Why not just make Rez a pre-placed buff?

or just remove rez altogether and just buff her somewhere else or give her a new ability

they should’ve done that on her first rework

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Okay but this encourages Mercy to literally be out of position ontop of her team just to have a CHANCE to counter their ultimate (thats if it has the radius similar to mass rez). Im pretty sure Mercy will not be participating from this buff, so she’ll basically suicide to hopefully rez the rest of her team. Thats my problem with this idea because that basically equals suicide and a lost teamfight.

Enemies can wait for her buff to end to use crucial abilities

Again i only said the basic idea of it seeing as im not the op of the thread anyway. But again that s dependent on a number of factors. I said it s a long range buff so maybe instead of the old circular aoe it could be a long conical shaped aoe kinda like earthshatter so it lets mercy stay in the teams backlines. Also it could be instantaneous and could be activated mid guardian angel so mercy isnt a sitting duck, her mobility does allow her to jump between the front lines and the back lines with ease. As for it being a suicidal ability, we can also let the buff affect her.

Like i said, the strength of the ability is heavily dependent of many factors. The general idea in my opinion for threads like this is to keep the community open minded while (hopefully) giving the devs ideas on directions.

For example, if cd rez was reworked to be a skill based ability like this we could remove the debuffs she gains as well as increase her hps back to 60. Who knows

it’s basically a zarya bubble for the whole team, you just don’t shoot them for a while

so yes, it’s not a good suggestion

I was thinking of a 6-10 sec duration

Uuhh yeah i actually dont like the idea of it being that long. Like to me 3 seconds is long enough and my ideal is just 2 seconds. My reasoning is longer buff duration would actually promote more reckless gameplays, maybe even kamikaze attacks. Like imagine a genji ulting or a nanoed rein that you cant kill because they got the buff. I mean you could still kill them so theyd lose the ult but it really defeats the purpose of the counterplay of waiting it out

that’s massively overpowered, don’t shoot a whole team for 6 seconds or they get an instant full heal?

fighting 6 vs 11 for 6-10s…

Actually I think it could work with a duration as long as Transcendence or Sound Barrier decay without damage input.
I like the idea of having a counter against burst damage such as Rip tire and Selfdestruct. Things Sound Barrier and Trans can’t counter.

Shrug fairly sure people would call it op
Like trans can be countered by an ana nade or even cc ing zen away from his team
Lucio’s can be countered by dealing damage (yep) or like sombra’s emp (emp does remove his shields right?)
But you cant do any of those with this type of rez. All you can do is wait out the buff to disappeapr and depending on when you use it like i said an ulting genji who you cant really kill is just scary
Plus my preference would be if this kind of ability is one wherein timing is crucial like as people said a zarya bubble
But thats just me

6-10 seconds would be ridicilous.
It has to require skill, so I would say 1-2 seconds. Actually I would go for one second, and in return Mercy should be able to use it more often like this:
If the buff-target does not die, Mercy’s ress-ability will be available again in 6 seconds.
If the buff-target dies and the buff kicks in, Mercy’s ress-ability will be available in 20 seconds instead of 6.

If a buff-target dies, Mercy has the POSSIBILITY to ress. She will need to fly fairly close to the dead target and activate her ability again to actually carry out the ress. This will put Mercy in danger if the target did a kamikaze run.
The ress will be instant though, not like now where there is a cast time.

The ress-buff should not be visible to the enemy team, as it would be like a zarya bubble, telegraphing that they should stop shooting.

Maybe we could tweak it.
Like the buff disappears if Mercy gets stunned/hacked/killed.
Or that she needs to maintain LoS.
Those who lose LoS also lose the buff. Like Zens orbs but a bit more strict.

I actually thought it would be her ultimate

True. That is possible. But my preference would be the one i explained. That being said im open to other ideas :slight_smile:

I mean as an usual ability for sure! Max 2 sec like Zarya bubbles. I thought we are discussing a possibly new ultimate for Mercy. Then 2 sec would be way to little.

Tbh either way (cd ability or ult) id prefer it with 2sec duration simply because i like the idea of the timing being extremely crucial. It feels good and itll feel much more rewarding for me. But again that s just my preference

This just adds another Zarya bubble kind of effect, where the opposing team is discouraged from doing damage while your team can keep pumping out damage.
I’m all for changes, but this one seems a little too powerful or it would end up like rez on an e, where its near impossible to balance around.

Hmm I get your idea. I am just afraid it would be too easy to counter.
Like you see how easy it is not to shoot at a bubble. And you also see people still doing it. But let’s say the typical people shooting on bubbles would also fall for that ability. It would be 1 max 2 rez for one ultimate. In that case the rez on e is way more viable.
I think it needs to be tested with different durations but I would say 2 sec is too short. Unless it charges as fast as for example Tracer’s or Sombra’s.

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I suggested the same concept a long-long time ago:

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Then it’s just like a budget nano boost, which saves you instantly