Why Mercy mains aren't happy. We aren't entitled, we're being hurt

I’ve never been a fan of the rework, I don’t care for Valkyrie, I’m not very happy about Mercy’s current state or the kinds of buffs that are being done to her. I flex support, but I always enjoyed Mercy 1.0 and I think the skill that is (or at least used to be) required for her has always been underestimated.

…But “hurt”?

My peeps. My friends. My support-buddies. If the state of a video game character is literally hurting us, that part’s on us.

It’s more like
“You have 30 donuts while everyone else has 2, so let’s take away 20 and help the others get more.”
A few minutes later
“Alright I admit I screwed up my math. Have some donuts back so you’re more even with everyone else.”

(((It’s almost as if there’s a balance to all of this and it’s impossible to tell if one change will go too far or won’t be enough without trying it)))

It mystifies me how seriously you’re still taking this table.
It’s been debunked numerous times now, as you bring it up in almost every thread you’ve made since.

Especially the parts where you somehow feel it’s important to compare Mercy’s elims to Moira’s but somehow conveniently always forget to include the very obvious context, or how you make sure to mention “armor, shields, and utility healing” but conveniently leave out Res.


Different ults call for different uses.

Stop trying to use Valk as a clutch save-all “Let me heal you at the last minute” ult. It isn’t Trans. It isn’t

It’s been over a year and people still haven’t figured this out yet.


Also, Mercy’s ultimate should NOT be compared to Moira’s they work completely different. Mercy has a beam that locks onto 1 person and then everyone that is near that person will be healed, Moira’s on the other hand requires aim and a lot more team coordination to be able to heal your whole team with it at the same time, which rarely happens you’re most likely to heal 2-3 people at the same time with it most of the time.

Oh and also Moira’s ultimate can be stunned, hacked, blocked by mei walls etc.


Okay. How about Roadhog mains? How about Reaper mains? How about Tracer mains having their main pushed out of meta?

Why do I only see Mercy mains wanting their little toy buffed into an overpowered status? And yes, if you feel this buff is “unsatisfying” I just feel like you want to have the game fun FOR YOU and not any other player.

  1. Why do I only see stats now comparing her to other healers while Mercy onetricks weren’t doing such thing back when Ana was literally a throwpick?

  2. Mercy was F-Tier in tournaments. In ladder, you could have seen her quite often and having such a cheap hero, with very low skill ceiling, unable to being transferred to anything else, put the ladder in a pretty bad state to the point where the first time I got to Diamond was because the enemy team had 6 Mercy onetricks


Telling players they’re being irrational vs telling an entire game company they’re fixing their game wrong are not equivalent.

You are still playing a game. A game you chose for yourself and that you physically (I assume) initiate time in. Hurting? Hardly. You and many like you don’t like what they did and are complaining. Try one of the thousands of other digital toys out there, and by all means come back later and see where OW is, everyone is welcome to play what the company is offering. Acting like someone replaced your best friend with a stranger and is forcing you to play with them though? Wow.


Dont have time to reply to it all, but heres a tad bit on why your stats are completely wrong. Ive already done this before though, so:

Add offensive assists to elims for mercy, and nano assists to ana. Add damage boosted to damage done for mery. Wont make a big difference but the fact that these stats dont see that is misleading.

ana gets 3.97 nano assists per game. Along with 12.41 elims, thats 16.38 elims overall. Mercy gets 1.73 elims per game, and 9.75 off assists normal. Thats 11.48 elims overall. Ana only does 42% more elims …
If you count resses, with average ressed being 6.13 and the average healthpool being 277.59, then mercy does an exta 1701 healing on top of that. This changes the numbers to (10782 + 1701) / 9186 * 100 which is 135%… so 35% more healing than ana. Thats almost how much more elims ana contributes! Wowie.


Is completely wrong because the math is:

You cant say 607, 717 and 954 then say 16. Thats 116%. Please stay consistent. In the first part you need to minus 100 from every percentage to keep it in line with how you compared their healing.
edit 7689495: you made this same error in every single comparision. Please change the numbers accordingly.

This post is written very poorly. You arent consistent and your conclusions are off. Your math is correct , but almost every conclusion you write (and draw) is wrong.

p.s why analyse objective kills? You are already doing normal kills. That just measures if the place of killing is on the objective and already heavily against AGAINST mercy.

p.p.s your statical analysis shows us that moira is the best support by a CURB stomp … then why is she the worst main healer at GM? The statistics you analysed dont mean squat. REAPER has more obj kills, normal kills, obj time, and damage than genji. Explain.

edit 400: the more i read this post the more it becomes clear how poorly it is written. You talk so much about death being the biggest CC: but think of it like this. Take the difference in healing between two heroes and divide that by the average healthpool (277). Thats how much “deaths” you have technically prevented. When you say this about zen

Mercy has does 10701 - 6973 more healing than zen. 3782 / 277 = ON AVERAGE 13.45 more average heros saved. Add a static 6 onto that from resses (After all, death is the best CC in the game!) suddenly mercy can hold her weight and is insanely good at CC prevention.

*note: we are using 10701 because adding the ress healing is irrelevent since the difference would be divided by 277 again and yeild 6.13 again.

this was taken from ur last post about statistics and mercy. 
it is completely misleading.
either address the issues mentioned or delete the section
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Sovereign, when not false flagging people who disagree with him, likes to post walls of preachy nonsense. Shes getting minor buffs, faster than the majority of heroes that get dumpstered by nerfs, and he still is angry because its “not what mercy mains wanted” as if he can speak for all mercy mains.

Not to mentions hes still using stats that have been debunked in another one of his overly long “hot takes”.


This is no other cleric in the game. All the other supports are paladins, are dps/healer hybrids. Clerics appeal to a certain type of people and overwatch is ostensibly about catering to different types of people.


Personally this “buff” isn’t even a buff its literally giving back the healing we used to have before the nerf but in “Valk” and the cool down timer on our ults? if they’re plans were to literally give back the healing we lost then they might as well have done a full revert and admit the flaws of this nerf and listened to the community a little bit instead of sitting and breathing down “overwatch leagues” backs because they’re “pro gamers” like come on…


Hey agitation got us a small buff. If no one said anything you’d think they’d be doing this?

The problem is 60hps was perfectly balanced as long as the enemy team targeted the mercy. Instead of doing that they lost the game then complained about it on the forums until blizzard nerfed her into the ground. If the had the game sense to KILL THE HEALER then the nerf wouldn’t have been needed.

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Yes, I am complaining. That is the nature of feedback. If you don’t like something, you bring it to the attention of someone who can fix it and hope for the best. I am just as tired of being written off as selfish, whiney, brain-dead, and entitled as I am sure you are of seeing all of these threads, but I don’t imagine the situation is going to change in any meaningful way any time soon. That’s what happens when you give an unpopular rework to one of the most popular characters in the game.

I’d say I’m more angry than hurting, personally. As I said, I have reasons for playing this game in particular, and the solution for me isn’t just ‘move on to a new toy.’ Yes, I can quit if I really want to. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to be upset that I’m falling out of love with something I put a lot of time and energy into, especially when that something is a game that is constantly in flux.

You should watch iostux’s streams. He seems to like your posts a lot :slight_smile:

All games are zero sum for investment unless you are pro level. The day I realized that any game I played was a total waste of time was very freeing. They are frippery. Unnecessary and ultimately not worth the time we put into them. If you’re not getting enjoyment out of them then you’re punishing yourself by continuing to play.

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Rez and Valkyrie have been having a power struggle since the rework was announced. This was predicted, and all of the changes up to this point reflect it. I do think rez can be balanced, however. It just needs to be locked behind her ult. Having it as a regular ability was a huge mistake because it takes away the power from her ult to give her kit its overall balance.

I am just mad at this “buff” because it’s exactly what I was complaining about back when the 50hps hit ptr.
I was saying she needs her ult charge increased. I posted on the forums I gave “feedback”, so did others. This “buff” could have been avoided and been done a long time ago.

It all fell on deaf ears and took months.

Listening btw. Mercy players don’t know what they are saying btw. :expressionless:


Not to mention that Mercy doesn’t have offensive capability at nearly any time, so she SHOULD outheal all other supports because that is all she does. AND not to mention that other supports also bring armor or shields that are not mentioned in these statistics at all, so if you add the armor in from Brig, she’s actually very close to Mercy’s overall healing. Same with Lucio. Which is ridiculous when that is all Mercy does and the other supports do much more. Overall, she just does less of everything. Including healing (burst/powerful healing to actually save a target). Which is just sad because that’s all she has. Even taking her resurrects as healing, she is getting 1,600 additional healing at MOST on average per match, which is still not even beating Moira, which again, she should, because that’s all she does.

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Blizzard not doing exactly as i want is physically hurting me. THEY TARGETED MERCY MAINS

I was never a big fan of mass rez. It always seemed silly to intentionally let people die so you could rez them. So, let’s get that out of the way. I am not asking for mass rez to come back.

This “buff” is a bit of a joke. It gives you an additional ~20% healing for 15 seconds and you get it 20% faster. If you used to get valk every 60 seconds you now get it every 50. Over the course of 10 minutes you get Valk 12 times now instead of 10. So, your ult is 20% more impactful 20% of the time (20% of the time is likely to high). That equates to you being .04% more impactful over the course of 10 minutes.

I anticipate the Mercy party never stopping after this massive buff.

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^ Basically this, it’s the sole reason Mercy is the way she is right now, it’s too valuable, even if it does feel like a chore to use right now. Just get rid of rez and redisribute the insane value of it into the rest of her kit. Possibly with another, overall-not-as-impactful-but-better-to-use new E ability.

I’m now hurt and crying. Call the police for assault!