Why is matchmaker so streaky?

When you start winning matches and performing well your hidden MMR begins to rise and once it reaches a certain point the game will start giving you terrible teamates to lower your MMR closer to your SR. Basically punishing you for doing well in matches and forces you to carry bad kids.


This has been my unfaltering experience since season 1. Matchmaker is terrible to skilled players.


What are terrible team mates? How does the system categorize that?

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This. This times 10. Also placement matches and the decay system doesn’t help, packing people near plat/diamond rank.


Ok, say you have 6 players. 1 is awesome, highly skilled. 3 are moderate performers, solid teammates overall. 2 are new, but practiced in other FPS, so they’ll do ok, but have terrible positioning. The last is an actual, complete, potato. All of these players are the same relative SR.

Matchmaker will place that potato and the high skilled player together immediately to balance out the team total MMR. Fair? No, not to either player. The skilled players burn out, the poor players never understand what they need to work on.



(4) Overwatch Forums “In Overwatch, whether your MMR goes up or down is contingent on winning or losing. But there are a number of factors that determine how much that rating goes up or down.” – Jeff Kaplan
(7) Overwatch Forums
(23) Overwatch Forums
(32) Overwatch Forums
(47) Twitch

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Go drink the coolade in your own thread lol. You’ll find no shelter here.

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That Jeff Kaplan quote pretty much backs up both OP and Bridges claim. Regardless, he’ll never come clean with how MMR truly works and there’s a reason for that.

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Many thousands of hours of practical experience from game veterans pretty much says MMR mechanics abuse skilled players. It’s not too hard to understand. With a flat SR system, where SR is teh ONLY skill metric, early games would be chaotic but eventually every member of every team is around the same skill.

Seriously. People. Have you played this game? Can you honestly say your teams are made up of players of equal skill? Rarely. So rare as to call it completely random.


This is not true at all. You’re exclusively matched based on MMR. Blizzard has officially confirmed this multiple times. If your MMR is higher than your SR, then you get matched with people who have higher SR. This is a hard fact. Let me post some example videos.

1 - https://youtu.be/yXOwh6l8aBI?t=1m17s
2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZdyrUpEXRs

This is nonsense and complete untrue. “Gaming veterans” know that these types of streaks happen in every single competitive game that’s EVER been made. Games that can be “hard carried” like CS:GO. Games with flat visible MMR like Dota 2. Even single player games like Starcraft.

People ARE generally close in skill if they are at your rank. If you aren’t toxic and just flame/blame your teammates every time something goes wrong, you will see that. But people have different skill sets, different heroes they are best at, and everyone has better/worse days. There can be a significant difference between someone getting to play their best hero on a day they are feeling good, versus filling a hero they don’t play much to help their team, on a day they are a little tired or something. That’s the reality of playing with humans, and nothing Blizzard can do will “fix” it.

I thought you said you played for 10 seasons? Because this is exactly what happened. S1, and the soft reset for S2, made for crazy chaotic games until the ranks settled out.

Flip a coin 200 times (preferably on a computer program to save yourself time). See how many streaks you get. You might be surprised!

Then note that humans aren’t perfectly consistent, and thus more prone to streaks. Tilting is a concept universal in gaming. Heck, even in pro sports you have “slumps”.

If you fall due to playing while tilted (which we all have done, me included). It is expected that you will streak back up. You are below the rank you belong, so games are easier, and you’ll be more likely to win.

It’s not that complicated. Let’s stop misunderstanding the natural results of competition between humans, seen in both other video games and even real sports, as evidence of some sort of rigged/broken system. It’s quite silly.


More games you lose the easier the games become. Therefore you can win the games back.

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The matchmaker is not streaky, the player, aka you, is.

Get more consistent and you’ll get more climbing done .

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Just throw some games to avoid the huge loss streaks, take out widow or something

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I was on a good winning streak until my master match and then for over 100 sr I was given teamates that locked in 4 to 5 dps and no tanks. How is that possible for 5 games.

Yes. That’s a nice definition you have their but it doesnt honestly reflect what actually happening in the matchmaker. I like to play the entire map, watch my team’s back and I usually get golds for everything aside from healing. There is an obvious problem when in a previous match I receive golds for lets say 20 elims 15 obj. Elims and 12k Dmg, but in the next game I received all golds for 6 kills 4 obj. Kills and 4k Dmg. Which means the other people on my team aren’t doing their jobs. When this happens I know I’m officially being placed with lower skill players to prevent my MMR from rising any higher. Cuthbert was absolutely, undeniably correct in stating the matchmaker favors new players/ struggling players over decent Solo Quers because Its the Solo Quers that make matches bearable for the teamates that the matchmaker is forcing the Solo Quer to carry. If not all of those terrible players would quit and that would mean less potential profit for Blizzard. To a carrier, the match is absolute hell but to the people being carried, it’s a “close game”. Without the matchmaker, a good chunk of the game population would get wrecked and would come to the realisation that they are bad and need to improve or move on from the game. I didn’t ask to be a coach or a carry and I shouldn’t be held back from having a fair match just to ensure terrible players don’t give up amd quit the game.

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This really does summarise the matchmaking experience for me. Keep in mind that the skill variance will come from the lack of a role select. So you get random team compositions some which just don’t work and/or players flexing to play characters they’re not comfortable playing just to get a good team composition.

Yup, a long streak of unwinnable matches followed by a long streak of unlosable matches, the matchmaker is bogus.

I feel your pain. People have been complaining about this exact scenario since it started and Blizz refuses to believe it’s anything other than a psychological problem in our head where we are unable to understand that 300+SR losing or winning streaks are normal (they aren’t). I actually believe it’s designed like this but isn’t working as they think it is.


The MMR together with the randomness of people you meet make this game feel strange. I did go from bronze to plat twice in my carrer. This game is an experiment for me and not like CS:GO i do not take it serious due to the MMR and randomness. Let me clarify:
MMR is the base for matching people in a certain SR range. If your MMR indicated a losing trend you will get matched with people who have an increasing MMR at the moment and vice versa.
Do you know matches that are 2-3 “forced” wins after a losing streak where you basically have to do nothing? The system sees you as the weak point and gives you mates that have increased their MMR in the last matches. This can be abused and i once explained how in this forum and got banned for that(!). The system has a huge weak point:

If you lose matches on an Off-Meta hero you will mostly lose less SR than on a Meta hero has your stats are compared to other people playing this hero at your rank. You will also drop in MMR! If you now find an even match and just perform good enough to win not doing insanly good your MMR will also stay. If you than win some matches in a row you become the guy with the rising MMR and… you start to get people instalocking Hanzo/Attack Torb and you can see they dropped by > 200 SR over the last days.

So it is a balance act: Never raise your MMR in a losing battle! If you go 30-2 as Reaper on KOTH and your team loses 0-2 your MMR will not drop and thus your streak will continue and you will lose 5-6 matches which are unwinable. Just relax if you get stomped and pick off-meta. If you start getting matches where you become the low MMR guy just do enough to win but do not outperform

This way i went twice from < 1200 to 2500. Now as i did see how this system is simply bad i stopped to care. I instalock /hidechat and leave voice and just enjoy my time. There is nothing to climb for as the system is the enemy. And it is even so bad that you can trick it to climb :smiley:

I never really had a problem before but this weekend I went from like 2875 and wanting to push to diamond and ending up 2575 and wanting to throw my toys out the pram and I never get mad when gaming :disappointed_relieved:
My Rein play went from 78% win rate to 57%

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i mean i think your just hard stuck? im 2800 peak and playing on a silver account im at a 70+% winrate on all heroes and stomping back to…you guessed it. plat. I am 1k sr higher than what this account was at. and im getting there in less than a week. There is no forced 50% winrate and this is all mental and your tilting its that simple. hardstucks disagree lol@u