Why Mercy mains aren't happy. We aren't entitled, we're being hurt

It’s not even about being hurt. They reverted half of her kit.

They know how important 60HPS is. It makes no sense to give it back only for her ultimate.

It might as well be double what it is now, for 100HPS. It’s an ultimate.


I agree 100%. I was SUPER Excited for the buffs at first, but a closer inspection reveals exactly everything you’ve detailed here, that these ‘buffs’ are a joke. Its salt in the wound and a bad band-aid to try to shut us up.

15% more Ult charge doesn’t change the fact that Valkyrie is bad. Its not even fixing the 20% healing we lost. We ONLY get that 60 HPS now in Valk which is supposed to make us happy about it?

No. This isn’t good enough Blizzard. Thank you for trying, but try again.


If you want to talk about ‘easy value’ I’d like to kindly point you toward a character named Brigitte who’s been dominating pickrates and winrates practically since she came out.

At least Mercy’s have to worry about no-dying to be useful to their team. Brig’s in a goat comp are nigh unkillable DPSing/Tanking/Healing/CC-ing juggernauts. At least Mercy has a downside. But right now, Mercy doesn’t even have an upside. There’s no reason to play her over any support. Literally any other support will contribute more to their team then Mercy will.


I didn’t mention her.
She’s a wholeeeee nother’ ball game.

My point is Mercy is only ‘easy value’ at the very lowest ranks of the play. Anything higher than Silver and Bronze you better know what you’re doing or you’re a downright handicap to your team.


Then add something to make up for it.
I’m all ears

I also feel disconnected to most Mercy mains as well. I really do like Valk now-it grew on me, I always wanted a healing buff on it, and now we get one and everyone is screaming that its a false buff

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It’s because it’s not a buff, its a band-aid to help fix what they broke. If we stop calling this thing a buff, everyone will be happy.


Can we not with the implied name-calling and personality judgments? I assume you do not personally know most of the people complaining, nor their personal motivations. Further, is it so wrong to want to enjoy a game? I want to play a balanced character, but balance means nothing if it comes at the cost of fun, and vice versa. OP Valk needed to go, but feeling like your existence has zero impact on a fight doesn’t exactly feel great.


The question is a fair one. Why is every change seen as a personal affront?

It seems like the dev team is determined to keep their rework no matter what, and are trying to maintain the delusion that something as binary as Resurrect can ever be balanced as a normal ability. It requires gutting the rest of her kit, putting so many limitations on resurrection as to make it useless most of the time, or both (which they did), and neither make for an enjoyable character capable of really game-changing moments.

If they’d just reattach Resurrect to her ultimate and give her one or two charges per Valkyrie and nothing outside of it, they could proceed to actually balance her again and in a way that’s fun to play for so many Mercy mains who’ve been put off by her post-rework.


I feel It’s wrong to decide that the character that is now balanced is your only option and it needs to be made fun for YOU because you used to have fun on the imbalanced version.


I’m of the mindset of letting go of rez and not having an e on mercy. Take away the chain healing in valk and have it double her beams on a single person instead. I mean, there are already ults that can do the same thing on a greater scale.

Probably because that’s the nature of the game, and Mercy isn’t unique in that regard. We find our favorite characters, we fall in love with them, we get upset when they’re changed. I seem to recall Tracer mains throwing, what to me, looked like a dramatic tantrum when her ult received a slight nerf in damage so that she could no longer one-shot tanks. Ana mains did it too when she received her big nerf back in the day.

With Mercy, however, it’s been what? Close to a year since the rework, and she’s been in a near constant state of flux ever since. You’re frustrated that your characters has changed, you complain, you’re frustrated that your character is not only different, but now significantly weaker, so you complain some more, you’re frustrated that your character is not only underpowered and significantly less impactful than she’s ever been in your experience, so you complain again and again with each new change as you slowly watch something you enjoyed disappear before your eyes, feeling powerless to do anything to stop it. It’s hard not to take it personally after you’ve spent so long getting more and more invested.


I don’t even feel that way in a fighting game, and that’s the sort of game where you need to spend 40 hours just to be competitive on a character. In Overwatch you need only a couple of hours, and the game mechanics are centered around the idea that you switch early and often. There’s 27 other heroes. Try something new.

Like I said before, it’s not personal.

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According to the Blizzard post this buff will reduce her ultimate cost by 15% (so faster ult charge) and increase her healing to 60hp/s in Valkyrie (not the 50hp/ that it is now) so I don’t really know what you mean by this? I feel like maybe you are confused or something? Sorry man, idk.

Valkyrie grew on me too. I remember back in the mass rez days and I didn’t have as much freedom as I do now. I had to stay behind and be guarded so that I could pull of the huge rez and it wasn’t as fun. I feel like I am more agile and mindful now, the challenge changed but it got better.

The healing is really the the only thing about Valk I didn’t like (as of this most recent nerf to healing output) and now that’s been improved so I really can’t complain. All I really need at this point is to be able to cancel rez haha.

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  1. I play Zenyatta mostly, who I think most people agree is pretty balanced, so no, I don’t think Mercy is my only option.

  2. All of this ‘YOU’ nonsense. While clearly I am not alone in this opinion, I do recall someone actually posting a survey around here recently that made the fact all the clearer.

  3. What exactly are you so angry about? People who fell in love with a character wanting to enjoy playing that character again? Yeah, folks are complaining, because they feel powerless in an upsetting situation.


Personally I think it was the fact they could get play of the game more often. I have a theory that if they messed around with the algorithm and made healers like Mercy get more POTGs we’d suddenly see less posts about Mercy. Subconsciously makes them feel like they’re contributing more if it can actually make it to POTG.

I’m tired of hearing this argument of ‘just play a different character’ because its not an argument WHY this character should be left to be strictly worse than any other character in her class. You’re missing the point.


Starting to see more and more división even within the mercy camp…like this mercy change this is a good thing…only thing proven by this ptr change is how unreasonable some people are with her…when you complain even about buffs you give even more reasons for people to be upset with you…give less ear to your cause…and that includes blizzard…I will repeat for the (probably) 50th time since last year…you guys do more and more damage to your cause with every day…