Why is smurfing not a bannable/reportable offense?

If everyone in said match is at the rank they’re supposed to be then no, there’s no unfair advantage to be had.

The issue with smurfs is that they’re playing in ranks far below where they usually play. That is what gives them an unfair advantage.

It doesn’t matter what you think. It’s Blizzard’s game. They set the rules, and, according to them, smurfing is cheating.

But some people are better than others. That’s unfair, according to your interpretation of the rules.

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No, that’s not unfair, because that’s what the ranking system is for. If someone is better than you then they’ll be a higher rank than you.

Smurfs manipulate that ranking system for their own selfish ends, and that is unfair.

I agree with this 100%, I disagree however that alt accounts are cheating, smurfs manipulating the system are throwing 2 games to 1 they try in so they dont climb. And alt account on the other hand can be anyone ranked literally anywhere on the ladder, so long as they dont throw to stay low, even Jeff said alts are ok.

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LOL ok dude. tell them to adjust my SR.

So-called “alt” accounts have the same impact on the game that smurfs do, however.

They still mostly involve higher rank players playing in lower ranks where they shouldn’t be.

So when a silver queues with a plat and averages out to gold, the plat is cheating because they have an unfair advantage over the gold players on the other team

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Thats because low level accounts that don’t overperform in a certain rank are deemed new players, while most of them are Bronze/Silver players on a new account trying to escape from their current rank, this also impacts the game in the same way, just less noticeable as they are passed off.