ish. He’s retreating from the fight to have a much bigger impact in… about 5s. That’s the same sort of thing that Mercy did.
The difference is that Mercy’s old ult runs face first into Loss Aversion. So… Mercy’s ult gets the hate… McCree, Reaper, Junkrat and any other DPS who’s ult requires hiding doesn’t. They’re doing the same thing, their ults just don’t run afoul of human psychology.
except other ults don’t reverse nor reset fights, if Zennyatta and Lucio were able to ult while hiding at 100% effectiveness you can bet people would have a huge problem with those ults as well, it is not hypocritical because the effect of rez was far more powerful than any other ult that benefits from you hiding, which I must add, you only hide before you ult, Mercy was able to hide AND rez without showing face, not always but yeah
So now Mercy is healing in the skybox away from her team hiding behind whatever building/wall/bridge she can find is acceptable? Even her hiding behind a wall to Rez is now more appropriate then ever. Give me a break.
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Don’t mind the huge glowing beam that indicates where you are “hiding”…
Is it fair to remove an entire aspect of a hero only because “some players did hide” ? Is it fair to punish good players because bad players were misusing an ability and abusing the sr system ?
That’s the question I’m asking.
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yes, yes it is because the only way to avoid people from exploiting a feature is in fact binding their freedom to do so
Yes as long as she’s doing her job of healing them even if she’s in the skybox it’s fine. “Hiding behind a wall to Rez” now isn’t an issue because it lasts only a few seconds and she’s not waiting for her entire team to die like before
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Then why didn’t they decided to fix the sr gains ?
So that people hide and rezing fall to bronze and realise it’s the worst strategy.
Or how about reworking some of the buffs that were given to ALLOW players to hide changed.
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I mean they did and that didn’t happen O.o saying that Hide and rezzing wasn’t powerful is pretty uh… naive
Know what else is unfun to go against?
Genji that literally can 100-0 me at any point in the game without ultimate.
Genji’s ultimate that can 100-0 me and does insane teamwide AOE damage that can’t even be blocked by shields.
Genji’s ult with nanoboost that deals 255 INSTANT damage that cannot be blocked by shields.
Yet for whatever reason MY hero gets wacked because “NOT FUN!”. Screw Genji.
you think invul frames allowed you to hide?
In all honesty the only thing that could have kept mass rez around was removing GA
It was a fallacy that hide and revive was better than participating and tempo reviving. To do such was literally denying your team a healer.
Especially back then Mercy didn’t have the meme of being an “off healer” since release she was always considered a main healer. The entire concept of her being an off healer makes me really upset.
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Just the way she goes, player base, professional players, OW Dev team all agreed it was unfun
Hide and rez wasn’t powerful, unless playing against an uncompetent team.
Call me naive if you want.
forget if it was better or not, was it effective? powerful? particularly frustrating?
The part about the devs not intending this playstyle is pretty hilarious. What did they expect to happen when they designed Mass Rez in a way that gave maximum value when used with all of your teammates dead and then gave Mercy a buff which made it easy to pull the ult off and survive even when your whole team is dead?
No. Instant Cast wasn’t fair. Invulnerability was fine. If it was balanced by counter play to shut down Resurrect invulnerability would’ve been fine to reward players for surviving a Rez. Same with being able to Rez behind a wall if Mercy needed to be in the thick of things and Rez her team while surviving a cast time she should be rewarded with the ability to survive.
I respectfully disagree with this statement
I agree that there are a large number of players who are unhappy with Mercy in her current state
I have also noted the large number of players who have stated on these forums and elsewhere that they (like me) are happy with the current state of Mercy - that they find her fun, engaging, effective, and balanced
so in sum, in my opinion - I would not say “most”, but yes, I would say “many”
It is naive to think that bringing your whole team back is weak, sorry but I think you need to check how this game works since it is in fact a numbers game
Hide and rez was not only powerful but effective, more or less than tempo doesn’t matter, it existed and as such it had to be binded