Why mercy mains are so toxic?

Which is why we say that Mercy has gotten 14 nerfs…


He got balance changes… 3 buffs and 2 nerfs.

Well how is that relevant? People who intend on listing nerfs will very much be counting each change that makes the hero weaker. They won’t care if it was in the same patch.

And I can say Mercy got nerfed. People who want to be specific or want to list out nerfs/buffs will, however, say the number of times someone has gotten nerfed/buffed.

Well, I usually count each bullet point to see each nerf and not each patch so no, I did not know this.

14 changes that make her weaker. 14 nerfs.

four patches. not 4 nerfs… If we were listing all the patches she got since her rework, it would be 4 but since we’re listing the nerfs she’s gotten since her rework, it is 14.

For the first time in most of the games life she’s not a must pick and not the best hero in every situation. Suggesting buffs for her instead of adapting seems to everybody like you guys want your hero to be op. Is that correct? Not necessarily but the evidence points against you guys. Also the “mercy cult” is a meme for a reason, anybody talks bad about mercy or suggest she’s finally balanced and 10 people attack them. Like a cult would do.

“attack”. Let’s calm down with that terminology.

You guys are brutal and 10 people jump on someone to “debate” them it’s an attack. That’s not debatable.

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There is no universe where considering this to be two separate nerfs:

Valkyrie : no longer resets Resurrect’s cooldown
Valkyrie : no longer reduces Resurrect’s cooldown

Is anything but disingenuous rhetoric.

And frankly, if Blizzard had phrased it as “Mercy’s abilities no longer reset cooldowns”, you’d be trying to say “Actually this is three nerfs!” because that’s exactly what phrasing appears to have the most negative impact.

You’re less interested in what a nerf actually is and more interested in what gives the biggest number so you can advertise it.

Funny dont remember asking for a buff. I remember asking the dev team to give her a new rework so she would he balanced and fun

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Yeah, okay. I can accept that. As long as we’re not accused of being toxic :stuck_out_tongue:

1) Pistol damage increase in Valkyrie removed.
2) Pistol fire rate increase whilst in Valkyrie removed.

3) Flight speed in Valkyrie decreased from 11 meters/second to 9 meters/second.
4) Resurrect’s cooldown decrease from Valkyrie removed.
5) Guardian Angel’s cooldown no longer resets upon using Resurrect.
6) Resurrect now has a 1.5 second cast time in which players cannot use abilities or attacks, and their movement speed is reduced to 25% of it’s normal speed. Valkyrie removes this penalty.
7) Valkyrie no longer removes the penalty previously stated.
8) Valkyrie no longer grants an extra charge of Resurrect upon activation.
9) Valkyrie’s Guardian Angel flight speed bonus reduced by 50%.
10) Valkyrie’s duration reduced to 15 seconds.
11) Mercy’s healing output reduced from 60 HP to 50 HP.
12) Mercy’s Damage Boost no longer boosts DragonStrike and D’Va bomb.
13 and 14) 2 nerfs that were executed on the PTR, before the rework was released (not sure what they are. will need to look it up).

Seems like 14 nerfs to me. Sorry for not counting each patch as a nerf. Curious question. In one patch, a hero gets 2 nerfs and 2 buffs. Is that patch a nerf or a buff?

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Depends on the nature of the balance changes.

The patch that killed Roadhog was a nerf and two buffs, but it’s still considered an overall nerf because the hero was way weaker at the end of it.

Ok, question for you sir. Do you count each patch as a nerf/buff or each individual change that made the hero weaker/stronger?

they actually buffed three separate things, but it’s still called “The Roadhog Nerf”.

I consider the power level of a hero after the balance change to inform my decision on whether or not the change is overall positive (buff) or negative (nerf), because not all individual number tweaks are created equal. So in any one balance patch, either a hero is buffed once, nerfed once, or they’re about the same as they were before.

If I double Tracer’s HP but add 1 second to all of her CDs, by quanitity it’s a nerf, but this would obviously break the hero.

I only remember the critbox reduction, ammo increase, and damage nerf. What was the third one? (The TaB change came after.)

each nerf I listed changes the power level of Mercy :slight_smile: Also, I’m pretty sure every change after her rework was a nerf.

His Rate of Fire increase, in tandem with the ammo increase to try to counterbalance the damage reduction.

As far as the live server is concerned, though, every balance change in a given patch all affected the hero at once

By your logic, as I explained before, Roadhog was actually buffed in S5, despite the fact that the balance poatch caused his winrate to drop almost 10%.

Oh yeah forgot about that one. :man_facepalming:

Yeah, overall. But I’m just talking about how many nerfs she got to her kit after the patches. I don’t really care if each nerf happened all at once. Also, I only count each specific nerf for Mercy because she is the only hero so far that has gotten nerfs without buffs even since her rework.

Maybe because all roles have been toxic to us.

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Mercy mains aren’t toxic!