Why is max health still broken?

Am I just using it wrong or does max health just still not work? I can’t remeber it ever working properly, it will just not let you go above the actual max health even though it is displaying you have more HP on your health bar.

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I’m not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean that even though the maximum health of a hero is increased, their health doesn’t fill to follow it?

It is an issue where it seems if you have a player playing McCree with their max health set to 125% for example, and then set their max health to 150% their current health with reduce back to their raw max health even if they had full health.

This has been an issue since workshop first appeared on the PTR :frowning:

You can fix this by healing them after a delay, or using a heal over time that lasts a few seconds.

Or just use a little wait behaviour of 1 tick like 0,016 seconds betwen Set Max Health and Set Health ( the new action), Set Max Health is only supposed to increase the max health capacity a Hero can have by a given percentage not to fill them.


I recommend to set max health at 0.001 and then add the desired health pool.

I am constantly changing the health pool of the player so that wouldn’t really work properly.

Oh, okay.