Why mercy mains are so toxic?

It seems that most people consider those asking for Reworks and Reverts as equaling buffs because the suggestions being made look like buffs to many who don’t remember the past I mean the far past of like September 2016.

Are you sure those weren’t just “we find her unfun now please at least considering reworking her again as this rework has been a failure”.

Because that is what I’ve been seeing of the posts complaining about Mercy other than those complaining about Mercy SPAM.


Yes most of them were asking for buffs, the forums have become mercy spam you can’t even deny that

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I can understand your perspective, but here’s how it feels from the other side:

  1. Your hero gets a rework you don’t really want. Then, for a whole year your hero gets a sequence of unmitigated nerfs. Everyone else cheers whenever one happens.

  2. The latest one makes her absolutely horrible feeling to play, and puts her into the very bottom of win rates. As after every nerf, people tell you to stop complaining, that it was a good change, and that she’s balanced now.

  3. The development team doesn’t seem to know what’s going on with her. They constantly make contradictory or obviously false statements about her. They zig, they zag, they don’t seem to make sense. They refuse to acknowledge any criticism regarding their handling of her.

  4. You give lots of feedback. None of it seems to get acknowledged at all except sometimes the devs tell you that they think she’s fine as it is. Some people who don’t like the hero give feedback. Seagull talks about it with the devs on stream. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about (he thought the pre nerf healing was 50, and that it used to be 30). Not for the first time, the anti Mercy feedback gets listened to very quickly.

  5. You lose your faith that they understand the hero or care about your play experience. You have no faith that there’s an underlying vision, that they’d tell the truth about it even if there was. You definitely lose faith that you’ve seen the last of the nerfs.

  6. You get constantly told that your hero is boring, requires no skill, that you have no skill, that you don’t deserve your rank, that you’re whiny, that you just want your hero to be OP.

  7. You get annoyed.


Then there certainly are many willing to talk about so it is an issue to many, and then direct you to this nearby post to consider the points made therein:

Good points BTW. These are points I try to address, but I don’t think that it is understood.

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their main went from dope asf to boring trash so i can see why they’d be mad ngl

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To be fair, every main is stereotypically toxic, to an extent.

  • Mercy: their hero isn’t nearly as fun as she used to be
  • Genji: thinks they can carry in a 1v6 match, blame healer(s) when they die
  • Reinhardt: charge in alone w/o communication, blame team for not following
  • Reaper: edgy af, playing jumprope between the line of toxic/not toxic
  • Symmetra/Torbjorn: never want to switch, insist they’re better than most Syms/Torbs out there

Most of these are pretty false, but they have been observed by the community from time to time…I’d say if we were to address toxicity, we should stop categorizing it by our mains, and acknowledge that it’s universal :sweat_smile:

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Those points hit the nail on the head with the problems Mercy mains and the hero herself face. Yeah, Mercy is ‘balanced’ but to me she’s just a heal bot now with a spectator ult that’s weaker cause Blizz nerfed her healing.


Spam is spam regardless whether it’s justified or not. Honestly if every mercy main just stopped playing they’d realize their mistake. However they obviously don’t pay attention to the forums so spamming is doing little to nothing.

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My feelings exactly. They could post thread after thread after thread about how they are dissatisfied and they won’t listen. Personally, I think she should be reworked but there are other characters that need it.

Bastion is sitting in the corner crying for any kind of rework or buff because he is borderline unplayable. Before any changes are made to Mercy, he should be fixed FIRST.

Sheesh, Mercy becomes unplayable for a week and everyone loses their minds.

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I mean its not that much anyway if you consider that Mercy is only the topic of 13 / 50 Top posts on the forums right now, so its not like there are 50% or more posts about Mercy and of the those 13 a few are about complaining about Mercy SPAM so it really looks like it is all blown out of proportions anyway.

Well maybe after a year or so if we go by the example of Ana.

It’s good way to spend your limited time on this rock we call Earth, nice to see you are here too. :smirk::joy:

There is no to generalize an entire group of people like that. Just like any other group of mains in this game, there are some who are more prone to toxicity, and others who aren’t as toxic.

“It’s what we do; it’s what doooo!” Aww shoot I forgot where that came from, a commercial maybe.

I mean really we are ready to jump at anything to push this version of Mercy out of existence and for Mercys not convinced Blizzard is helping to win them over. Maybe with another few Mercy nerfs we’ll achieve unity in message across all mediums while refusing to play Mercy and not being flamed for it either.

at this point in time Mercy is bad, she needs a buff, other supports can out heal her,

who cares when there’s brig that requires no skill

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It’s not spam. We paid for the game. We play the character. We are dissatisfied with how the team is handling her. We are on the forums voicing our dissatisfaction and explaining our point of view. That what these forums are for.

People don’t have to read it. People are free to make and read other threads about Torbjorn, or OWL, or shipping, or skimpy swim suit skins for Hanzo if they like.

But the fact of the matter is that their decisions strongly and negatively impacted the game play experience of Mercy players. They might not acknowledge it, they might not respond to it, but there’s absolutely no reason in the world to spare them having it up there.

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Instead of nerfs, they all should be buffed. Rather than bring one down, build them all up. The Mercy nerf didn’t increase the other Supports effectiveness alone. Their personal buffs did that. Let’s not pretend otherwise.

The changes to Lucio and Ana made them much more feasible. As for Moira, she’s about as effective now as she was before.

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“spam is spam regardless of whether or not it’s justified”

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It’s not spam though. A lot of people are upset about it, and have thoughts about it. They’re coming to the correct place to voice those opinions.

I don’t see anyone posting masses of drivel with no real content. People are posting their genuine opinions about a game related topic that they care about in the game forum dedicated to exactly that kind of topic. Perhaps we have differing definitions of spam?

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I’m just going to leave this here.


Apparently we do. It’s very easy to make one or two threads that you have genuine discussions in. After multiples of similar threads pop up people start to get toxic because they’re annoyed.