Why the "Rainbow" icon is problematic and disappointing

they ment that they are trying to not lose them as customers and not that blizzard supports being “homophobic”.

No, sry. :open_mouth: Why?

Dbds pride event is next week.

Like always blizzard is way behind the industry.

thank you, someone with some common sense


Out of curiosity.

How does using a pride profil icon reveal that i am gay?

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For all intents and purposes diversity (As the public knows it) and inclusivity are almost completely interchangeable in that interview.

Not at all. There is a very clear distinction that is made both here and elsewhere.

it doesn’t. It’s all about the pride month, and celebrating. Straight people can cheer for the LGBTQIA people, i don’t see anything wrong with it

Not really, no. When people talk about diversity in media they’re really talking about media being more inclusive to groups like POC, and the LGBT. Representing more than the standard straight white male. Which is exactly what Overwatch has done and seemingly aimed to do. Being inclusive means being diverse.

Inclusivity does not require total diversity.

It simply requires the setting of the game being open minded to all walks of life.

But I have seen a common request around these forums that there should be total diversity which to me is a totally unreasonable request.

For example having hero from every single possible identity.

I think we are already at the point where we have enough diversity. Jeff talks about that threshold

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None of those is an unreasonable request. People are just expressing what they want to see next in a piece of media that is already diverse/inclusive. If anything some of the other requests this forum helped prop up like deletebrig or 2/2/2 were far more unreasonable.

But people are not just doing that, they are also reprimanding the developers for not already having done so which to me seems completely unreasonable.

People can ask for everything they want to.

Jeff litterly ment that they wont be able to represent every nationality in the game because there are to many countries. He even says that.

But the cast will be so diverse that you could imagine that the next hero coming could be from that exact country because its just that diverse.

You can not just interpret his words the way you want to.

you are unreasonable by telling people that they are not allowed to criticize the dev team.

Yeah and we are already at that point. The game is diverse enough. I would much prefer now that the focus be on delivering excellent gameplay then pandering to specific communities issues with how cosmetic content was delivered.

yes, lets not add more heroes. LOL

More heroes could be good for unique gameplay styles but I don’t think they are by any means necessary. I also wouldn’t say that we need them for “representation”.

Diverse enough? How much is enough for you? We still could see many heroes from different countries and personalites, and different jobs. Possibly even different species if we ever get jetpack cat?

NO. ONLY American heroes are allowed from now on /s

its diverse enough /s

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I think it’s great if down the line we get those things but the developers shouldn’t be made to feel bad for not having already added those things. It should absolutely not be their priority. (They have already stated clearly that diversity is not their priority.)

Its been like a year since we got echo… of course we ant new heroes!

They don’t even talk about a quota in that, and it’s clear there isn’t one. Basically every new hero has represented, at the least, a new nationality. Even Sigma is dutch.