Why mass rez actually got removed

The reason why was because of the invulnerability buff.

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Mercy is in a good state right now if you look at the numbers and each rank of competitive. She’s not perfect, hence why she’s getting a minor healing buff in the upcoming patch. But rez is a hard thing to balance in general. Her base healing + new ult actually fares pretty well in-game.

I’m just stating the reasons why mass rez was removed. At least to the devs, they thought because of these reasons it was not okay to be in the game

This happened because DPS players wouldn’t be happy with us mercy players who wouldn’t hide. I was one who wouldn’t hide and would get constantly asked to hide and mass rez from the same people who complain about it…

It wasn’t. At least, Mercy with it wasn’t powerful in any sense of the word. During mass Res era, she never made it out of D tier. Stats exist to back that up.

She’s not a low skill hero. People confuse low skill with low mechanical skill.

No, they’d complain that the Mercy wasn’t hiding. Frankly, pros don’t find mass Res to be a problem. It doesn’t save your teammates - it lets them die so you can revive them again. That’s exponentially worse than an ultimate that can simply keep you alive.

Blizzard’s reasoning for removing it was never correct.

  1. Trash strategy in general for multiple reasons
  2. Was actually usually promoted my teammates, not the Mercy
  3. There was a bug period where hide n Res allowed you to inflate your stats and earn more SR.

Yes, a counter to ult spam, and you think it shouldn’t be part of the game?

What you wrote was WHY it should be part of the game, so people have to be careful with ult spamming.


Because that was the meta and you needed to match what the other player does. Overwatch is about matching the other team and it always has been. If they abused it you needed too as well other wise you would lose. Its like this with every meta or op thing in this game. They ran beyblade? You needed beyblade. You ran three 4 tanks 2 support? You did the same.

3 actually. But yeah its ridiculous.

Why do some people who try to recall mass Res era suddenly get amnesia? When was Mercy ever META prior to Moth meta?


Thats not true 100% accurate. If a team were to run dive, you guys would run anti dive. Rather than having genji and tracer, you would have reaper and mei. That in itself shows that if the enemy mercy would use mass rez for those huge man rezzes, it didn’t mean you couldn’t tempo rez

Yes, ignore the part about a healer hiding and letting their team die be good design and focus on the part what you want. :smile:


That is bad design, but, why was it better to do that? Because there wasn’t a counter to ult spam, so having the healer there wasn’t going to save them?

Like the situations where the healer DID that, they were not going to have any influence on the outcome of the fight any other way.

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We can assign blame to multiple people for that:

  • Mercy’s own degenerate teammates
  • SR bug that the developers took ages to fix
  • Trash players in general

Her ultimate never directly promoted hiding. Otherwise, every Mercy would’ve hid. The truth is, only bad players did it either because they didn’t know any better or were trying to exploit a broken SR system.

Also, Hide n Res isn’t just disengaging from a fight when the enemy starts to use ultimates. I’m sorry but I’d do that as any hero if I knew I had no way to stop it. Hide n Res is when you hide before a fight even starts to wait for your team to lose that fight so you can start a second one.

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There’s better ways to do it though, examples of ultimates that are still in the game:

Lucio’s Beat – he needs LoS, has to jump in the air and land to cast it, and puts himself at risk. He never hides and waits.

Zenyetta’s Trans – he never has to stop his normal job to be effective with his ultimate, and it has counters like anti-nade.

Mass Rez? Just didn’t promote any kind of normal game play – you can advocate for “anti-ult ultimates” all you want, but I think myself and many won’t be convinced mass rez should ever come back.

One of the most broken moments that I remember from mass rez was on dorado. You could literally just stay underneath the last point and resurrect your entire dead team from below through the ceiling on attack.

Actually, funnily enough, he totally does. When it is being uses as a counter to EMP, so he HAS to hide and wait for that.

I don’t think it should come back myself, but I think valk is an abomination. If it was to be replaced with something, surely it should have been something good.

I think mass res should have gone, but it doesn’t mean I like what replaced it.

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Well, I would say there’s a difference of playing back/safe and the old Mercy mass rez days where you literally hid in a corner and waited for your team to die.

They fixed that.

With the EMP counter, you DO have to hide, rather than back / safe. If Sombra knows where you are, it is over, since she can emp you AND the team. So literally hide and beat is a thing. You HAVE to have the team NOT be effected by your Aura, because if they are, then you have a place where EMP can get you AND the team.

Hide and shatter is too. Hide and noon is also. Hide and Tire is damn well required.

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Nah, the Lucio’s that hide for EMP are doing just that: hiding… That isn’t playing safe. The only difference is that he doesn’t wait for his teammates to die since he doesn’t revive people, he prevents them from dying. That just means that both did the same thing one just uses their ultimate earlier in the fight than the other.