Why would I queue as tank

…just to watch my DPS lock as Thorb and do absolutely nothing the whole match?

This game man… it can sometimes drive you crazy.


Use LFG and coordinate with your team beforehand

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when you use LFG, you still get strangers

we need all this QoL to make the LFG worthwhile


If it drives you that crazy just remember no one is forcing you to play… do something you enjoy instead.

I tank because I enjoy it, not because I’m worried about what everyone else is doing.

Torb actually isn’t the worst you could do. At least his turret can aim and he has a decent ultimate and shield break. You could be stuck with Ashe/Widow/etc being run into Sigma/Orisa comps instead.

But you shouldn’t play tank anyway, the best DPS in the world couldn’t make it an enjoyable experience in its current state.

Fairweather strangers at that. They will stay after every win but they’ll all leave after the first loss.

i’d correct this, but Thorbjorn and Torbjorn mean the exact same thing and just vary per nordic country.

im pretty sure the H isn’t pronounced either

If you are a good tank player you can easily find good dps players to play with.

Just start adding good ones and put the potato ones on your avoid list to make their queue time longer.

Hmm. Is this on?
I made a working Mauga prototype. I’m sure I can do this.
To all players of t-
To all players of tanks. That’s not right.
To the former players of tanks. This is Speedwagon! Ha ha! Obviously…
Thirty months ago, the Damage category was killing everything. The supports of the game had no answer, until they called upon a small group of heroes. The tank class was created to rescue Overwatch from the Damage Crisis. We became the greatest champions of peace and progress gamerkind has ever seen! You were chosen because you had powers and abilities that made you— You joined because you… You already know this… Look, the people decided they were better off without us. They even called us braindead! They tore our role apart. But look around! Someone has to do something! We have to do something! We can make a difference again. This game needs us now, more than ever! Are you with me?


this is bad, but not the worst of the problems

you gotta get to know people to develop lingo and callouts etc

overwatch is a team based game without out a team (fyi 6 random people, a team is not)

Hop on speedwagon’s speedwagon, we are going to kill vampires.


Why would they switch if you pick bad tanks like Roadhog / Zarya.

Yeah, every role has their problems.

Who even picks torb?

In fact if someone picks him you will actually have someone to protect unlike having a tracer who doesn’t even get use of your shield.

pfft haha 10 out of 10

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So I can carry the team and enable the Torb
picks Sigma

Ikr? I’m legit scared to even do my tank placements. I need to finish 2 more but my god the other 3 placements I finished as tank were awful. 2 loses and 1 draw. In all of those 3 games I had awful dps that just went in all by themselves causing them to be the first ones to die in my team. I also probably get teammates who don’t even know how to play the hero that they are playing. All I’m saying is that I hate doing my tank placements…hopefully my last 2 placements will be better than the other 3…

So you can heal the enemy Reaper whenever you want.

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Do your best to enable your team in whatever role you choose. Do whatever it takes to allow your team to win and forget about the players that potentially get carried in the process because it’s your win or loss first and new players next game anyways.

I think the name is actually spelled Throwbjorn…

LUL there has never been a damage crisis in this game