Why is leaving voice chat an option

The mute button exists

But the Ana didn’t Nano the Genji when he wanted to make a play and possibly with the match… It’s worst not to do anything at all which is what happened…

That’s reasonable. Leave voice chat should have never been an option and privat profiles should be one instead of being standard.

I leave voice chat because of the horrible things men say to a girl like go suck a D and your a girl play mercy you C. things like that it horrible my job is to work with the team and heal or tank not to get picked on for having a women voice.

omg im with you on this, Im late to the post but I just experienced this on comp, My ultimate main is junkrat but i was never actually good so this is actually really relatable, I so much praise you that you’re a one trick junk, it makes me really happy knowing this

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9 months later?
Man you must have gone back abput 150 pages to find this post…


i play on european servers. 80% of my teammates are russian. i can‘t even READ their letters or their words. no thanks, i‘m staying silent.

I get a guy that goes on 24 seconds left on timer - “It’s cool, we have one more attempt”. We don’t even do that attempt. Bad call.

I get a guy that tells me to switch from Ashe because he doesn’t like it. He thinks I am the weakest link in the chain while I already have all gold medals and doing the most crucial eliminations. I don’t switch, we win the game. Bad call.

So, in a desperate attempt to do something, people will say anything, regardless of how stupid it is and in doing so, they will give your whole team completely false and wrong information. Most people tend to agree with that kind of mind set just because dude sounds loud and harsh because “aggression = smarts”.

There are tons and tons of people that sound so sure in what they are saying which in result destabilizes everyone in the team. Before, I tried to play along with those people. I tried to listen them and eventually, trigger in me goes “This one is complete idiot” and do what I think it’s the best. Have no regrets ever since.

I leave the chat and voice coms as an intentional message towards those people and message should be -“I don’t care what you have to say. You already wasted my time and my nerves and whatever you say, you are probably going to waste more of my time and more of my nerves” and so I can focus on my play better.

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Well then you’ll be really happy to hear about ProlikeChro if you haven’t already. He’s been one-tricking Junk since season 2 and makes it to t500 most if not all seasons. He doesn’t join voice chat and hides text chat, as well. I’d recommend him to everyone even if they don’t play Junk or even Overwatch because he is just so smart and has great advice for games and life in general.

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