Why is this GAME only balanced around people that use it for a job?

Most heroes are balanced at most ranks of the game.

Sure, there are like four particular problem heroes on ladder, but that’s basically it.

Rein is too strong on ladder.
Bastion, Sombra, Orisa are too weak on ladder.

That’s it. That’s basically the major outlines of problem heroes.

Overall I think Blizz generally do a pretty good job on balance.

The casual majority believe in crazy things sometimes. If they got their way, the game would be even more unbalanced.

I think it’s a weird mix between this and pro level. Which is why it doesn’t work that well for a lot of heroes.

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While I partly agree with the topicstarter (heroes shouldn’t be trash in ranked simply because they are good in pro play) balancing around plat will mean that, for example, Widowmaker will be stupidly overpowered in master+ while Reaper or Bastion will be completely useless at master+.


Well also low level too.

But still generally around low Diamond, but they make exceptions for Pro, GM, and Bronze tier.

For instance, Bastion can’t seem to be not-garbage because Bronze tier players would burst into flames with rage.

The tricky part is coming up with buffs and nerfs that target specific ELOs. While not negatively affecting the other ELOs.

Rocket jump in other games wasn’t used to vault to the top of the skybox. It’s not meant to be a easier version of that. It’s an entirely different mechanic.

People shouldn’t be punished because they don’t play in the OWL, several heroes are “balanced” because they are balanced in the OWL. Dva, Sombra, Mei, all great in the OWL, but are bad for the rest of the 99%.


very true.
i wonder if any games balanced for each tier of play successfully, then.
it seems like the only option (however much work it would be) to quell the screams.

Which is why balance will always be terrible. You cant and shouldn’t design a tool for people who cant/wont use it correctly. You design it for correct use.


because usually when you balance things from the top, you also balance things for the bottom.

if you were to buff heroes that say, low elo players aren’t necessarily very good with, for the high elo people it would be a disaster because they are better than they already are for example.

Fun is subjective, it is very fun for me.

If you don’t like it then don’t play it, there are a lot of games out there you can play.

Not really. That just means they can’t buff his Sentry form.

But they could easily make his Recon or Tank forms less garbage.


Yep. Why they haven’t is bizarre.

Well, it’s a miracle they gave him a buff at all recently, so that’s something.

Also maybe they didn’t want to rock the boat during anniversary and just before June 2nd Valorant launch

The devs may have intended this game to be a casual experience, but then the esport decision happened. No one really expected Overwatch to get that treatment, and many, including myself, figured Heroes of the Storm or Starcraft would get it. Hell, even WoW Arenas seemed a more likely candidate.

However, once that decision was made, the game was inevitably going to cater to a scene most people couldn’t relate to, or care about. I don’t know about you, but I could care less about streaming personalities, or who’s in the top 500. Quite frankly, the people who gush over these people are pretty cringe, and turns me away from them even more.


2 words:

That is all Blizzard cares about in long run.
OWL makes more $ than all microtransations combined (most likely)

most ppl buy game and thats all $ they making off you.

Devs can try to make ppl happy, but in the end its all about $.

see this is a statement i can understand and comprehend

so the answer is because blizzard is making more money doing it this way, now we know

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there is no such thing as being “bad for the rest”. if they are viable at the top they are viable in the gutter known as ranked. you aren’t being punished. Mei, dva and sombra arent bad.

Balancing from the bottom-up is a surefire way of removing all competitive integrity to the game. As far as I’m concerned you can play and win with literally whatever you want at all non-job tiers and the only thing preventing you from picking the entire roster is community perception. You can win by playing a rusty spoon in Plat. Hero balancing for it would be a waste of time.

??? balance is literally only for the casuals. We had goats, moth meta, and double sheild for most of the game. If the devs listened we wouldnt have had this. Also sombra is really good rn and dva is her most balanced. also cc is for bad players who cant land skill shots. The problem isnt balance, its that every change will hurt the pros or hurt the casuals. We need to educate our playerbase or give them a different way to play the game