped.
PUBG have breath and are all projectile you must predict movement in this game.
No she’s not the first sniper with fall off.
Snipers have occasionally had fall off in games since we’ve had FPS’s, its just not the most common thing.
True. Give Moira and Mercy zen and Brig infinite healing range
Just out of curiosity, ever try landing a headshot with Hanzo at 80 meters? Or even 60? He doesn’t have any zoom and fires slow, arcing projectiles. At that range a widow still kills him even with fall off, he, on the other hand, can’t even really see her.
Before the speed nerf he could head shot her point A from the tower spawn in King’s row, now any high ground is way harder for him.
The bullet “Fall off” in PUBG is not “the farther the target is the less damage you will deal on them”
It is legit a dropping bullet. You have to like, account for the arc and travel time of the bullet on your sniper.
THAT… or I just mixed it up with Fortnite, which legit have this on their sniper rifle.
She’s also one of the few without any form of bullet drop or scope waver
Bullets slow down, its not about “sense” though, its about this funny thing called balance…
Widowmaker is a comic book sniper, much like the rest of the cast, and we inject mechanics to balance them.
Ashe: Am I a joke to you?
They have both.
From the Advanced Guide to PUBG snipers.
The initial bullet velocity is how fast, in meters per second, the bullets travel when they first leave the gun. Air resistance slows the speed of a bullet and reduces the distance by which it travels, so the bullet’s speed drops the further the bullet travels. Sniper rifles are the ideal guns for long-range engagements because they have so much power in their shots that they are not affected by air resistance as much as other guns. PUBG does have bullet drop, so the further the shot, the higher players must aim in order to hit the shot. 1
Since the bullet velocity lowers the further the bullet travels, the damage does as well.2 The damage falloff is when the damage starts to decline, and goes all the way down to the finish number where it finally stops declining. PUBG has the damage falloff capped at 90% for sniper rifles, so when the bullet first leaves the gun it will do 100% of the damage and then steadily drops down to 90%. Sniper rifles are able to shoot further than any of the other gun categories before hitting their capped amount of damage falloff.
1 so yes you are right, they DO have aim changes.
2 but, there is also damage drop off as well.
PUBG PLS Not like this.
Nvm, the game is infested with cheaters anyway… such a waste of a good $20.
Um but do you realize Widow is like, really hard to play and requires 3x the brainpower of the average person? (And that average person probably plays Sym/Junkrat/Mercy/Moira/Hog, just sayin’)
I think you’re forgetting that.
It was always like this I think.
It is unfair on the receiving end, true, but no way it’s a BS shot if it hits your head more than 60 meter away, it’s a fine maskmanship.
I wish that was Winston bit was true, as every tank wants to be hog/zarya and say keep out of her site, so maybe 15 percent of the time.
If I can have unlimited range on my Mercy beam I’ll take some falloff in exchange.
The problem with OW though is that you can’t have sniper’s killing a that range because of how the OW is at its core.
She’s a sniper with 0 sway or bullet drop? She has all the perks of sniping with 0 accuracy in what sniping is like.
But then again gengi can deflect a mini black hole without it completely destroying his blade so there’s that logic out the window.
I’m no expert, but as I recall the sniper rifle in Fortnite had both bullet drop and travel time… it’s not the same as damage falloff, but I’d argue it’s worse.