Why is everyone obsessed with 5v5?

I am just glad to take a McBreak from all the McDrama surrounding McBroken.


Sure was McTiring

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Is there anything new coming to talk about? Not to mention it is just bad removing thigs for your new game instead of adding more.

It definitely has.

And when the rest of the tank mains leave it will be the same thing. Also the support q will be the next bottleneck too.

There was already test of 1 3 2 and most ppl didn’t liked it. 1 2 2 won’t be much different.

Just like 2 cp :cry:

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There actually is, but all of it is buried by 5v5 discussion. For example, my precious gold guns, what will happen to them? Or that Widow skin, crazy she gets another one, eh? Scoreboard overhaul, can’t wait for kids to sit down and shut up when they realize I am twice the pig they are.

Those have been already answered.

Great, then back to 5v5 it is! I think solo tanking will be much bad. So sad.

It’s kinda confirmed. They played it on stream, announced it in a public developer article, in the AMA they wrote about 1-2-2 Role Queue, Hero reworks for 5v5. It’s technically set in stone.

I really like the idea of 5v5 and can’t wait to play it myself once we are getting a Beta of OW2.

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