Why Valkyrie Rez was broken, but Mass Rez was not

We all know the broken time OG Valkyrie was, and how that created a huge problem with Mercy being the sole driven support you HAD to have to win. Here’s why it became so, as compared to mass Rez.

Let’s start with Mass Rez:
Now, before I start, this isn’t about whether Mass Rez was fun to use/fun to play against, that’s subjective. This is simply why Valk became the broken Mercy, not mass Rez.

Mass Rez, as it was known, was the possibility for a Mercy to Rez 1-5 people in her ult, and ONLY in ult. Mass Rez, namely pre-invulnerability, was a CHANCE for a certain # of rezzes. Of course, 2-3, and obv 1 were the most optimal because they held the least risk. 1/2 meant Mercy had a fair chance of still being alive and more protection, a 5-man though, meant ALL focus was on the Mercy.
Now, of course the hide and Rez argument is there, yet LoS and Cast time would have been changes worth trying.
Nevertheless, my main point is Rez as her ult was a CHANCE at X number of rezzes, a 2-man was a certain but if the Mercy waited for a 4-man? A lot higher risk of just dying and essentially throwing the match.
As well, Mass Rez had NO HEALING tied to it, she only had her base heals

Now… Valkyrie:
Take everything about Rez that involved chance, and remove it AND add healing. Valkyrie was a huge problem because it removed any possibility of risk the mercy may have had. Safety? Flying. Position? Doesn’t matter, speed of light flying. Yes, Valk did bring about single target rezzes, but an angel moving at 100MpH and no cast time to that Rez meant little to no risk, not to mention the reach of GA paired with that speed.
AND she recieved healing. Now, unlike mass Rez, A Mercy could get that certain 3-man in ult(like a typical mass Rez) AND add healing to all teammates.
I understand where the Dev team was trying to go with the Mercy, on paper the idea of having to Rez one person at a time makes it seem like it does have more risk, but no cast time and the need for safety removed meant it just wasn’t. Had each Rez had a single 1 sec cast? Maybe things could have been better. Nonetheless it was
Broken and has lead her to be gutted completely


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So what if they brought back instant rez as an Ult.

But it was single rez.

With Ult charge scaled like a Pulse Bomb.

Literally a mini spawn room.

Something new on the forum Kappa

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Pulse Bomb Rez.
Instead of Dva Bomb Rez.

i saw the vid with the mercy mains, the genji rezz was interesting.
but she could kind of just whack her team mates times to bring them to life, similar to how genji uses slashes to kill someone. that could be kind of fun, and you could replace her current rez with a deflect, so she’s a defensive genji kind of healer?

You know, in the recent Mercy discussion held by EeveeA and a few others, I think Aria (?) proposed the idea of a “MercyBlade” ult, where she basically has a shorter Valkyrie with multiple Rez charges, so she can flit from Rez to Rez and, if quick and skilled, can basically pull off a Mass Rez. Kinda a nice hybrid of current Valk and Mass Rez, as I see it

Fast charging single-Rez ult doesn’t really strike me as substantially better than current Rez. Mercy’s impact value is still very binary and minimal

I could see that working better if you could bank up Rez charges up to like 3/4 and then if you don’t use them for a while, they decay

Well, during that stream, I slapped together this idea:

Well, the whole point of it was so that you would spread out the impact.

Old Mass Rez used to determine almost the entire outcome of whether an objective was captured.

This would take that impact, and space it out.

I think if you took away chain healing and made the primary beam stronger, that’d be pretty decent, too. Chain healing sucks a lot of the skill expression from Valkyrie, so I think the more that we can stay away from it, the better

Well, the way I designed the above post.

You’d be shooting, choosing damage boost targets, while autopilot healing, going in for a really fast rez if you get a kill, or a slow rez if you don’t, while flying and GAing around really fast.

It’s almost “interactivity overload”.