Why shouldn't tanks be able to do damage?

As per the title.

Can someone in some short simple sentences explain to me why tanks shouldn’t be able to do much damage?


Because they have 2-3 times the health pool of a DPS?
If they did the same damage (which they do sometimes, no wonder popele just call them fat DPS) DPS heroes would be obsolete.


What is wrong with them being fat DPS?

Are DPS at risk of becoming obsolete at the moment?

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There’s nothing wrong with tanks being able to deal damage.

There might be an issue if tanks are consistently capable of dealing more damage more effectively than DPS, though. Even this would need to be measured more comprehensively, though. A Winston zapping away at enemies and never getting any kills will still result in Winston dealing a lot of damage, but that damage is virtually useless unless the kills come in.

I think the most common example people might point to is something like Zarya in the GOATs meta. Because it’s such a clustered, durable composition, Zarya built charge incredibly fast and maintained it with relative ease. She was pumping out insane damage, and that certainly doesn’t seem right (not to mention that GOATs of course didn’t even run DPS to begin with).

IMO, things are pretty well balanced right now when it comes to tanks dealing damage.

DPS Have always been at risk of being obsolete but that’s not really the tanks fault

But GOATS meta is gone now? Sure there is some similarities with fat self-sustain DPS like Mei and Reaper being subbed in, but with 2/2/2 isn’t this a false analogue?

I’m looking at the queue times when I queue up, how much of an issue is it?

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Sigma does damage though. So does Zarya.

Yes, but they have both been nerfed in the PTR. I am just trying to understand the logic why?

On the other hand I am also trying to understand why are there so few tank players?

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Because people expect tanks to be walking ult charge that take a long time to die and only provide barriers

Absolutely nothing else


And people wonder why no one likes playing tanks…


'cause… they did too much? They do slightly less on PTR.

But on what basis? Who could ever think that would be an enjoyable playstyle?

is this about the sigma nerfs?

I can agree with the decision by blizz to do this.

I think it boils down to impactful dmg. Like others have said Winston can do a ton of dmg if he hits 3-4 targets at once. He’s unlikely to kill much of anything as even a small AoE heal nullifies most of his attack.

I think the real thing to worry about is eliminations and killing blows. In that aspect I think one of the best tanks is probably Reinhart? His pin is an instant kill for the most part on 200hp hero’s. Fire strike has a fairly good chance of finishing off any weakened enemies, and passes through a group.

His earth shatter often sets up a lot of kills and his Melee does tons of easy to land dmg to a wide area. Now I am not saying Rein is exactly OP or anything, but in terms of raw killing potential he’s probably the highest. Even RH gets less kills as outside of his hook combo he struggles to land enough hits with his 5 shot weapon.

Yeah, I’m just mentioning Zarya in GOATs because I saw a whole lot of this “tanks shouldn’t be able to deal damage” sentiment back then.

Right now, I see no justification for any substantial damage nerfs to any tanks. Maybe some tiny tweaks here and there, but yeah. Maybe someone else can fill me in on the most egregious candidates in need of nerfs?

What makes his damage too much? What is he doing to warp the game to indicate he shouldn’t be doing as much damage as he is?

Just looking for a simple answer here. You indicate you think it is just too much, too much for what?

Anyone who doesn’t play or has touched a tank I assume

Its a scary thought considering people dont think tanks or healers should have impact on the game, but only DPS

If you can funnel the enemy into a tight space the explosion damage is insane,its at 3 meters radius

Sigma hits hard, very very hard with his primary.

But shouldn’t the devs be trying to change these people’s minds so that queue times are more reasonable by having more people want to play tank or have I missed something?

Tanks are broken. I see no reason to play a dps instead of a tank. A zarya sigma/hog can also burst and kill so fast.

I disagree, but its nice to see you think that way? Want to tell the other 70%+ of the Overwatch population so queue times can improve?