Why is the hanzo nerf taking so long

we all know he’s overpowered that he has no weaknesses and has enabled a horrible meta

whats taking blizz so long to do something about it


“has enabled a horrible meta”

Yeah,that was Brigitte,not Hanzo.


Little bit of both. Certainly didn’t help the meta to introduce both at the same time.

To address the OP: If it’s taking this long with this much T500 backlash, and forum backlash, it’s sad to say that we may not get the hanzo nerf we need [Storm Arrow damage nerf] but a roundabout hanzo nerf, like the most recent one.


cleave them both at the knees

Brigitte and her kit makes dive heroes aka the counters to sniper pretty much useless. Her ultimate generates armor,which,a lot of heroes are weak against,so burst damage is the way to go.

I feel like Hanzo and Widow keep Brigitte in check,but one team can’t just switch to dive again,cause the other could pick a Brigitte and this whole cycle would repeat itself.

The nerfs we’re getting will be fine. Hammond could bring back dive for all we know cause apparently he makes snipers have a bad tim. so sniper counters will be played again

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jokes on you,Hanzo already has prostetic legs

Nah, I’m gonna say it’s Mercy.

Being able to use a strong ability in strong ultimates to make said ultimates better, is just dumb. It’s ALWAYS been a combo, but now it’s easier to do.

Not to mention it’s expensive, 2 ults+ usually.


cleave hanzo at the neck

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It was both of them tbh

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Nah, its Brig. New Hanzo is very good, but armour meta makes him SS broken tier


Actually, he doesn’t.


brigitte didnt enable anything, she swapped the meta to deathball, however, hanzo was going to be meta regardless and im surprised no one else has noticed, but hanzo may of brought deathball back just by himself just due to how the deathball comp works. Brigitte was meta till people learned how to play vs her, and now brigittes lower pickrate than genji and tracer who shes meant to counter

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Hanzo’s storm arrow melt tanks.When cornered he can just spam them and live.No matter if he’s cornered by a tank or a squishie.He just has no weakness.

Because Blizzard loves Hanzo’s concept. And when Blizzard falls in love with a concept they’re very VERY careful about what they do to that concept.

Another example of this is druids in World of Warcraft, which have been a “master” of both tanking and healing for many years, along with very strong DPS. This despite Blizzard stating that a hybrid class shouldn’t be a “master” of anything.

Just get used to it, this is how Blizzard operates. It’s clear what hero they love and what hero they don’t really care about. Hanzo is painfully obviously one of their favourites.

The assumption that Brig made this meta is based entirely on that Dive heroes are good against Snipers, when while they’re the best answer (outside another Sniper of course), they were countered by Dive about as effectively as Tracer was countered by McCree.

Which is to say not at all.

Hanzo and Mercy created the meta.


Hanzo wouldve brought deathball regardless if brigitte was here, ill give how.

Deathball is a comp that is ran by reinhardt and zarya, reinhardt becomes non meta when he doesnt have 2 enablers that are meta, zarya is one of his enablers that needs him to be meta to enable him. Hanzo wouldve been an enabler, not just brigitte. Hanzo completely destroys the dive tanks, and good hanzos eradicate tracer/genji to no end. Hanzo counters reinhardts weaknesses, meaning reinhardt has hanzo as an enabler. Plus the combo

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Seriously?Did you never try charging into a Widow as D.va and shooting her in the face?D.va is one of the best counters.

Brigitte was not needed, given that shes not even used much in diamond+ after the first 2 weeks of s10, shes lost most of her impact, and is barely seen in the deathball comps. So why is dive not used? Its simple, hanzo eradicates them.

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I mean, until she got healed by Mercy and just hooked away leaving Dva to sit there and wait for her cooldowns to come up.