Why is every so fast to judge?

I initially had rather strong opinions against it, but thinking about it, it’s only a small percentage of the roster and takes out the most played (usually the most overpowered/meta-defining) heroes. I think it might be fine.

I don’t see how removing a few heroes for a week is going to drastically change how the game is played. Many heroes play a similar style.

What’d really mess up the meta is to have more frequent, more drastic changes to the heroes themselves. Which they said they will do, which is great. So, hero pools are not even needed imo, and just take things way from players.

It’s an artificial, childish fix. “We’re taking away heroes!”

It’s foolishness, and should have never made it out of someone’s mouth in the boardroom.

This is one of the few points I agree with. I’m if this stays it needs to be done in the same as (same hero’s too preferably) as owl.

remove lucio and suddenly rein zarya is trash. remove orisa and suddenly double barrier is significantly worse. remove widow and suddenly you physically cant run double sniper without an investment from the support slot.
changes to irrelevant heros do nothing. if they change a relevant hero then they become irrelevant and replaced with the next best thing. once you get past plat you actually kinda need to start playing the meta.

thats a balance issue, if torb was good and mcree wasn’t then it would be the other way around. once you get past a certain point though you start to realise that people get to their rank playing that hero and that if you lose this one you can just go next and get back what you lost. people care way too much about the number attached to their profile

1: the meta already limits tanks and healers. if you play 2 off meta tanks the chances are stacked so heavily against you that they might as well be banned. banning the meta means those heros get a chance to be viable.
2: again, meta. this arguably increases the skill needed simply due to the fact people need to adapt instead of sticking to the same 6v6 mirror.
3: you have a point here, i think the best way to do it is impliment another “test season” for maybe a month but then you have the issue of only having 4 rotations. that isnt really enough to gather any meaningful data.
4: you say they dont listen to the community but its more they cant tell the difference between a vocal minority and valid complaints. everyone complaining about role queue are dps players or people who climbed by being the mythical flex player before a tank/healer was guaranteed. they then got shocked by people being actual tank/support players and dropped to the rank they deserve.

amount of matches played has nothing to do with the competitiveness of a game. if you really wanted to play more games then surely youd pick up one of the other 2 available roles.

you think ptr is for testing the changes? we all know it was for stability and/or debugging. jeff even commented on that when he mentioned the experimental card.

:rofl: all the salty one tricks are crying at the idea of hero bans.