Why is the hanzo nerf taking so long

dva ramming into widowmaker only works if she wants to waste her defense matrix to fly into her, and then hope she doesnt have grapple ready to use.

Favoritism or not wanting a hero to be z-tier just because people complain about them?

The impression half the community makes is that they don’t want to ever die. If they do die to x hero, that hero needs a hard nerf.

This isn’t to say Hanzo isn’t currently overtuned, but I swear the complaints about heroes killing is amazing. Supports need to be the center of attention and OP while DPS in general are supposed to be “second class citizens”.


funny considering dps mains want tank and supports to not matter compared to them.

Even if we already know what’s going to change they’re going to postpone it because the developers decided that OW is going to be a console game too AND that the console versions will not be patched separately (which is absolutely absurd) so they can’t do minor patches in between because the patches have to be approved by the console bureaucracy. Without this they could patch the game whenever they want.

Yeah widows hook could use a nerf to like 10 seconds.It used to be 12 I think?Now she’s like spiderman.

Funny that tanks, support and DPS are supposed to be equal. No one should be more prioritized over the other.

I don’t mind dying to a better player, but Hanzo is effective on long range, mid range and close range. Which other hero has that amount of versatility? Widowmaker per example is good at long range but up-close her damage is way halved. Can you say the same about Hanzo?

except that clearly doesnt happen, its very clear that the only two supports that blizzard cares about are mercy and zen, and they really despise tanks given that they are getting indirectly nerfed the more heavy cc comes out, or just cc in general. Dps mains have been the primary focus of ows balancing for most of the game, s2/s3 was probably the only times they werent

Yeah, 8 second Hook doesn’t give much of a time-frame for Dive to do it’s job, especially with Mercy 2.0 having pretty nutty synergy with Widow making her even harder to kill.

Which is why Widowmaker rose to prominence in Dive despite it having on paper at least, access to all the best Sniper counters in the game.

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Tanks and most of supports have been shafted by the devs for an eternity. The only ones not shafted have been mercy/zen, and for now hammond.

“Better player” is subjective. And this argument is only ever used if someone doesn’t like a certain hero. I’ve seen this very same one against Widowmaker players too, and I see “nerf Widow” threads popping up as well.

You cannot make everyone happy in this community.

Ana will frankly never be buffed to meta again because she has been labeled ‘tank meta’ enabler but they seem to forget that the tanks have been nerfed a ton since ana, and the games changed a lot. They used this as an excuse to reverting meis rmb drop off. Why cant they buff ana if ‘the games changed so much’

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I mean, every Hybrid in WoW is either a Tank or Healer. The only non-Hybrids are pure DPS like Warlocks, Mages and Rogues. So Hybrids are always going to be the best Tanks or Healers.

In either case, Druid dominance is spotty at best. Bears were the best Tanks in Legion for sure, but Blood DK’s weren’t far behind them and IIRC Holy Paladins were the dominant raid healer for a large portion of this expansion. Druid DPS strength is basically a rollercoaster. You either get to be a Tomb or Sargeras Balance Druid, or a Antorus Balance Druid and there ain’t much inbetween.

They’ve got nothing on Warlocks who are consistently top tier in both PvE and PvP every expansion.

Source: Play a Warlock.

I guess some blizzard enpolyee is still not hitting GM yet this season… we need for him to get GM for him to finally nerf him.

Not sure if it’s been mentioned already but

This’ll hit live probably next week.

“No weaknesses”
Hello, Winston wants to talk with you

Did someone say Peanut Butter?Winston deals 60/sec It takes him 3-4 seconds to kill a Hanzo.Meanwhile Hanzo deals 70*6(420dmg) in a way shorter amount of time.

And you avoid answering my question so let me ask again; Which hero is excelling at long, mid and close range?

Druids have always been strong in WoW and had some good strength on several arenas. Not only in Legion but throughout WoW’s history.

Mei will have no fall off damage, McCree to an extent, Soldier will have his primary damage increased at range, and obviously Widowmaker.

Pretty much every healer and every tank has been strong at several points in WoW’s history. If it isn’t Druids dominating in Arena, it’s Resto Shaman in comps like RLS or LockSD (or is it LockSD 2.0 with the Resto Shaman, I forget), it’s Holy Paladins in comps like TSG, or it’s Disc Priests in the old favourite of RMP.

Though I haven’t PvP’d in WoW since like Cata, so I dunno what’s good anymore. I think it was Mistweaver Monks and Holy Priests actually.

Plus, the meme of WoW is that it’s always been Mages who were the Devs favoured child. Druids get shafted just as hard as everyone else.

Also the team comp of Warlock/Shaman/Druid is censored ayy lmao.