Why Mercy mains aren't happy. We aren't entitled, we're being hurt

Dont have time to reply to it all, but heres a tad bit on why your stats are completely wrong. Ive already done this before though, so:

Add offensive assists to elims for mercy, and nano assists to ana. Add damage boosted to damage done for mery. Wont make a big difference but the fact that these stats dont see that is misleading.

ana gets 3.97 nano assists per game. Along with 12.41 elims, thats 16.38 elims overall. Mercy gets 1.73 elims per game, and 9.75 off assists normal. Thats 11.48 elims overall. Ana only does 42% more elims …
If you count resses, with average ressed being 6.13 and the average healthpool being 277.59, then mercy does an exta 1701 healing on top of that. This changes the numbers to (10782 + 1701) / 9186 * 100 which is 135%… so 35% more healing than ana. Thats almost how much more elims ana contributes! Wowie.


Is completely wrong because the math is:

You cant say 607, 717 and 954 then say 16. Thats 116%. Please stay consistent. In the first part you need to minus 100 from every percentage to keep it in line with how you compared their healing.
edit 7689495: you made this same error in every single comparision. Please change the numbers accordingly.

This post is written very poorly. You arent consistent and your conclusions are off. Your math is correct , but almost every conclusion you write (and draw) is wrong.

p.s why analyse objective kills? You are already doing normal kills. That just measures if the place of killing is on the objective and already heavily against AGAINST mercy.

p.p.s your statical analysis shows us that moira is the best support by a CURB stomp … then why is she the worst main healer at GM? The statistics you analysed dont mean squat. REAPER has more obj kills, normal kills, obj time, and damage than genji. Explain.

edit 400: the more i read this post the more it becomes clear how poorly it is written. You talk so much about death being the biggest CC: but think of it like this. Take the difference in healing between two heroes and divide that by the average healthpool (277). Thats how much “deaths” you have technically prevented. When you say this about zen

Mercy has does 10701 - 6973 more healing than zen. 3782 / 277 = ON AVERAGE 13.45 more average heros saved. Add a static 6 onto that from resses (After all, death is the best CC in the game!) suddenly mercy can hold her weight and is insanely good at CC prevention.

*note: we are using 10701 because adding the ress healing is irrelevent since the difference would be divided by 277 again and yeild 6.13 again.

this was taken from ur last post about statistics and mercy. 
it is completely misleading.
either address the issues mentioned or delete the section
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