Whys Symmetra never seem to block much damage?

Sure, i’ll wait 3 seconds for my tp to pop up and go through. Plus the fact i’m having to predict the future of the enemies next moves since the ult and tp have short timers.

Sigh… Timepass

(You know I have been sighing alot because of this.)

Nah, fam. They did not last long at higher levels of play. I am not sure where you are playing, but there is literally nowhere useful you could place them that enemies would not dart at. There is a finite amount of space on these maps. There is no secret strategy other than allocating all of your turrets to protect them to leave the choke open only to have the ultimate destroyed regardless. No offense intended, but you have no idea what you are talking about if you genuinely believe those were better ultimates. They WERE if nobody destroyed them, but that was not what was happening at all. There are plenty of heroes that can instantly destroy it after getting into the backlines unfettered.

No. It is not too weak. Clearly YOU place them incorrectly. It is not just you, I see a lot of Symmetra that just go “meh, whatever” and naturally their barrier placement sucks. But for the people who clearly know what they are doing, it is a top 10 ultimate at least.

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Again, i’m allowed my opinion. Myself and others agree that the old ults were much better clearly because they could do a lot more than the current bog standard wall.

Considering she had a rework i would’ve thought she might of gotten a new mechanic like Torb has the Burning effect with his ult. Symm just has a simple shield. Was disappointing.

Its close to the worst ult in the game, and it doesnt block much damage because its pointless to shoot it as it cant be brought down quickly, so no one bothers.

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Yeah my point, this is why i said if it lasted forever enemys would be forced to try break it down.

Okay? But I do not really care about your opinion and neither does Blizzard. This ultimate is way better, I suggest you learn how to use it as they are not going to revert it. Lul.

I agree with that at least, it is relatively boring and I am not opposed to them adding a buff or debuff to it if you pass the wall. I am just saying that it works extraordinarily well in the context of Overwatch and there is virtually no counter-play to it.

Mostly because, by my analysis of the Sym subreddit, the Sym2 lovers mostly gave up trying to discuss things up (or quit the game), and the Sym3 lovers are fighting on another grounds and don’t want to get mixed up with Sym2 lovers.

Unlike Mercy players, were pretty much all of them want Mass Rez back in one way or another. Or Sombra players that mostly got over the hacked packs not giving ult charge.

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That’s a neat idea. I usually just try to split an objective in half with it.

But it would also be cool if it applied mild electric damage to anyone who gets too close. Nothing intense like full-on Winston damage, just like 10 damage per second.

They could have made it blocks unlimited damage. Giving it 5k health is just an insurance that it can break at some point. It doesn’t mean it always have to take that damage.

Didn’t mention reverting it back, simple said i preferred it. Reason it takes no damage is because enemies can simple wait it out, if it was infinite in time till death they would be forced to break it which would increase it’s usage.

An EMP can easily destroy the shield, that or the enemies just wait out the 15 seconds then carry on as normal.

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I never said that you mentioned reverting it? Honestly, I preferred it as well. Shield generator specifically. If it lasted, it was great. It just never lasted long against good teams which is arguably when you needed it the most.

Again, if you play point with it, they cannot wait it out unless they want to lose the objective.

If the time was infinite, they would definitely have to decrease the charge rate; however, that would be interesting.

Yep, that is what I originally said. EMP is the only counterplay. Waiting 15 seconds is not counter-play… That is playing right into the ultimate. You do realize you are on a timer, right? 15 seconds is a big deal in Overwatch and with how fast it charges, you cannot afford to just wait it out.

How are you positioning it?
Is it just a wall in front of you? Or is it almost a straight line with where you want your team to push?

Placing it in a line towards where I want to push has my team use it quite effectively majority of the time.

I’d prefer the shield to last forever that way they’d have to break it.

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That woudl be just too much of a time waster and doesn’t add anything to the gameplay. The enemies will be just forced to sit there and shot it from the spawn until it goes down.

Ye, exactly wasting their time. Having it not break at all is basically what it is now, it can break but it doesn’t because no one bothers shooting at it due to it’s short up-time. Much easier to wait it out.

Ok so one dies, picks bastion, gets the shield down and then switches back. Not much of a gameplay there.

Atleast Symm could get on the wall for most damage blocked, having infinite health and 15 seconds up time is worse, it would just be waiting out like it does now. Adding more health to it with the same uptime isn’t going to make a difference. It doesn’t break as it is adding more isn’t gonna make any difference to its use.

But that is pretty stupid since it doesn’t require timing or anything but just pressing Q once when it is ready. Also she will be getting that damage undeserved just for being picked in the match.

why would you shoot the wall? it doesn’t block much because people don’t just shoot it without thinking, and killing it before it runs out (doing 5000 dmg) is rarely even possible

and when it blocks damage it’s usually from a dva bomb or something like that