Why was Gravdragon nerfed again?

Because for a while we were stukc in a stagnant Goats-esque meta where games were won based on who could get the best grav dragons off.

Damage boosting the dragonstrike meant that no amount of support ultimates you used could save you. The nerfs made to it were 100% necessary. Good riddance.

Sounds more like a problem with weak support ults, than with dragonstrike.

There is only one ult to stop rip-tire, which can be charged faster, than that ult, but it’s no reason to nerf rip-tire, right?

That should never come.

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The truth is Zarya’s ult was the strongest in the game. Everyone knew it, everyone acknowledged it, but no one cared because Zarya was rarely seen in games. That is why Zarya’s ult was nerfed.

And then instead of nerfing the real problem (Hanzo), they nerfed Zarya, for reasons unknown.

If you were to buff support ultimates just to counter this combo, you’d start creating a power creep.

Buffing heroes to counter overpowered ones only recreates the problem elsewhere, the best solution is nerfing the source of the problem.

But, they didn’t. They buffed zarya.

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Grav radius was reduced by 2 meters.

They buffed her. Now she doesn’t just have to be a grav-bot. Now she can melt others given her high-energy duration.

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I’m talking about the interaction with Dragon Strike and Dragon Strike alone, that was pretty much the sole reason Grav radius was nerfed.

Yes she did get buffs, but i’m talking about the ultimate combo usage, that was nerfed in the wrong hero.

Some people argue that representation means everything though!

How / why would you nerf a bad ult, instead of nerfing the best ult?

They reduced the grav radius for another reason other than Dragonstrike.

Can’t just blame Hanzo. What about Genji or any other ultimate that interacted with it? grav+dragon always existed, just like grav+blade, grav+dva bomb etc etc.

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Hey, my out of meta hero has been oppressed since nano was nerfed, but I’m not complaining about Reapers viability…

Ok maybe a little…

Idk, transe isnt a guaranteed survival anyway, you can still brute force through it or ana nade. Its still 2 ults, if you use 2 you should see results. I guess they wanted to make using two support ults viable.

They did nerf Hanzo, just not his ult because it didn’t need one.

Good zarya’s could already maintain high energy.
This wasn’t a buff (zarya main btw)

While Zarya as a whole was reasonably balanced, too much of her kit’s value came from Graviton Surge since Graviton Surge was changed to disable all movement abilities. Her ultimate was incredibly oppressive, with or without Hanzo’s dragons, and it’s good that it was nerfed in favor of redistributing her power elsewhere.

You could make an argument that her power was redistributed to the wrong place and I’d understand that. I’ve always thought her original 50 charge per bubble was a better idea than making the charge last longer.

I understand that too much power came from graviton surge, I would be fine if it was nerfed to 6m, heck even 4m I wouldn’t care.
Which they didn’t, they only gave her a buff which helped poor zarya players.

I’d definitely prefer a Zarya that charged faster and lost the charge faster too. I think she’s not interactive enough right now. Backing off and waiting out her charge level isn’t practical, but she also doesn’t feel dangerous until several bubble cooldowns have come up in the same fight. I think she needs both a sharper edge and sharper counterplay.

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