Why Mass Rez won’t come back

It is hated by a lot of people on the forums due to how unfun it felt to play against.

Mass Rez was balanced, but balance should not be the only thing to consider when judging whether a character is in need of a rework/set of changes.

I’d personally enjoy a Mass Rez return, but I sympathise with others who do not want it to come back because I understand how frustrating it was.

Mercy does need another rework in my opinion and Resurrect needs to be tied into her ultimate some how.


I mean, a lot of things aren’t fun to play against… Randomly dying to a Junkrat just spamming grenades, Getting one shot by doomfist, getting stunned and then melted, fighting Genji as a whole. It’s ridiculous that the only reason they changed her ultimate was because it was ”Unfun”


I didn’t think this posted due to my terrible WiFi right now if I’m honest. Just kind of went on a rant and was glad it “didn’t post”

But to answer to your statement, all of the things you mentioned aren’t hated on the scale of Mass Rez.


The problem with mass rez return is that only Mercy players would actually be happy about it.


If Mass Rez doesn’t come back, bad game design and whiny players will have won.
Sad times.


My post summed up :slight_smile: probably should have just put this lmao


I blade and Lucio or Zen ult ? how unfair, my ult is ruined ! wtf ! nerf !
It’s the same to me.
Especially when Mercy wasn’t a must pick and when more healers are around now. We could even get some more healers, making her and other support drown.

If you have mass-rez PTSD, go see a real doc.


The rework was a mistake because it unshackled Res from its limitations and thought processes that held it back.

The rework also more or less killed any semblance of ult economy. Which was ultimately the best counter to Mass Res.

But declaring it unfun to play against and that is the reason why it wont come back since it was removed for being unfun? Well if we want to use the argument of unfun to play against as reason enough to remove something… then Tracer, Genji, Brigitte, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Bastion, Roadhog, Doomfist, Zarya, Ana, and Mei should all be removed from the game as a start.


No it wasn’t. Not when combined with Mercy’s insane mobility.


I dont care for rez i just want her healing at 60 again, its soo hard to keep anyone alive…at least other supports can do several things at once like engage in combat but mercy can only heal or boost…and she sucks at both…even her ult has 0 impact or is it game changing…i traded her for Lucio in a heart beat.

Edit… i hate that i spended a Golden weapon on her and her Pink dress because now she is USELESS…only the people that hate her say that she is in a good place.


“unfun to play against” is such an idiotic argument.

“ooo, I hope the enemy gets to wreck me! ^.^”


I thought, generally, Mercy players are campaigning to get her changed? A revert isn’t the only way of pleasing her community.

I for one will be happy with Mercy being fun to play, Mass Rez isn’t needed to make her fun.


That’s funny considering we only see people about whining that Mercy is too weak.


No, they changed her ult because it was anti-pattern to the core game loop.


Who’s reverting anything? Mass Rez’ll be back with quite a bit of changes, primarily in the counterplay and Hide & Rez department.


this thread seems familiar? :face_with_monocle:


I think that the conceptual notion that “because it is unfun it shouldn’t exist” can’t be a thing in any competitive game. Know what we all fundamentally don’t like (which is “anti fun”)? Being KO’ed and feeling useless. Losing the game. Feeling helpless. Being trapped in spawn. Being instantly wiped out or picked before the teamfight even began and losing point from it. Losing control of our character or their abilities.

By that definition know what else isn’t fun?


-Nano blade

-Being instagibbed by tracer or genji or widowmaker or hanzo

-Being spawn camped by a flanker you can’t get rid of

-Being caught on a zarya grav that hanzo has just ulted in where you “mistakenly didn’t pick zenyatta” and now sure as can be regret it.

-Sombra ult, mei ult, zarya ult, reinhardt ult are all anti fun.

-Zenyatta using trance on your zarya’s grav and hanzo ult is not fun.

-Being burst down by hanzo’s storm arrows is not fun.

-Being instagibbed by doomfist is not fun.

-Having D’va eat your ults with defense matrix.

-Walking into a field of wrecking ball mines or worse yet being pushed into them out of your control.

-Being booped off the side of the map by lucio that you didn’t see and completely losing control of your character.

So this “it’s not fun” notion is a complete 100% logical fallacy in any competitive game. Know what we find not fun? The enemies doing anything that causes them to have a higher chance at winning.


yeah but people are lazy to look it up when they are buried in the other thousand of mercy threads.

James, go back to enjoying your vacation! :wink:

The forums will be here waiting for you when you return! :heart:

Hey James😆

Good to see you