Widow got nerfed

Get out. He’s the #1 most complained about hero in Overwatch.

I guess I quit blizzard cant balance smartly

I’ve enjoyed the SMG for a number of reasons.

The primary one; being it is a great tool as a “PDW” (Personal defense weapon). The dive metas are really hard on widow and it pushes her out of usage very quickly. I was always asking for a BUFF to the SMG. Because on KOTH maps such as Lijang Tower where the Night market map is the most difficult usage of her. There are little to no sniping points, and sometimes the usage of the scoped rifle is less than 20% of the game. But those picks can make or break a game fast.

I’d really like to state to the community that there are some of us whom can flex with widow. While equaly applying the SMG and the Scoped portion of the rifle for a match. While coming out with the Golds right across the board. If a person stumbles into an otherwise potentially broken team comp, and nobody is going to run 76. The widow can do " 76mode" and go in for those terrifying close-up picks which are game breakers.

With 600 hours on my belt and a passion to play the hero. Im going to find out just how far I can take her to the next level of FPS gaming.

it matters because when a Soldier is atking u from long distance you cant simply stand and snipe him because its a lot easier for him to aim on you cause your movement is garbge at this situation so what u do is mostly going for headshot… and since u gotta charge to 70% to headshot you sometimes headshot him with like 66%, this makes him really low, around 3 to 5 hp left so what you do is simply finish him quickly with the SMG, going for a second uncharged snipe has abit of delay.

anyways its not a big of a deal BUT DUUDE is it needed? ofc not… especially when they actually BUFFED Soldier and McCree range dmg… now its going to be really easy for them to kill a Widow, no need to go Widow to counter a Widow, Soldier will deal more dmg to a Widow from a long distance.

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Well, good thing her smg will be just as good in the close range it was meant to be used. Made no sense for it to never have falloff while all other histscan did. I think people are blowing this out of proportion. This could be the smallest nerf they have given any hero, smaller than brig shield bash going from 5 to 6 sec.

Thank you for your post.

Yes, The SMG needs to stay the same or actually have a buff. I cannot say that with playing any other game out there on the market. That widowmaker is “over powered” and a widow player that can Lock out the game.

She can be dived and it’s the final solution to an “annoying” widow as deemed by others… The top 1% of players are playing this game nearly 18-20 hours per day. I have 600 hours on her, and I couldn’t even get every single headshot off with her easily. I don’t have the world’s best internet connection like they do.

SO having widow adjusted for the top 1% is not something I would suggest to their Dev team as a “Wise” choice.

-Signing off.

No it’s still bad because of the terrible spread. It’s wildly inaccurate for a rifle.

they buffed McCree’s and Soldier dmg by 20%. they can deal with a Widow better now.
so why would you nerf the weakst weapon in the game?
no one is even using it to fight a Tracer in close range, people go for the sniper gun so why do you nerf her? seriously. why Blizzard is killing this game with every patch. I enjoyed it simply till the Moira map and now its getting worse.

Since Window’s AR / SMG damage now has more damage fall-off, how about reducing its bullet spread to something more reasonable? Right now it has the ballistic spread of high caliber AR but the hitting power of a super-soaker.



Are you serious?

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this is a good idea, I dont think she need any nerf, even if its a small one, they buffed other heros and its already nightmare for her…

I hope Blizzard wont put it on the live servers, we need to show them that the community thinks its not needed!

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I’m perfectly fine with gaining smaller bullet spread at the expense of more damage drop-off. It actually makes sense in terms of real world gun ballistics, even if OW tends to ignore this.

Because this is an inconsequential nerf for a hero that’s been determining OWL matches?

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Looking at this with some experience behind gaming systems (running game servers). Here is my input. For what it’s worth…:thinking:


  • With the new “Hammond” patch coming up. I can see the SMG changes to be negligible provided they give us another kit item for dealing with barriers… Even as a player whom does other games with sniper. The 360 no scope aspect of this game needs to be back. ie.removing the feature of charging shots.Especially with Hanzo now buffed as he is.

The amount of barriers us Widow players have to work with and dive teams. I just have to say that it is different between QP mains and COMP mains.

  • I myself am a QP main. When I bump myself around, the high level teams NEVER find widow to be a threat. They have an organized team that stays behind shields (lots of them) and then a pair of divers that seek out ANY sniper that is a hinderance.

I know a large player base group on here have MANY concerns about Widow being a major threat and a hinderance to their gameplay. I ASSUME that they are in teams where people do not group up, work together or protect one another. Which I can see why their concerns are valid. However, in the game levels I play at. Widowmaker isn’t that major of a threat. Where the dive teams, just dive in and shes out of the picture. Even myself, playing against a dive team. A fully charged head-shot on Winston won’t down him, and the D.VA or moira coming in to damage me next, coordinates so well, that I am not going to get both of them down.

the nerf isnt that big but it wasnt needed.

having a Widow dominating in a match should make people vote him for being that good with her, same for Tracer. I dont see why you gotta nerf the skillful heros and buff the 0 skill heros.

Mei for example, shes a very annoying hero to deal with, who likes to be frozen? now shes going to be a sniper, a sniper which spams right clicks and pray for a kill. I dont like the idea!

Hanzo got picked a lot? ok lets buff McCree… do you know what is a good McCree? its a nightmare why buffing it? simply nerf the E ability of Hanzo just like u did and everything is fine.
you will never reach the point when every hero has 90% pickrate so stop buffing nerfing things to make people stop playing it.

your one and only mistake to the game is Brigitte. shes countering the dive heros pretty well and thats why snipers are strong now, cause they stand behind sniping and no one can dive on them.

I hate dealing with nerfs to balanced heros. Sombra nerf, Widow nerf… so useless.
Overwatch will reach the place where everyone can join the OWL, cause its not going to be about skill anymore… 0 aim… just spam right clicks of Mei, atk people with a ball, spam orbs, spam turrets… comon its bs.

more and more people will leave if the patch will go live like this. tons of Sombra’s fan are sooo sad about what she turned to be… shes USELESS now, she will bring NOTHING to the team.

so sad that im feeling like that, im the biggst fan of OW but right now im really about to leave it. the game is in its worst state.

Serious question.
How many Widowmaker players used her SMG to deal with enemies on a long distance?

every good Widow knows that when u headshot ur target with less than 70% charge (cause it happens, u flick while somoene is shooting at u, u cant just stand and wait for the 70%), you want to finish the kill fast enough.
if u headshot somoene and he has like 10-20 hp left u use the SMG to finish, this is fast enough to finish him than to go for another uncharged shot.
now its just going to mostly make u go for another uncharged shot.

is it a big problem? no its not… is it needed for the game? OFC not. there is no reason to touch widow.

No Widowmaker who’s actually a major threat even uses the SMG in close quarters/mid range anyway unless its to literally finish off a chip of HP. Every super good Widow I know (and not to toot my own horn here but same for me xD) just scopes regardless of range and flicks for that good 120-300 over the piddly and ridiculously spreading SMG.

Very pointless nerf that wont affect strong Widows, this just hurts up and coming ones slightly.

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thats right, it wont affect anyone since SMG is already a useless gun… thats why I dont think the nerf was needed.