Why were we so grossly misinformed regarding MMR/Stats?

The difference is that they explicitly stated they were using stats prior to the beta season.
Then for the beta season, they said “… stats… will not count toward a player’s permanent Competitive Season stats.”

One statement was clear, the other ambiguous.


I guess because no one expected people to go full dumb and start throwing comp games? it’s still comp why did people do that??


Which is true. The category will disappear and never show up again. Ambiguous or not, they weren’t lying. Don’t know why people get upset now. If you threw/facked around in the beta season, being a weight on other people’s backs on purpose then you honestly deserve having that sh*tty MMR influencing your Season 18.

And if you didn’t, then there’s no reason to worry, right?


I do feel mislead. If not for this post, I probably wouldn’t have realized that the beta season actually affected my MMR.


MMR is an algorithm. Stats are what you see on your profile. Sure certain stats go into the algorithm, but MMR and stats are two different things.


I don’t think it will? as in, your MMR during this beta season was the same as your last one, for next season your MMR remains similar to both the beta season and the season prior to it, unless you went down to like cardboard I guess

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Lets get one thing super clear;
:clap: Nobody :clap: said :clap: anything :clap: about :clap: throwing :clap:

We aren’t throwing, never were.

Read this (from one of my earlier replies to this thread)

If you’ve been grouping with friends you want to play comp with but normally cant due to a skill gap difference and them potentially dragging you down.
So you find out there’s a “beta” season where we’re effectively told its the show where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter.
Then you find out where the points DO matter and your future ranks will be impacted by this…

It explains what I mean (and Alientroll by the looks of it) and makes a LOT more of a difference than you may realize.


I can live with you thinking I’m narcissistic. Feeling gut wrenching pain over losing at a video game isn’t healthy.

The specific wording on the blog post is:

However, beta season stats will only be available for a limited time and will not count toward a player’s permanent Competitive Season stats

MMR isn’t mentioned, your rank isn’t mentioned. Stats are used to calculate rank, but they are not one and the same.


it was still a comp game dude, you gotta try to win no matter what, if you didn’t that’s on you

also, there were in fact people throwing games on purpose, not your case in specific sure but you’re still as guilty for thinking it’s not going to count and playing as if you were in qp


If you would not do it in a comp season you should not have done it in role queue beta.

It wasn’t an excuse to treat it like a throwaway season


People played with friends they might not have if they cared about ranking up, or tried Sigma, or tried a hero they weren’t comfortable with before.

That’s not throwing, and Blizzard should have been way more clear about this. In fact the Sigma part is 100% on Blizzard again. Stop blindly defending them on this one, they done goofed up.


You’re factually correct. What you are saying here is true. Yes. Congratulations. In a court of law, you’d win.
But that’s not the point here, is it? Think really hard.
A lot of people might not even know what the term “MMR” is. They just see “your stats wont be kept” and “beta season”.

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Yo that clapping thing is actually such an eyesore. Why do people do that? D:

And well, on the risk of sounding rude but Blizzard is not to blame for your life decisions. Sure, perhaps being a bit more clear on the issue could’ve been appropriate but in the end you really only assumed it wouldn’t count. They didn’t go out there and say “your MMR will NOT be adjusted”. If they had said that and then went back on it, yeah I’d agree that being angry is an appropriate reaction.

But beta or not, it was a comp season. Sensible people didn’t treat it as anything else. As such we have nothing to worry about.

If you really want to play with lower elo friends, get yourself another account like everyone else and use that one^^

And also… yo you won’t have tanked your MMR. If you’re in a rank you belong in, you’ll get back there. Not the end of the world.


My SR on my main role actually went up (tank), but I did go down on support from before. There were a lot of people not playing as serious as normal. I wasn’t one of them, but I had a few in my games.


While I enjoy that this may teach the fairweather comp throwers an apt lesson, it’s worrisome because Blizzard has so stupidly allowed people to further undermine the SR system and cause further disruption to proper placement. Allowing a multiple of people to fall (or climb) to improper SR destabilizes the system for indeterminate amounts of time and makes games continually unenjoyable.

Blizzard is not to blame for people’s assumptions. And it’s not blindly defending. It’s just… I dunno, logic? Unless people are very explicit about something I usually don’t take the risk.


Your lack of knowledge is not their emergency.

Your SR and MMR are two different, but related values.

MMR is being tuned using the beta season data.

Your SR is not.

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They will learn a valuable lesson that hopefully they take with them.

Ignorance is not bliss.

They could have explicitly stated this will affect rank/mmr. But they should not have had to given you are getting COMPETITIVE POINTS for taking part.


Yeah I did too and I played until I reached a delta amongst all roles that was equal to my last SR point in last season, funny enough I even ended up increasing it

Support was were I was lacking even though I mostly played supports before

And I also had teammates who weren’t really trying, as a matter of fact I won a game with one of those, luckily he was just a dps and we were able to offset his lack of aim with dmg of our own

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Y’all are making some damn fine assumptions based on hindsight. That’s silly. Don’t do that, it undermines your position.

Not you Remedy, the others about competitive points meaning it’s a real season, people seemingly understanding how MMR is calculated when Blizzard have never released that info, etc.

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