Why Mercy was considered the only anti-fun Hero?

yeah, that is true. But as you told by yourself, this single buff ruined it. There was no need of this mess of a rework, just a tweak


Sigh, this girl again? She is incredibly biased and her videos should be taken with a grain of salt.


The complaints I see that are used to justify “delete mass rez”…

“It was instacast! You couldn’t do anything to stop it!”

Then add a cast time.

"She could hide behind walls or under the point to rez!"

Then add a LoS restriction.

“It incentivized letting teammates die!”

Then add a burst heal effect for living teammates (at the end of the cast) so Mercy doesn’t have to wait that long.

Make it affect Mercy too, so you can strip away her invulnerability without making ult rez a suicide button again.

“Hide n Rez!”

Every change I just listed would make that not only substandard, but impossible. Fly in 1v6? Get wrecked by cc or lethal damage while you’re still casting.

Mass Rez’s problems were fixable. You only delete things whose problems are inherent to its very existence, and therefore can’t be fixed… like rez as a cooldown ability.


I just finished watching the video. I would like to add to my previous comment. She is way too biased to the point that she purposefully or not ignores logic and basic game mechanics.
Super speedy Junkrat tire omegalul.


This is a nice analogy and all, but this also ignores the “work” that is put into actually earning Resurrect. Mercy’s had to earn resurrect just as players had to “earn” a kill. If a Mercy did not have good game sense and positioning and prioritization on healing, then not only would she be consistently dying and not able to build her own ult up, but her teammates would also be dying. Resurrect just required a different kind of work than killing. At least even if you are dying constantly as a DPS, you might still be able to get off a kill or two. A Mercy who is constantly dying is not going to be able to earn or use her resurrect optimally.

Killing’s “work” resulted in instant or near-instant gratification. You position yourself, you use your abilities (or aim, whathaveyou), you click, and you earn yourself an elimination. There is no “build up” of work required. You put in work, you earn the kill. End of.

Resurrect’s “work” came prior to its reward. Resurrect’s “work” was keeping her teammates healed to build her ult charge, staying alive against a team who - as mentioned in your own post, are hunting you down to deny you the rez you’re working towards - and predicting and evading incoming ults so that you have a chance to use rez once you’ve earned it. It’s possible that a Mercy could do so well with “working” towards her Resurrect that she never gets to “cash in the check”, because she doesn’t let her teammates die. Her cashing the check on her own work does not depend as much on her actions as it does on the actions of her team and the enemy team. It was a delayed gratification, marked by a longer build up - or “work”, rewarded by an eventual gratification by rezzing your teammate, should the situation have called for it. It would be like working towards a paycheck and having your boss tell you, “Maybe you’ll get it. Maybe you won’t.”

If a Mercy did absolutely nothing to earn her rez, it would take over 5 minutes to earn it by just standing around in a corner. Let’s not pretend rez was just handed freely to a Mercy to use whenever she wanted … like it is now, for example.

This wasn’t a reliable or safe strategy at all. If Mercy’s prior to the rework were honestly using the hide and rez strategy so prevalently, then why is the average amount of rezzes per game almost exactly the same now as it was then, assuming it was so common for Mercy’s to pull off 5-man rezzes all the time?

The answer is that Mercy’s didnt constantly pull off 5-man rezzes. The average rezzes per game was 6.5, and the average rezzes per game now is 6. If Mercy’s were consistently pulling off 5-man rezzes during every game thanks to this “reliable strategy”, wouldn’t it also follow that the average amount of rezzes back then should have been vastly inflated compared to now?

The answer is fairly obvious. Full 5-man resurrects could not have been as prevalent as people claim it was if Mercy’s average resurrects per game does not actually reflect that claim. Even top 500 Mercy’s during that time were only getting up to 8-9 rezzes per game on average, but people like to act as though even low ranked Mercy’s were constantly pulling off 5-mans. The fact of the matter is that 5-man rezzes were incredibly rare, and honestly - if Mercy is hiding, you’re fighting a 6v5 and won’t even have to expend ultimates to melt down a team without a main healer. If Mercy swoops in to rez that leaves you with all of your ults to wipe them out again. That’s why the strategy was sub-optimal - it worked situationally, but was not an automatic guaranteed win like people seem to act like it was.

Mercy’s playstyle back then was about predicting enemy ults, baiting them out, and then rezzing to turn the tables. If you got outplayed by a Mercy one of two things happened:

1.) Assuming the Mercy was actually hiding for an extended period of time as you claimed, you used all your offensive ultimates to wipe a team without a main healer. Mercy then took advantage of your poor ult economy to turn the tables on you. Outplayed.
2.) Assuming the Mercy was not hiding and you used your ultimates - you somehow managed to miss Mercy in all of them, and then also failed to prepare for the possibility that she would live through them - which allowed her to rez. Outplayed.

Playing against a Rein or a Mccree or many of the other heroes on the roster is typically a match of physical, mechanical skill. Playing against a good Mercy was a match of mental skill - that Mercy is probably always thinking one or two steps ahead of what is actually happening on the battlefield, if they’re any good. If you wanted to outplay her, you had to out predict her. You had to play the mindgame and win it, and if you failed - she punished you for it.

That was why Mercy’s ult was “unfun” for the enemy. It had nothing to do with engagement. People just really don’t like being out strategized by the enemy in a way they feel like they can’t have helped. The thing is, it was incredibly easy to shut a Mercy down whether she pulled off a huge rez or not - you just had to plan for it beyond “combo/Q to kill”.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand how to play Mercy. The Valk ult is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the healing will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Mercy’s medicinal outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plays, to realise that they’re not just a game - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Mercy truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the rez in Mercy’s existential catchphrase “Heroes Never Die” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Mercy’s genius wit unfolds itself on their monitors. What fools… how I pity them.

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Lmao. I didn’t mean it to come off as r/iamverysmart, but more that it had to do with less mechanical skill and more prediction. Whoops.



Thus I advocated for a rework that brought Mercy back to pre-invuln levels.

She still had 60 HPS. She still had her 3 -> 1s self heal buff.

Just toss on her GA jumping and she was golden. She didn’t need any utility (e) because she was the most mobile and single most consistent healer, which gave her powerful single-target healing.

People seem to forget that, and thus any of the mains calling for a rework/revert with valk on E I crack up at. They are simply yearn for her to still be more powerful than she was when she was balanced, and not meta.

I don’t think it should have been removed, I just really disliked it after rez invuln, as did many others.

Thus “hide and rez” was indeed a problem, not because it happened every game, but because of when it happened. It was a second or less window to focus a Mercy, which plot twist, was hard enough in Diamond, and so it was hell for tiers lower than that.

No, because she would have had invuln still, meaning press Q= instant protection.


This then takes thought away from the Mercy. a 2-for-2 trade is a tough one, but by giving some passive to her mass rez removes a lot of gamesense from her.

I don’t think this is a bad idea, I just think there are different ways of handling it.

Nope. If you’re classifying it as a suicide button then you’re using it wrong.

Despite Bastion’s 35% IC nerf (or better yet 150 armor being taken away in the first place) I know where the line is between a poor ult and his ult being weak. Thus I make the most out of it while I have it.

Casting would then demonstrate the current problems with single-target rezzing.

Honestly, it needs to be on a dynamic system. I would keep LoS less restrictive (just AoE based), and her cast time AND DR are based off of how many dead teammates are in that AoE.

If she wants to rez her entire team in front of the enemy, then godspeed, here’s a 1.7 second cast time with 30% DR.

1 rez = 10% DR, .3s cast time.
2 rezes = 15% DR, .5s cast time.
3 rezes = 20% DR, .7s cast time.
4 rezes = 25% DR, 1.3s cast time.
5 rezes = 30% DR, 1.7s cast time.

That way it puts some critical thinking on behalf of the Mercy. The lower the rez amount, the higher % she can get away with it disregarding outside factors.


All I can imagine is how awesome mass res would be now that there are so many crowd control options in the game. Imagine how punishing it would be to have Hammond dropping his mine field a split second after you manage to pull off a super sick four man res - just… Devastating.


7m range, not including the fact that her bash CD keeps getting rightfully increased.

Maybe with mines, but keep in mind they take time to arm, and unless the yare already up it’ll only work as a pre-invuln mercy punishment, where she dies dut to a poor ult.

Tire is still the same aside for it’s speed increase. Same startup animation. You’d need to camp with the tire to block the Mercy, but once again, ‘hide and rez’ meant that the Mercy could fly out anywhere.

If it didn’t work back then, it’s unlikely it’ll work now.

No, that makes them do full damage over a farther range, not counter Mercy in less than a second.

No, because it didn’t need rez invuln in the first place. That was an ez card added later and that’s when the Mercy main fandom got out of whack. Broken SR gains, ‘hide and rez’ becoming a normalized strat. Heck, even to the point that Mercy’s pickrate was growing despite not being meta for the time being.

They didn’t, though. They actually disabled the use of her ult in spawn. However, this only affected her and Symmetra, leaving Hanzo and Junkrat free to ult from within their spawn room like the cowards they are.

I’ll be honest, I don’t remember that personally but that does sound like something that would happen. That didn’t stop her from ressing 2nd point volskyia behind walls or behind walls on two points of nepal though.

It’s kinda funny, people complain that the stuns are constant and everywhere yet they still don’t think they would be able to reach a cast-time, LoS, Mercy rezzing…? Wouldn’t that be the easiest target ever since you can 1) approximately predict when/where she will be and 2) she will be unable to use any of her abilities to escape? Not to mention at the very least the enemy team will be one teammate down, possibly more.

True. And that should’ve been fixed, as well. Funnily enough, I usually Rezzed as if LoS was a requirement, even though it wasn’t. It was only when I didn’t have enough time to get into LoS, that I’d use it behind a wall. Like, on payload maps, I’d even jump on top of the payload before pressing Q, to ensure I got LoS.

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Let’s not forget how often it was that Mercy’s range restriction would cause you to miss a player because you just happened to take a step to the left before pressing Q. Mercy’s AOE rez wasn’t infallible back then, even without LOS restrictions. It was sometimes a nightmare to find that perfect point where you could rez the most players when they were spread a certain way.


I did this too! Looking back it was obviously silly, but somehow not flying in to rez just felt wrong. :laughing:

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It got worse as time progressed, though. Back in season three, the Rez marker was pretty much always correct, even in the case of split-second Rezzes. The closer we got to the rework, the more unreliable it became :thinking:

●Mei is literally the OG anti-fun hero of Overwatch since it was released. Sit down.

●Every other character after release that contains hard CC or displacement abilities has been considered anti-fun:


●Other heroes have been re-worked because of the anti-fun thing too:


So no, Mercy isnt the only hero considered anti-fun.

● Only one ability has been entirely removed from the game due to anti-fun being a key factor:

Scatter Arrow.

There is no bias against Mercy and her mains, its just that y’all acting like victims thinking Mercy is the only one character that has passed thru this and that Mercy mains are the only ones that have not been heard.

However not even D.va mains back in S3 were this entitled to have the devs do as they wish or otherwise everything they do “is the wrong thing”. So yeah, Mercy mains got that one.


I personally loved flying in for rez, and then swooping right back out again before they had a chance to react. It made it felt like such a “Nnnnope!” moment.


Yeah, and it gave you the chance to actually feel like you were creating a skillset with her. Or at the very least it was an active thing to do that felt, idk, cool? These days whenever I play Mercy I’m just doing the same thing all game. Healing. Whenever I do manage to get a res off it feels clunky, unimpressive, and it’s literally only because I knew I wouldn’t die - if I don’t have a dedicated shield (impossibly rare) or I can’t stay out of sight, I can’t go for the res. There is no option for me to even try it, because it’s guaranteed death. When Res was fast and you had the risk of dying to a fast shot it was a THRILL - because both people are competing with each other. Who will win, the fast Mercy who’s practiced that dive and res a thousand times, or the Widowmaker who’s been on fire all match? It’s edge of your seat stuff. Now, whether or not you can res someone is literally a no brainer. You can tell immediately if you’re going to be able to res someone or not in a space, and unless things change (e.g., you have a shield tank AND they notice someone dead AND they think to themselves ‘maybe I should shield this corpse for Mercy?’ That’s three rare, rare rare things.) no amount of skill will make you able to pull off that risky res, because you are nothing but a sitting, slow, vulnerable duck now.

It’s like - Why give her an ability if she can only use it in ‘safe’ conditions? What is the point of playing a hero that needs a babysitter to do something??