Why won't you fix the sound issues, Blizzard?

Today marks the THIRD time since the beta started that my team lost because of missing sounds. Literally in overtime just now I was railroaded by a Hanzo dragon that came out of nowhere because there wasn’t any ult callout whatsoever, was completely caught off guard and died without warning. If I had heard the callout I could have used an ability to escape or simply walked out of the way, and if I had survived we would have won. I hate working hard for 10 minutes only to be cheated from a win because of your bad sound design.

I’m just getting so tired, just so absolutely exhausted of telling Blizzard over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again about this problem throughout the years, and yet it STILL isn’t fixed. What is the deal? Why can’t you all fix one stupid, simple thing? I just do not understand what is wrong with you all.


They’ve overhauled their entire sound system. Obviously there are going to be issues that they will keep working on until the game is out.

It is just a beta, bro.

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If that’s true, then why on earth are the SAME sound problems from OW1 STILL happening in OW2? Missing footsteps, missing SFX, ult callouts not playing, same problem, new game.

Either the audio programmers have somehow replicated the exact same bugs all over again, or they reused the same faulty code. I’m leaning more towards the latter than the former, in which case either somebody at Blizzard is lying about their work or they’re all in on a lazy copypasta of code.

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Because they haven’t finished working on them. In the words of a wise man “It is just a beta, bro.”

Yeah? Obviously? “Overhaul” doesn’t necessarily mean start over completely from scratch.

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Okay now wait a minute. What even makes you think they’re “working on them” in the first place? They didn’t fix these issues on OW1 after years of people complaining, if precedent is any indication there’s no reason to believe they’re “working on them” now.

I literally had a huge megathread in the bug forum that collected video evidence and testimonies from at least a hundred people and their individual threads about these bug issues as far back as 2018. This isn’t “just a beta” problem, it’s a disease that’s been plaguing this game for years.

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Them overhauling the sound system is a reason to believe they are. If the issues are still present when OW2 releases, then you can complain.

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The issues are still present NOW. So I’m going to complain NOW. This may be a beta but it’s STILL a version of OW2, and this is valid feedback, isn’t that what betas are for? So they can figure out what’s broken or needs working ahead of full release? It’s not like they’re just letting us play because they’re being nice, we’re SUPPOSED to be telling them about issues, if they only wanted feedback about the job they did when the full game released there would be no reason to have these betas in the first place.

After suffering this issue for so long I don’t think I’m wrong to continue calling them out on a problem they continue to leave unresolved. And honestly so far it only feels like they’ve put lipstick on a pig, putting in new flashy sounds on top but leaving the same ugly problems underneath.

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Constructive criticism is definitely encouraged of course. But if this is what you consider constructive criticism, just so you are aware it comes off more so like whinging.

And what do you call Blizzard ignoring a perfectly valid problem for years on end, that’s substantiated by hundreds of players? Certainly not responsive, after all these years they haven’t even so much as ADMITTED there’s audio dropout issues.

I’m one of the first to defend this company against intellectually dishonest, emotionally charged or irrational complaints, heck I even got suspended from these forums once for over-defending them from their detractors too passionately. But I’m tired. I just want this fixed, or at the very least for somebody at Blizzard to speak up and admit there’s a problem and that they’re AT LEAST working on it. But the radio silence from this company is just as deafening as the audio dropout issues that keep killing me and other players in thousands of games across multiple platforms, and likely will continue to do so into the future. You’ll have to excuse me if my being frank and annoyed comes across as “whiny” to some, but is it unjustified? After all these years of advocacy, absolutely not.

Sometimes I think the only thing that will make them budge on this issue is if it’s highlighted in a major public kerfuffle, like an Overwatch League team losing the finals because of this bug. Otherwise we’re all stuck with it because no matter how often or how many people speak up about this, nothing changes.