🔸 Why Tanks are Unpopular

if i play zarya or hog i always flank or kill stuff.

im a rein main and i flank as rein sometimes…

but yeah we need more main tank players. you have no idea how many zarya mains i have saw with 7k hero damage per ten with zarya

Tanking sucks because they kept adding and buffing things around when tanking was stronger and then nerf tanking. keeping all the buffed and extra garbage and the tanks just have to sit there and get STUN. STUN. STUN. CC. HUGE BURST. LASER LOL. So your healers just have to be literal gods, sitting there spamming on you to keep you relevant and you just hope things work out.

This is why REINHARDT FEELS AWFUL TO PLAY. When your game changing ult that you’ve been building up can be interrupted for free because of a stray stun or be blocked out of a clusterfrick of high damage abilities flying around and you lose all that charge it feels so demoralizing. It’s like the game is already over and you lost even if the " wowee you got a victory, good boy tank you did it, endorsing you tanky wanky :)" garbage pops up, the game regardless puts you in an awful mindset that makes you want to stop playing.

You guys talk like there’s a dps gene that separates them from everyone else, people like fun, engaging gameplay and will gravitate toward what they like. when dps players want to have fun on tank they’ll play ‘fun’ tank heroes and skip the ‘bad’ ones because bad ones are BAD for them. When people from the outside look at how you live and say, “Why would you do this to yourself?”. maybe look around and say wow this really does suck instead of man dps/hog/ball players are so dumb, they just don’t get it.

A guy in here is like “The problem with tanking is that if you actually know what you are doing on tank there’s a 90% chance the Matchmaker pairs you with a pepega tank that just rolls around on ball and feeds all game.” that’s a guy that knows how much tanking sucks.

He thought of the gameplay of being orisa and rein and said “We could win with that but it’d be MORE FUN AND MORE ENGAGING TO WIN LIKE THIS FOR ME!”

Even if people like that lose I envy them because they don’t give a frick about winning like I do, I really care and I’m absolutely miserable with the role. I can be all golds and on fire and then the game ends and I’ll dread doing it again. being tortured by one out of 50 different mechanics that are stunning, slowing, damaging me down, knocking me up. echo is above you firing loud sticky bombs around better block them, oh wait , here’s ball knocking you around. oh wait you were hacked better stop tanking and hide. oh wait you were slept nvm.

“They were concentrating on you giving your team the opportunity to roll them!” Rephrase that as “You did the minimum necessary; were beaten down with awful shoot and your team did all the fun parts.”, Why are tanks unpopular though? I don’t get it.


ill tell you that the reason I dont want to play tank is because winston isn’t meta, orisa has always been mind numbingly boring and lucio is more fun than rein.

(This is coming from a rein main) player dont play tank because they dont know how to play them correctly and even if they do they have to deal with BS teams that dont know how to use a shield

I love tanks because of the whole baby sitting thing.

I like being the protector.


I’d say this right here illustrates why tanking can be so miserable.

That CC-chain was my counter-charge into Bob into sleep into hook. These sort of chains aren’t uncommon. And the enemy team in this clip isn’t even running a cc-heavy composition.

The other big issue I have with tank is that D.Va just doesn’t feel good to play anymore. I used to not even mind solo-tanking on her back when she had 4s matrix, but now she just seems to feed too much, and is too fragile to do really anything on her own. What’s even more frustrating is that because she sees OWL play she probably won’t get anything that will help her for regular players.


Honestly, if I solo queue as DPS or Healer I feel like I can climb.
If I keep solo queueing as tank I’m gonna hit bronze soon. I had to give up and only play with IRL friends.

they can do both

they’re tanks, not flanks

i mean, you’re supposed to initiate right? the only frustration in it is when your teammates have 2 braincells and go the other way from the tank

honestly though, i can see why my tank queue has been 2 seconds on average

I find them quiet lovable, the least lovable is most likely the Support category, but not even that

I find tank play too boring. Smetimes I pick the role just to get loot box ( xD) But so far, I can just do defend games, not attack - push. Even if I try, I hate the fact that I push through the choke but rest of my team stays there and doesn´t follow - so I die. Same frustration with Lucio speed boost through choke - no one give a f… people like to stand around choke and die, rather than push through.

Tanks are up-front to create space, yet don’t have the tools necessary to do that and is extremely easy to push around and walk around. It’s like sending a cleaner in to clean a nasty toilet, and the only tool they get to do it is a Q-Tip and a thimble of water.

I had one match where Lucio was constantly running around me and pushing me around, Hammond was swinging all over the place and pushing me around and the natural Doomfist was also there. Sort of surprised they didn’t throw a Sombra into the mix just to make it even worse.

It’s not fun being a front-line fighter like Sigma, Orisa and Reinhardt, when there are so many ways of circumventing what they do.

  1. It’s a lot harder to compensate for bad coordination of heals+firepower+teammatepositioning on a BarrierTank, then on DPS/Healer.
  2. It’s a lot harder to compensate for dealing with “problem heroes” like Pharah on a BarrierTank.

Generally barrier tanks performance is so much more heavily tied to 3-4 other teammates doing their job properly.

Where as a healer can just hard pocket a DPS, and frag out and it’s fine, if it works.

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Because you feel like you’re on life support all game, you need healing 24/7 on Rein.

I feel like people often forget a very basic premise of a team game, you often have to do roles or jobs you do not like.

People may not like playing Tank because they don’t have as much freedom. But a Tank who can shoot things, negate damage, a ton of health…that’s text book op. You have to have risks and downsides associated with a character design, that’s the whole point of a Class Based FPS, your weaknesses are made up for by your team, otherwise we might as well just play an Arena Shooter where it’s every man for himself.

We need to think about different ways we can do the roles needed, Tank should just be called Control, cause their goal is entirely based on controlling areas of the map. Either denying or taking space from the enemy, and providing just enough protection for their allies to do what they need to do.

If people aren’t having fun as Tank, maybe it’s because of all the CC or Stuns that make it borderline impossible, or maybe it’s because Blizzard keeps nerfing their shields or methods of peeling without actually fixing how they work. Like why can Zarya self bubble AND damage at the same time? Why can Orisa place one shield after another rather than just having a recall?

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There are so few tank players because most of them quit the game after Sigma being released into the game in a more broken state than Brig 1.0 which not only destroyed the meta for half a year into a boring double barrier clown fiesta (in which Orisa was super boring to play even if you like playing her in any other situation) which also happened to cost almost every tank in some way. It took one hero release for the whole role to receive massive nerfs overall which is infuriating especially since tank meta was at it’s peak prior to Sigma’s release but during the role lock. All they needed to do at that time was something like nerf Orisa’s pull range and it would’ve all been good. Instead we got a patch that made a huge chunk of tank players outright quit OW and move onto other games and it’s not like after that patch either of the other 2 roles want to start playing tanks, on the contrary a lot of players that sometimes flexed into tanks just stopped doing so

If you want more tank players revert the tanks as they were before, rework Sigma so he doesn’t synergize that well with Orisa and give Orisa a slight nerf that doesn’t consider her barrier. Maybe that’ll attract some decent tank players back into the game


Give tanks more damage resistance, lower their damage and give them more utility like cc. Decrease the cc outside the tank role so they can move in an outlast damage without necessarily doing more dmg.

The idea the tanks need supports to function is incredibly dumb. It forces high hps and lowers tank solo effectiveness.

Make tanks more like tanks and scale back dmg and healing. Move the game to more utility focus.

Supports being valued for their hps, and not their supporting utility is a limiting focus when it comes to support design. Create more utility like dmg reduction, slow, speed up, poison and potions, etc.

Tanks need their identity and so do supports. This is a team game but that doesn’t mean you need someone shoving healing up your bum to be tanky and you shouldn’t need to focus on hitting people with the yellow beam 24/7 without having the opportunity to use utility to sway a team fight.

This is why people don’t have fun on these roles. Mindset behind their designs are limiting. You have favorites like WB, Winston, Dva, Ana,Zarya, Lucio and Zen because they move away from the “Team dependent” mindset. With these characters you are constantly making solo plays and not thinking about where your heals/protection is.

TLDR: tanks need independence in the form of flat dmg reductions and more utility, you can lower their dps as long as they can still take space. Supports need less focus on Hps and more utility.

Sturdy but boring, is still boring.

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Better than being a giant liability with muh heals