Why isn't Mei a tank yet?

Tbh, this is more like what I had in mind:

I.e. Dive counters doublebarrier, buff barriers, and get tank busters in check.

  1. Brig, 200hp+50armor, and a bit more self-regen on Inspire
  2. ShieldBash
    • No Stun
    • 400hp, up from 200
    • 40 damage, up from 5
    • 10m range, you from 7m
  3. RepairPack
    • Blocked by enemy Barriers/Matrix
    • Heals 10% more, but at half the speed
  4. Baptiste, Regen Burst selfheal increased 20%
  5. Immorality Field
    • Cannot bypass 0.8sec cast time by throwing straight down
    • 0.2sec deploy time (not active until deployed)
  6. All Ranged Knockbacks reverted to 2018 style.
    • I.e. Lucio Boop, Whipshot, Accretion, Coach Gun, Pharah Blast, Junk Mine, Hog Ult etc
  7. Make Mei into a Tank
    • 325hp
    • 10sec wall
    • Can be healed in iceblock
  8. 900hp Orisa barrier, 8sec cooldown
  9. 1200hp Sigma barrier
  10. Accretion does knockback instead of stun
  11. Hanzo
    • StormArrow, 50 damage arrows, 3 arrows, 7sec cooldown
    • Lunge, 10m travel distance, 4sec cooldown
  12. McCree reverted back to 200hp
  13. Winston Ult cost reduced 15%
  14. D.va Ult cost reduced 15%
  15. Hammond health changed to 300hp, 200armor, instead of 500hp and 100armor.

And then there’s the backup options, assuming doublebarrier is still too strong.

Rein: 200hp, 200armor
Orisa: Less Fortify percentage
Sigma: Less temp barrier from kinetic grasp

  • or when using kinetic grasp:
    • +30% forward movement speed
    • -30% sideways movement speed
    • -30% backwards movement speed
    • -30% diagonal movement speed
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