Why isn't Mei a tank yet?

The answer to me is, it’s hard to justify anything taking a higher priority, if it heavily conflicts with queue times getting better.

And one of the hard limits to devs being able to fix queue times, is to get barrier tanking done right, without triggering highly defensive compositions.

And Mei gets in the way of that by bodyguarding for DoubleBarrier and TripleTanking for Rush.

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You destroy actual tanking and support agency and all you get is LONGER queues. Its not rocket science.

I mean, you saw BlizCon too. They already showed something further in that direction than what I’ve been suggesting.

Becouse as DPS Mei is a very fun fair and skillful hero.
As a tank she will became cancer broken OP nobrain delete it from the game

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Yeah and it will fail, because Blizz sucks at admitting that any of their ideas or philosophies could be wrong or might need work.

Truth is, diehard DPS mains wont ever touch tank and support queues unless you reduce tank heroes to half a dozen roadhogs, and all supports to easy kills with no damage.

Tbh, this is more like what I had in mind:

I.e. Dive counters doublebarrier, buff barriers, and get tank busters in check.

  1. Brig, 200hp+50armor, and a bit more self-regen on Inspire
  2. ShieldBash
    • No Stun
    • 400hp, up from 200
    • 40 damage, up from 5
    • 10m range, you from 7m
  3. RepairPack
    • Blocked by enemy Barriers/Matrix
    • Heals 10% more, but at half the speed
  4. Baptiste, Regen Burst selfheal increased 20%
  5. Immorality Field
    • Cannot bypass 0.8sec cast time by throwing straight down
    • 0.2sec deploy time (not active until deployed)
  6. All Ranged Knockbacks reverted to 2018 style.
    • I.e. Lucio Boop, Whipshot, Accretion, Coach Gun, Pharah Blast, Junk Mine, Hog Ult etc
  7. Make Mei into a Tank
    • 325hp
    • 10sec wall
    • Can be healed in iceblock
  8. 900hp Orisa barrier, 8sec cooldown
  9. 1200hp Sigma barrier
  10. Accretion does knockback instead of stun
  11. Hanzo
    • StormArrow, 50 damage arrows, 3 arrows, 7sec cooldown
    • Lunge, 10m travel distance, 4sec cooldown
  12. McCree reverted back to 200hp
  13. Winston Ult cost reduced 15%
  14. D.va Ult cost reduced 15%
  15. Hammond health changed to 300hp, 200armor, instead of 500hp and 100armor.

And then there’s the backup options, assuming doublebarrier is still too strong.

Rein: 200hp, 200armor
Orisa: Less Fortify percentage
Sigma: Less temp barrier from kinetic grasp

  • or when using kinetic grasp:
    • +30% forward movement speed
    • -30% sideways movement speed
    • -30% backwards movement speed
    • -30% diagonal movement speed
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Ironically, in a dynamic DPS meta with players who have a minimum of intelligence and capacity to press H, Mei is one of the healthiest DPS heroes as she has clear weaknesses you can exploit and strengths you should respect.

Of course, people rather die 10 times as Rein/Genji than to ever ever ever change to a more useful pick.

I can see why you believe this and I respect it. But I whole heartedly disagree.

I think fixing queue times is important but I do not believe it should be at the cost of the soul of the game. Should games evolve and change? Absolutely! But sacrificing the entire design philosophy to fix one aspect of the (no matter how important) is throwing the baby out with the bath water.

In regards to Mei and other Hybrids. They are important for many reasons but none more so then the following: The most frustrating aspect of any game is whenever it creates a true feeling of helplessness. That you have no options to overcome an obstacle and you are 100% reliant on aspects outside your control to do so.

Hybrid’s at least give you some potential to turn the tide. Remove them or modify them so they are no longer multi role capable and you increase the frustration factor far more (in my opinion) then any psuedo triple tanking meta would.

Because Mei is a DPS

IMO doom should be to the off tanks what Ball is to main tanks. I don’t disagree though

The way I see it. Queue times are the #1 thing this game needs to fix before OW2 launch.

And there are no options with zero downsides.

So the idea that “downsides exist, so that means we shouldn’t fix it”, just means removing all solutions that would work, off the table.

Hero that slows you down, lock you in place or disable you ability to move and do something cant be healthy.
It is just another cancer.

But for some reason DPS are allowed to be pure cancer.

Its impressive how all you did was nerf a terrible deficient hero with changes she doesnt need while making her completely worthless as a hero, and removing her entire role.

All just because you have an obsessive and frankly absurd fear with a boogieman comp that isnt playable anymore.

This is not what I am saying at all. Please re-read.


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Thanks for reminding me that I forgot and additional self sustain buffs.

200hp+50armor, and a bit more regen.

Mei isnt strictly a DPS, which is the whole problem. Since she isnt a clear-cut DPS, people delude themselves that mei is a difference role, that she even less of than DPS.

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Soldier should be reworked to a healer because he has a team heal ability.

Do you see how this goes.

Sym has a shield, she is clearly a tank.

All you did is reduce Brig to a support with no role and low healing. 50 armor doesnt change this, and doesnt change that she should be literally dabbing over Genji and Tracer corpses.

Because she doesn’t make any sense as a tank. People see abilities that can be used for defense and their mind makes the easy connection- tank.

Without thinking about why she’s not and why she doesn’t make sense as one. In truth, she’s a relic from when the roles were bifurcated and nuanced. From a better Overwatch. She’s still not a tank though.

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