Then add a phone numbers to comp , add the system i mentioned earlier. I doubt there are families with 10 kids that all have seperate accounts.
you’re just so adorable in your ignorance.
Ok I will correct that, you can but you should not as it is not explained in report system. Can you clarify? Do you report players who play way above their rank? As cheating or game sabotage. Because i am not sure what did you mean. If you just report throwers or players playing too well too.
They wont do anything like that, not everyone can afford several phones. I already discussed this before with others on this forum. . And It was said that it can be avoided as you can buy phone numbers cheaply to use them. I dont know how it works, but someone explained it on this forum before. You can try to find the older topic.
In Argentina you can buy a prepaid SIM card and put it on your phone in the moment.
You use it for what you want and then remove it.
I don’t know now, but a few years ago they used to be really cheap. Like, 1 USD.
And you could bought them in any kiosk, with no age restrictions in place.
lmao what? Yes, you can report them for that, as I can report you for the same.
That you can doesn’t mean that you should.
And you shouldn’t report smurfs. Why? Blizzard doesn’t want you to, easy as that.
Gameplay Sabotaje is there for throwers and griefers.
Cheating is there for aimbots or similars.
Smurfs (at least the intelligent ones) do not do the first (on an obvious way) nor the second.
The exact people who do this are ruining the normal matchmaker.
You will be put in the ranking you were at or at least came close to it on a new account after playing alot, practically does nothing except make you feel good for a few matches lmao.
Does resetting your numbers actually has influence on your own skill? Do alt accounts, people who make them, those people who think that they should be higher than they are on their main, does a new account gives them new skills?
Gameplay Sabotage is for people who intentionally ruin the gameplay experience for others. Smurfs make the game unplayable for the enemy team and remove any sort of tension from their own team.
Cheating is for anyone intentionally killing others in a way not intended by the games design. When you have someone who is masters, playing widowmaker, in a plat game they are headshotting and killing people 100% worse than them. When having masters skill is completely overwhelming. Whether it be by mechanical means or using an aim assist program - it’s cheating.
There is a difference between someone “playing well” and someone who is clearly gold/plat in bronze. I, at the very least, am able to tell someone’s rank by what they do, their aim, and how they perform. I’ve been in games with smurfs said “you’re plat, correct?” and them saying “Yeah, how did you know?”.
For smurfs I first report as gameplay sabotage and then cheat. Both are relevant but gameplay sabotage is the more accurate report.
In the end they had to throw to get down that low at some point. They aren’t placed there by their own skill.
Yeah I get it, but I am trying to explain to you that it is not reportable offense. Playing too well isnt cheating or game sabotage.
Do not fight me on this, I will never accept that smurfing isn’t intentional gameplay sabotage nor will I accept that they aren’t cheating. The blurbs do not matter and YOU are letting them ruin games by defending their actions because “the description doesn’t say that”.
I do not report people who just “play too well”. There. is. a. difference.
They play WAAAY too well…
Players from other fps games can use their experiences from those and transfer them onto OW. its not hard, a few hours and you should get some basics down
This would basically destroy OW player base
That seems mighty suspicious that they were ALWAYS ON THE OTHER TEAM. It’s almost like you cry “smurf” at every loss!
You cant ban skill nor can you make assuptions about if they are legitimately a smurf
Sadly, a lot of people make deaf ears to that.
On the other side, you have the ones that report a bad player because “soft throw”. “He is purposely playing bad, but not that bad to make it obvious”…
I hate the types of players who try to make players play in a particular way and if not, scream constantly down the mic
Wow, is smurfing really this prevalent? How much money is Blizzard making on this scheme…
I don’t recall them ever saying don’t report smurfs.
And how do you think the Masters player got to Bronze on their smurf, hm?
Cheating is also defined as anything that gives an unfair advantage, which smurfing absolutely does.
Smurfing is extremely prevalent on consoles; however, that’s because smurf accounts are free to make on consoles.