Why is the OW community so bad?

1: Anonymity is a powerful thing that a lot of people take advantage of.

2: The game itself is a very flawed in how it provides feedback on how well you are doing, this is a team game that doesn’t tell you how well your team is doing but shows your own personal stats.
Because of this it discourages teamplay and encourages plays that benefit you and you alone because that’s the only indicator you have in regards to how well your team is doing (which is why I think we should scrap medals and just replace them with a scoreboard).

3: The community has a lot of things to be bitter about and you can see it everywhere you look be it the personal MMR system that doesn’t reset every season (and Blizzard refuses to explain) and tends to trap you in SRs where you don’t necessarily belong nor can you climb out of, the blatant favouritism when it comes to certain heroes, the glacially slow development of the game and it’s balancing and the extreme lack of content it has outside of it’s base game modes.

4: Lack of transparency on Blizzard’s end, we’re lucky to receive tid-bits here and there when it comes to game development and it really sours the community’s attitude towards Blizzard.

5: The game is poorly explained to new players, seriously the tutorial is just look here, look there, shoot this, stand on the point and boom you’re done.
No wonder we have so many players who fail to understand the teamwork aspect of this game.

Teal deer: This game is poorly designed, Blizzard don’t communicate enough and the community are tired of it.


It’s an internet community. An internet FPS community.

They had to take preferred players away for groups of players picking on people by preferring them and throwing games. It was highly abusable and widely taken advantage of, whether out of spite or just for sheer entertainment purposes.

Honestly though OW community is amazing compared to PUBG and Fortnite. F— battle royales and I hope both Bluehole and Epic liquidates and hope that the battle royale genre gets permanently deleted.

Few Reasons:

People are bored with the game

No accountability in a public based competitive game

People like to make others mad because the internet exists.

People are frustrated with how the game keeps changing for the worse

Honestly, just be like me, walk away, find a better game that is more fun and less broken.

OW Dev team has 0 idea what they are doing anymore and refuse to realize how often they break their own game.

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Like I said, I have played many competitive games, FPS and others. The most well known “toxic” games like League of Legends and CSGO are nowhere near as bad as this with both toxic players and totally unskilled players even at the lowest levels. I would 100% choose to play with “toxic” russian children that yell at people who are bad, than play with people that don’t know where to position or when to ult, or what heroes work and what heroes don’t. Even though LoL has wayyyy more to learn compared to this game, yet people seem to at least grasp the very simple basics and don’t choose to ruin ranked matches when they have no idea what they are doing. People that are bad play in normals or people that don’t care about competing and improving play in normals…here people just join ranked at level 25 and ruin games for people with brains and couldn’t care less. It has to be at least partially due to the type of person that this game is advertised to. It has been easily the worst competitive game I have ever played, and I’m so sad that I wasted money on it. LoL has provided me significantly more fun games and I’ve met many more “good” people on there AND it was totally free, with constant updates and improvements. I hate Riot in general as they are pretty corrupt, but they have done a wayyyy better job with their game than Blizzard imo.

MAYBE 5% of my games have been good in Overwatch and from the videos/interviews with high level streamers/pros it will NEVER improve no matter what rank I can get to. I have had 1 good game in the last 48 hours in which I played quite a bit, just a bunch of leavers and people that don’t know what they’re doing. Every game is a coin flip as to who is going to be incompetent, who is going to throw or leaver, which team is going to have an actual composition and which team is going to run 5 DPS that deal 2k damage. Even when I win, it’s generally not satisfying because I feel like I’ve won based on luck not on skill, or I feel frustrated that I have to hard carry while receiving no support.

I disagree that this community is better than the battle royales. Fortnite is full of children but a larger % from my experience at least, help each other and know the basics of the game though admittedly there is less to learn. I don’t like Fortnite because it’s small amounts of action followed by running simulator…and the devs care more about pumping out skins and emotes than fixing game breaking bugs but that’s another story and seems to be a theme with many games these days. Cosmetics make money and fixing stuff doesn’t. I would think making your game a fun experience with fun people would lure more people to buy it/play it but I guess I don’t develop games, so I don’t know what is profitable. Make as much as possible before the trend or your game dies I suppose.

I thought I would be able to give it another week or so before I gave up, but I’m just done now, it’s far too terrible and frustrating to bother wasting any more time on. Like I said before, I will just accept that I wasted money on a game that is filled with such terrible people both skill wise and personality wise because it will never improve. None of my real life friends play Overwatch because of the things they have heard about it/they think it is made for children and snowflakes. I don’t really disagree with them, but this makes it so I have nobody to play with that I can rely on. The game and the community has just gotten progressively worse since season 2 when I started.

Good luck to you all, thanks for your inputs and I hope you have better experiences than I have had!

Not being sarcastic, but define “bad.”

I mean there’s too much to define honestly.

Every multiplayer game where players battle against each other with target audience of kids is like that. Losing is unfun and they have little patience for that.

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