Widow is destroying Master, GM, TOP500 and OWL

Nonsense, of the number of people that choose her at low levels, a small fraction is trying to improve. Most think they are Vasily Zaytsev.

Uh… Sombra does a fantastic job in killing widow, or keeping her very busy in the meantime.

isn’t widow the definition of “high skill, high reward”? y’know… the thing people keep complaining about not being a part of new heroes released, or when a hero who’s easy becomes super dominate?

if any sniper needs to be nerfed, I’d say it’s hanzo. widow is good long range, but complete garbage in close quarters. hanzo is good at both, which isn’t how a sniper should be.

The hook cooldown decrease also made her a lot less of a dive target.
On the maps she’s favoured she can be more two winston leaps away and there’s no way he’ll be able to approach her without the Widow knowing exactly where she is, on top of having to get on her, you need follow up dive to catch her where she’s going with the hook + at that time you can also expect a Mercy pocket.

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The comparison of Sniper to Widow is not really a fair one in my eyes.

  • Sniper charges at a much slower rate and reloads after one shot. Missed shots are punished more.

  • Sniper doesn’t have any mobility to speak of. Someone who had closed the distance on you is almost guaranteed the kill.

  • Sniper doesn’t get a fire-and-forget flanker radar and actually has to take time to check flank routes himself.

  • Hitboxes in TF2 don’t extend 3 feet outward from their models.

Widow just operates much differently from Sniper. TF2 is actually pretty well-rounded competetively and Sniper’s counters are usable.

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I have always considered her way too survivable if caught. She should be deadly at a distance, and her opponents should be deadly at close range.

She is high aim no positioning or gamesence high reward. She is supposed to be countered by dive but her graple hook alows her to escape any danger. Widow is the only hero that relys 99% on his gun. Not to mention her venom mine which is almost useless. She really could use a rework.

That’s why I love her :smiley:

Hero design is nice too. Oo la la.

Genji and Tracer can both mess her up pretty hard unless she pulls God tier shots. But hey… Can’t have dem damn flankers viable outside of GM amirite? :rofl: Then again she’s not much better off outside of GM… Wait a minute…

You just hate people being better than you, don’t you?

her smg is garbage, she honestly can’t do much with it. before brigitte if widow got jumped she’d usually be dead. now brigitte makes it that much harder.

she’s deadly at a distance and laughable up close. getting jumped on shouldn’t just make her a free kill.

I hate that people who can only aim get better results then people with great positioning and gamesence but worse aim.

Tbf, anytime I died to a Widow I blamed my own lack of game sense and positioning. Not theirs. I at least respected the aim skill required to click my head.

There is a wide gap between “free kill” and “can escape easily”, I am looking for the middle ground. Right now she is nowhere near a “free kill”, actually the inverse is the case, she can escape too easily with too much survival.

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I do respect aim. But she doesn’t take anything else. I can’t respect this.

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She kind of does though.

Well, at least did maybe. Dive kept her hella contested. Dva great against Widow for instance.

But alas. We all Rein/Zarya ult combo team killing and such now. Good times for Widow mains. Tbh, about time. They can play comp without getting mass reported! Who thought that’d ever be the case, right?

Well, not everyone. However:

S76: damage increased from 17 to 19.
Hanzo: Storm arrow replaced Scatter, Storm bow (primary) RoF increased from 1.6 to 1.25.
Reaper: Instant reload added to Wraith From.
Lucio: Damage increased by 25%.

Countering Widow.

Silly joke, dude.


Yeah I’ll give you that.

S76, Reaper, Lucio, basically all meaningless picks rn.

Hanzo reworked into the DPS version of Mercy rework.

So… Yeah I stand by what I said.

Barriers actually are interacting in a way. Right now they break stupidly fast though. Rein should be a counter, but he isn’t in his current state.

Ana is broken on many fundamental levels that even a grapple-less(sp?) Widow wouldn’t have to deal with. E.g. Widow doesn’t have to be near the team to heal through barriers.

You assume varied counters have to be less skilled, but regardless there shouldn’t be clear cut best heroes for all situations. If the enemy team changes tactics, why should you just be able to dominate without adapting

Wrong. I don’t like getting fake “variety,” when there’s really only 1 valid option. If you get countered, you should be rewarded for practicing more then 1 hero, not being the best 1 trick ever. Learning only 1 hero is the real crutch.

Widow isn’t a problem for me, other then theoretically. My problem is with Hanzo’s ability to shred barriers.

Mercy powercreep != support powercreep

The sens of the Winston? Are you playing at such a low sens that you cannot make a 180? I don’t understand…

Why would I say that? I truthfully don’t even understand your entire response, tbh.

Problem isn’t Widow it’s how her counters are fairing right now. WInston’s pickrate dropped from top tier levels to sitting just above Orisa, who has always been the lowest pickrate tank ever.

You all claimed Rein needed buffs or changes to make him great again, but with Brigitte’s addition and new Hanzo, Rein has become the Highest picked hero in all tiers, all from other heroes being changed, not him.

Plus how could you play Winston or D.va when new Hanzo just presses E and can counter you with ease?