Why not have 2-3-2?

No, but more complicated things like firing out an ultimate that summons 50 torborns or 30 Bobs.

But this conversation isn’t getting us anywhere. You have no proof and I’m not willing to take your word at face value. So o/

you have no proof for your side of stuff either, and people have shown in custom games where they break it and add more players in in the form of AIs that it does break the game

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1-2-1 would make more sense than 2-3-2. It allows a larger percentage of players to choose a damage role than 2-3-2, and it wouldn’t exceed the current capabilities of the engine. Plus, whatever time would be added from the matchmaker having to make more games would probably be made up for by easier matchmaking. The matchmaker would only have to deal with 8 variables instead of 12.

two more connections is trivial. ‘the servers’ in this case are likely virtual, either actual VMs or containers. ‘if’ more resources are required its a trivial adjustment.

it likely costs more though regardless of if they need to increase resources or not. its another 20-30% CPU time and that would translate to a larger bill.

that screws tanks in the same way 1-3-2 does while also completely screwing supports in the same way

2 now times that by how many matches happens at the same time, lets just say…1000, thats 2000 more connections

The ratio of tanks and healers to dps is worse than 2-2-2, but it’s not as bad as 1-3-2. Also, there must be some break point where 1 healer can heal the whole team and 1 tank and anchor the whole team.

The fact that he does not FUNCTION as a 7th team member is why it works. They are not literally letting a 7th person be playable at once. The game is highly optimized in the FPS (being one of the most efficient FPS games on the market). ALL of that optimization is gone when you add in 2 more people and it has to be redone from scratch.

Basically its funny when someone who is either computer illiterate, or worse is just literate enough that they think they know more than they do, tries to talk about how easy or difficult something would be.


The game’s engine cannot handle a 7th player.

They’re utilizing a gigantic farm of servers in the cloud and across Geo locaitons. 2000 additional connections across that aggregate is trivial.

7 players was never a thing in Workshop as a Workshop user myself. If ur talking about the Clone Boss game, that is not 7 players. Its 5 AIs doing exactly you do. Theres no function in adding. a 7th player. B.O.B is a horrid use of evidence. Its an AI with an Auto Aim who can Run, Lift players/Stop at a wall who can be nano’d hacked whatever. You can have 6 members at Practice Range and do the same things with the bots. But theyre AIs. They dont have a career profile with a IP address and aim settings with a player Icon like we do. So please, its not a good comparison


and how many matches do you think happen at any given time?

Maps aren’t built for it, that changes the balance significantly, think 3 v 3, certain heroes become very strong and very weak.

This experiment isnt gonna be great imo. And there is already too much damage in the game supports and tanks would be absolutely melted even with your proposal.

I’m not saying the current balance or state of the game is perfect but that’s not the answer. And I do believe the game is in a fairly balanced and very fun state right now. It’s never going to be truly balanced, that’s not possible for any game.

don’t know, doesn’t matter as two more players per game is technically trivial from an infrastructure perspective.

whether or not it breaks the gameplay, totally different problem. just saying it isn’t a technical problem.

Actual TL;DR We for sure as hell are not gonna waste months of work just to test something we may need to drop or may doesn’t help.
And if we where to do that for these months there would barley be new content and all of you would complain about not having content

Oney maybe that wasn’t a TL;DR bit long foe that lol

Those workshop modes you referred to do not generate bots more than the available number of player slots in any given game. it just looks like a lot because they’ll destroy the oldest bot in order to create the new one.

As everyone else here has pointed 2-3-2 is simply not possible with the current game server structure.

It’s not just server structure. It’s also the “Game Engine” itself too. It called “Limitation”

Y’all are actually responding to this ashe pfp person? They seem very rude and have no idea what there talking about. There argument is because B.O.B. is in the game come on man? There not exactly being nice about it either.

Ya, and that is BS.
I bet you, that the devs could go to their dev-version of Overwatch right now and create a 7v7 game if they wish.
There is no reason why not. None whatsoever.

The more optimize an engine is, the more restrictive it is. Just like working with large data, the most optimal code use to handle all the data the fastest is different base on a threshold of data. Sure you can go over or under the prefer threshold, but you will sacrifice some performance for it.

The only way to overcome it without reworking the code is through the hardware level which is expensive.

Can they do it? Of course they can, but both solutions will cost them time and money.

This is only talking about the technical side, but there’s also redesigning the game ruleset, map design, UI, etc. to accomodate additional players.