Why tf isnt there a scoreboard

I think everyone deserves quality games, not just the top 30 percent of players or whatever platinum is.

This game doesn’t need anything to discourage teamwork when that’s the thing that makes this game feel so good to most casual players.

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so take away PBSR then?

PBSR? I wasn’t even discussing that. There’s nothing wrong with PBSR.

I’m talking about players zoning in on kills because of some silly scoreboard to prove they aren’t being bad. It puts more pressure on players to prove something to their team and makes them not care about anything else.

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your values are not consistent

PBSR encourages selfish play: leave it in

scoreboards encourage selfish play: keep it out

I’m not saying you’re right or you’re wrong, only inconsistent.

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PBSR doesn’t make a difference though? I guess I’m not understanding your point.

It doesn’t matter if I do well and lose game after game. I’ll still drop, maybe just not as fast.

Most casual players don’t even know about PBSR. My understanding of it is that it’s there for players who don’t belong in the rank they’re in and it gets them out of an elo they don’t belong in quicker.

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fine, if you want to encourage team play, don’t make us rely on matchmaker. if I had all this QoL I would never use matchmaker again. QoL for the LFG

don’t try to woo me into fighting for my team, when I have no say who’s on my team…then and only then can we talk about how scoreboards affect selfish versus team play.

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I’m sorry you’re not getting good teammates. I understand how it feels, I’ve been there. I stopped using comms because of that.

But when you’re consistently helping others it encourages them to help you sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes. I won’t get any heals from my other support sometimes, even though I’m healing them.

But when I consistently save them from death they are more inclined to help me when I’m in a bad spot.

Also, if I know someone is having a really hard time, I do my best to help them so they stay alive longer and we aren’t 5v6’ing all game.

It’s not a grand encompassing strategy, but it works. If you put a public score on the game, then it has the opposite effect and divides the team which loses matches if the enemy team is working together.

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I never said if they were good or bad, I merely said that I had no control over who they were.

if selfish play doesn’t help the team, then Overwatch needs to be redone. Note: I think that selfish play always helps the team.

Selfish play hurting the team is a fallacy.

Give me one or two specific instances where selfish play will hurt the team, but help the selfish teammate. (specific to a scoreboard, how will stat padding a scoreboard hurt the team?)

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Hey, I never said selfish play hurts the team.

But the team all selfish playing will definitely hurt the team. Example, I used to play with a really good Reaper main. Always flanked. I climbed to diamond with him.

We always won if the remaining five of us worked together. But if we have two selfish DPS, and one of them dies to a Widow, we are now 4v6’ing while my selfish player flanks.

Now imagine if my off tank realized that we aren’t getting anywhere because we’re all at choke shooting at shields and we have no DPS. He doesn’t want to look like he’s not doing anything so he decides to leave us to go get kills.

At this point now I have to take my attention away from choke to help Roadhog and Reaper. I leave. Moira runs out of heals. Those two die and now we are down half the team.

It’s fine if you disagree. But this has been my experience consistently on Xbox. It might be different on PC.

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edit this before I continue reading please?

but the team that is all selfishly playing will definitely hurt the team.

is that what you meant?

Yes. If four of my players who rely on the kill score board to prove they’re doing something, then my team is all playing selfishly.

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I’ll take your story at face value, even though I don’t think it amounts to much. (with all due respect)

You are not looking at the big picture, and the big picture is SR.

those who play selfishly will loose more often. you said selfish play was a detriment to the team.

so those selfish players will fall in SR until there detrimental selfish play is made up some other way.

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Personal experience?

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I actually do think I’m looking at the big picture because this game needs a player base. You will only get good DPS in Plat+ on console. What about all the other players?

This game is so toxic because people feel like their teammates aren’t doing anything. But they don’t see why they aren’t doing anything.

Logically as a DPS your attention should be focused on the healers. Back in the day I would always get focused by Tracers and Genji’s. Once the healers die, then everyone else starts dying.

The solution was anti flankers, like McCree. Now, my McCree’s are always off doing their own thing and I can’t rely on them anymore. Heck, I can’t even rely on my shield tanks at times.

But if I had someone to help me, then I can help them stay alive longer and it wouldn’t feel like they never got healed.

There are many different aspects of this game that makes it different from normal shooting games that I like. A kill scoreboard would just put a nail in the coffin and make this game unplayable and even more toxic. Yeah you have ten kills but I have seven deaths and can’t keep anyone alive because you aren’t helping me out and taking care of what’s killing me.

The game inherently relies on teamwork. That’s why so many people refuse to solo queue and climb easier when they are stacked with people they know.

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this is where you and I disagree

if you’re arguing that Blizz creating a scoreboard will drop the player base, I don’t care enough about that topic to discuss it.

I think however they “butcher” (as some may call it) Overwatch over the next 10 years, there will still be a healthy player base.

Once Overwatch comes to Virtual Reality, then and only then, may I entertain the thought of purposefully omitting a scoreboard.

I can tolerate not knowing how much damage Tracer has in a 3d environment, but I just can’t tolerate it in a 2d environment.

Well agree to disagree then. I don’t know when you started playing this game, but I’ve been playing since 2016. Back when I didn’t see the same people every other match.

This game is way less popular and much more toxic because of people who only think kills matter.

The fact that I hold the same stance as the creator makes my opinion that much stronger. Maybe this just isn’t the game for you.

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you don’t hold the same opinion, unless they are lying. https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/9ygloo/jeff_kaplan_explains_why_theres_no_scoreboard_in/

seagull wants a scoreboard, and so does the dev team (evident by the attempts that they have made to make a scoreboard)

Lol. Your article just Reiterated my point of “Kills not showing the full story.” Same opinion dude. Have a nice night.


they want a scoreboard

they just don’t know how to do a good one

Competitive skill-based games have scoreboards.

Overwatch is not one of those games.