😡 Why Sanjay (Symmetra 3.0) is Not Symmetra and Why You Should be Angry

Obligatory: Mercy, Bastion, Lucio and D.Va say hi.

Some heroes in their original iteration do not work. Some heroes after their rework still do not work.

These are the Heroes were more iterations are needed.

And Symmetra is one of them. In fact her kit is fundamentally broken. Which is why we are here.


Let’s start to advocate for Discord/Harmony orbs requiring aim to hit their targets. Also, remove Tactical Visor and Deadeye from the game. And, of course, make all other “no aim” weapons in the game require aim, like Mercy’s beam and Winston’s tesla.


She basically lost what made her unique, which was a round winning ult instead of a fight winning ult.


Um…I would be (maybe, not sure about that yet) but I can’t help but be confused by all this.

So Satya’s associate is going to be released as the new hero? Or are your links based off of another hero concept? Or…am I missing the point entirely?

Genuinely confused here. I mean, last I checked, it was only the Brig and Lucio adjustments on the PTR.

They’re trying to claim that the reworked Symmetra changes which are being tested internally by Blizzard currently, and thus, subject to change, make Symmetra into a new character/Sanjay from the Symmetra comic.
While I understand their frustration, they are forgetting that Symmetra is currently one of the lowest picked heroes due to how niche her kit is and how she is outclassed by every other hero in almost every way. As of right now, Sanjay is not confirmed to be a new hero


They announced their planned changes for Symmetra. The OP has named these changes Sanjay based on the viskar character from the comic.

The OP (correctly) infers that they are removing symmetra from the game. Introducing a new character into the game and putting Symmetra’s skin on it. He has deemed Symm 3.0 as being named Sanjay.

So for the purpose of this thread, I have been referring to Symm 3.0 as Sanjay, because I agree giving these changes the name Symmetra is disrespectful to what symmetra is as a character and playstyle.


abilities I never even tried yet suck


Wat ??but they are balanced ultimates and with winston you need a little more of tracking than symetra and have a more low dps,with she you dont need to look at the character because is a beam lock(aim lock) is the worst mechanic in a competitive game, i am sure if you pick doomfist,soldier or mcree you cannot do anything.

Being completely honest, I don’t mind the Symmetra reworks. From the perspective of a DPS player, they altered her kit to give more of a DPS role, as well as some more defensive and offensive tools that don’t promote the slightly campy tactics that make Symmetra less fun to play against. And the weapon rework, if I was to describe how relieved I am that there’s less auto-lock weapons in the game, we would be here until Torbjorn becomes viable.

I just hope they think about it and (by a miracle) keeps her current gun as the “next weapon” so the player can choose between new and old style gun.

Still, I’ll miss her survival ability (Photon barrier)

I mean, if there was a literal piece of crap on my desk and somebody replaced it with a chocolate bar I’d be pretty happy, it may not be a nice chocolate bar or my favourite, but I like it more than the piece of crap. This is pretty much what is happening with this rework. You can ask for minor changes all you want, you’re just cover that turd with febreeze, eventually the smell will come back


Didnt even read this and i can tell you dont understand what a concept or rework is lmao


Plz no. I hate auto-lock weapons with a passion. On Winston, it’s fine, as it is offset by a short range and fairly low damage, but Symmetra and Moira’s I hate with a passion. Against either of these on live servers as Genji, (the closest hero to my main, and if you judge me based on that, that proves that you’re not worth my time) no matter how much skill, practice, and gamesense you have, but if either Moira or Symmetra just hold their attack button and “W” at you when they get close (or just see you in Moira’s case), if you don’t have swift strike, you’re probably dead. I know they’re supposed to be “hard” counters, but in TF2, at least the Engineer has methods of taking out Spies, Snipers, Soldiers, and even Demomen in some cases, all of which hard counter his buildings.

“Awe boo hoo I complained about them not caring about Symmetra and when they finally give her a worth while kit I’m going to complain about it because it’s not exactly what I wanted and I’m an entitled little kid who thinksthis game revolves around me! It’s not even live yet and they’re still experimenting but I’m gonna complain until it’s everything I want! God blizzard is so dumb, finally working on a hero I’ve wanted work towards and they didn’t even do it right!”

It’s not live. Stop saying whatever is this and this about her kit. If you haven’t played with it or tested it yourself you know nothing but what you think you know. Quit making these ridiculous posts over this. It’s getting old and pitiful. When you play test it then by all means come around and complain, but you know damn well they are working hard to make her viable. She needed this.


LOL at comparing Moira’s lock-on to Symmetra’s, or even suggesting it’s stronger than Symmetra’s. Oh my.

Anycase, I don’t play a lot of Symmetra so these changes don’t bother me (in fact I might prefer them and play her more), but I completely empathize with how this upsets people that do. Mercy has not been the same for me since she was reworked and I don’t enjoy her as much as I used to.

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You realize quite a few Symmetra players (including myself) never complained about her being so low tier, yeah its disheartening to be harassed for playing a character you love but I played her every opportunity I could and I enjoy the hell out of her right now.


His range is 8 meters, Symmetras range is 9 AFTER she locks on, to lock on Symmetra has to first go within 7 meters of her target, lets not forget that unlike Winston Symmetra doesn’t have mobility to chase you down with, or a large healthpool to tank your shots, and while Winston may have a low dps on a single target he can deal 60 dps to 6 targets for 360 dps


These announcements are still early versions of her new kit, heck, they don’t even know when the PTR version of her will be out, and even when they reach that stage will they continue to improve her. If she feels clunky with this, then they’ll change certain aspects of her.

I get that you have put many hours into Symmetra, I have too, but what you need to accept is that this is, in fact, a game where the meta constantly changes and to be considered viable, Heroes must be changed in certain ways. Symmetra hasn’t exactly been the most-picked hero in the Overwatch League nor in Competitive…

I think that once her new kit arrives, it’ll be amazing. I’m excited to user her Teleporter to reach new locations and not having to fear it being blown up all the time, it’s not your priority anymore, you don’t have to baby it! The new photon barrier will be GAME CHANGING and I’m so excited. Plus, I’m slowly getting bored of the haters, her current unbalanced kit and how she is viewed by people who don’t play her. This change is for the better :3


I wasn’t generalizing every Symmetra player, just laughing about this post. This happens with any change any character ever gets. Stupid over reactions.

I’m not so sure her new Ult will be game changing (We don’t know how the barrier will interact with enemeis passing through it, nor the shape of the barrier itself), but it will most certainly be interesting to use!

Also, I completely agree with the new TP. Sneaky ults from out of nowhere thanks to the new teleporter will be amazing to pull off!