Why is everyone obsessed with "fast OW"

This came to me after reading this dev comment where he said

And this is in no way attacking them, btw, im just asking to everyone in general…Whats up with this “Overwatch has to be as fast as possible”

Just…Why? i just cannot understand whats this obsession with speed, Like ive played games where the matches can take up to an hour of time to finish and they are incredibly fun to be in this prolonged war of strategy, its a feel that overwatch had regained back in the peak double barrier, the fights were prolonged and methodical, both teams trying to push eachother via shieldplay and other stuff,

but it feels like most people, even the devs themselves, want teamfights to be chaotic where everyone dies in half a second and thats the match over, And honestly, i find that rather sad,

The beauty of overwatch was that you could decide the pace that you play at was decided by the characters you pick, If you wanted a slow and strategic style, you would pick Bunker heroes like Orisa or Builders like Sym and Torb, if you wanted speed, you would go for flankers like Genji or Tracer or dive tanks like Winston or Dva or hammond and there was the in between thats deathball, a mix of aggresion and defense,

but it feels like we are moving away from that and making the game as chaotic as all possible for some reason i cant understand, as the game grows, heroes that were more on the low side were reworked to be faster (Sym and Torb), Defensive abilities and ultimates were nerfed or removed (Barriers, Syms TP) and there are quadruple the offensive abilities than defensive and its all under the premise of “well people just want to shoot at stuff not barriers” Like, Whats up with this?

People dont want to shoot at barriers? like, what do people want, 6v6 soldier76 only?

its like people are bothered by anything that prevents them from instagibbing their oponents, am i the only one who feels like this?

like why not let the pace of the game be decided by the hero picks inestead of forcing it to be all fast

anyways, rant over thx for reading


i think he meant less time loading, not the gameplay being faster


Well the question still remains, :stuck_out_tongue: the post wasnt all based on that comment specifically, its just in general

then idk…
http s://tenor.com/view/cats-bunnies-rabbits-bathing-cleaning-gif-3385193

There’s a good reason why 2cp is everyone’s least favorite mode. Would you rather get 2-0ed on Ilios or lose a 45 minute 8-7 game of hanamura?


i would rather this,

it seems like a really close and fun match while the other is a steamroll


People want to grind SR/wins, they don’t want to shoot barriers for 30 minutes for nothing.


No, he definitely means faster matches:

"Our philosophy is the game is better if you have quicker matches. The sting of defeat is much less if the match took less time. "

That doesn’t necessarily mean faster times to kill or quicker team fights.

My guess is that it alludes to changed respawn mechanics that condense the action and in turn let the devs reduce the game timer.


I don’t think anybody has said “as fast as possible” but I can imagine not everyone has time for an hour long match or whatever.


its a general sentiment that was felt multiple times during the past metas

“Team fights take too long” - Is something said commonly even here in the forums

Oh please you only want Mercy to be op again

What have you done

makes sense, but i never felt like he meant to make the game itself faster, like people moving nad killing faster and such

What must be done

gotta go fast

That’s also why people hate it. It’s too much time spent blasting a shield rather than push forward with some kills

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But why are people so obsessed with kills though,

i have won prolonged teamfights without killing anyone, just slowly forcing them back until we capped the objective and caping the objective is what wins the game at the end of the day

people understimate the power of claiming space

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It’s two things called dopamine and sound design. They go hand in hand and are kinda addictive in this game

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Guess i am immune to the sound design lol

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Ok but that dev qoute you’re using its just confusing, Jeff was talking about match load times specifically.

As for faster gameplay: the pendulum swung HARD to slow comps after dive.

People wanna play dive again.