Why moira is not op

While she has healing, and damage. She doesnt have the most healing, and she quite literally has the lowest damage in the entire game.

Her ult heals a lot, but you have to choose most times to either finish off picks or heal.

Her orbs are at the moment her most powerful ability, and theyre easily countered by a simple genji, dva, or sigma.

She might be easy to play, and annoying to play against but that doesnt make her op

also no. she doesnt have aimlock.


I think the argument is that she gets insane value compared to how easy she is. Sure a Maxd Ana does more healing but a brain dead Moira can do way more healing than a low skill Ana and that’s a tad of an issue. Also she’s more frustrating on console


moira is the best char in the game, does insane dmg

Pretty much my stance in a nut shell.


I think you underestimate how much value anti-heal, sleep dart and nanoboost has.


moira is not op. the problem with moira is that you needs less effort to get the same or higher value than other supports.


if u dnt think moira is op, ur terrible at thsi game

bet money u cant find another char that does 20k healing and 25k dmg in one game

Ana, bap, and Lucio lol


There’s also the fact that she’s as average as can be. Only place she really shines is Gold and below otherwise anywhere above she’s just worse Ana.

Moira’s designed to be good and effective at low tiers but falloff at high tiers due to her stricter limitations. Likewise Ana’s mechanical demand and more inconsistent (unless you play sniper rifle colonoscopy with the tanks) value will always put her as a riskier choice in the hands of a fundamentally weaker player.

At some point you reach the max Moira can offer, Ana can never (theoretically) reach her maximum potential, this leads to Moira fading out while Ana rises hard and fast once the threshold of reliability with sniper granny is reached.

They’re fundamental design differences.


Thinking moira is op is a l2p issue


With the many prays for sym 2.0 to come back
I wish she would come back just to show what a true aim lock looks like


To add to^ it just looks like an aimlock . They make it like that because if they were to show the actual hitbox, it would take up a whole lot of the screen.

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Moira is OP in situations.
I mean this as in like, 1v1 situations, if she gets damaged, as long as she keeps her straw on the enemy player, she regens over time. Also, her orb can double her damage to that one target meaning that she would most likely win.
Her Ult is extremely powerful right now, if your teamates are pushing linearly, then you can pump in damage and heal your team as Moira’s ult can go through shields.
In my opinion, she’s a hero that’s very easy to pick up and the skill ceiling is not very high with her. She’s literally made like that. I’m not saying all Moira players are garbage but it’s just her core mechanics that she’s a basic hero that is good with most situations.


aint nobody in their right mind is picking genji or sigma vs her lol.

I mean, we still have Mercy.
Just, ya know, imagine that but killing instead. Bam Moira with lock-on. It’s pretty different than live Moira.

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I don’t know who mercy is after the 50hp/s nerf

I think she’s just an accessory that you put in your pocket

The Pharah/Ashe parasite, ring any bells? Yea, pretty sure it’s that one.

moira isn’t op, just annoying and low skill.