Why is double shields bad, but DIVE is fine?

It seems like no matter what the META is Blizzard always tries to bring DIVE back and please don’t say " Dive is fun and is the best META" Fun and best are a subjective words, what’s the point of adding new heros and creating new METAs when we are always force to play or watch DIVE ? ( Also OWL seems to want Dive full time).


So the dps can click heads during OWL.


Dive has the highest skillset required to play, is high octane for viewers, most of the heroes in dive are fun to play in their specific roles in the comp, it’s only viable in extremely high level and people are biased towards it because it was during the “golden era” of overwatch.


CoD crowd likes therefore it’s good.


Dive is fun and the best meta for the majority of the players. That’s pretty much it.

There won’t ever be a meta that everyone likes so they try to force the one the most people found decent/good.


Nostalgia goggles. Older meta comps are always perceived as better than the newest ones.


Hottest take ever. Dive is the worst both watching and playing and it overstayed its welcome more than Goats even with having less time being the meta. Watching it is like watching Pokémon only for Pikachu. Playing it is just a plain bad experience. If you want to shoot, you get a DM and a bubble in your face before a Tracer one clips you.



The Double Barrier meta from Decemeber 2019 to Janurary 2020 was the most diverse the ladder had ever been in terms of hero usage

You had Sigma, Orisa, Reinhardt, Zarya, D.va, and Roadhog as viable tanks across the ranks

You had Hanzo, WIdow, Tracer, McCree, Doomfist, Mei, Reaper, and Junkrat as viable DPS options across the ranks

And best of all for supports was literally EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM had a rank where a combo was seeing use.


Because you’re actually shooting targets and getting ultimate charge?


Let’s not kid ourselves. Every meta in OW has overstated their welcome. People think dive in their end era (which was diverse) but not in the middle of it.

" nerd snort But you never played dive, dive was only in high levels and…"

Then whatever it was, it still was bad. Healers played respawn simulator, if you were a off tank with less mobility (like Zarya), a slower dps main(like McCree or Reaper), you were in hell. It was not fun.

The reason was Genji and Tracer having so little counters and being able to outplay them with relative ease.

At the time even the addition of Moira was not enough. Doomfist was merely added to the dive strategy instead if being it’s so called “counter” (even worse: He countered anti-dive better than dive itself!!!). Sombra was a joke, since people were not playing together or coordinate. McCree was one of the worse characters, and the devs refused to buff him. Genji’s deflect was a joke.

In OWL it wasn’t the paradise people preach it was either. You had to have a Tracer One Tri… I mean, specialist in your team or you were doomed to being one of the worse teams in the league.

In short: Dive is not all sugar and rainbows. People just have those pretty pink googles on and forget how bad it was at it’s worse.


Dive is unwachable, it was a huge problem, overall spectating the game is not enjoiable, too fast, teams aren’t quite distinvisable (they implemented team colours now, maybe it is a bit better) And about skill… Winston electrocuting an area (0 aim), broken Genji ult etc., it is more like a gamble. Every hero is squishy and damage is high. This game was not designed to be watched, but it is the only source of money…


Requires teamwork :white_check_mark:
High skill :white_check_mark:
Isn’t a cancerous meta :white_check_mark:
More variety in picks :white_check_mark:
You don’t HAVE to mirror dive and worry about throwing the game like double shield or GOATs. :white_check_mark:


Yeah, I agree rose tinted glasses. It’s always easier to look back and say " it wasn’t that bad"

During dive I could play literally every character perfectly fine around mid diamond.
Dive is a joke below maybe mid masters/low gm.
Mostly because it requires a good mix of team coordination and individual skill.

Every other meta is either way too team focused or way too individual focused.

I hate it when its 2 death balls just clashing and people, seemingly at random, dying - because it doesnt feel like I have any impact no matter what I do.
But I also hate it when its all “on me”, for example when the fight is basicly decided by whether I win a widowmaker duel or not.


More heroes are viable in dive.

Double shield edges out so much of the roster, including other tanks.

Dive gives a lot more options.


It’s been more than 2 years since dive has been a relevant strategy, what do you mean we always have to watch or deal with it?

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The games an fps, two shields in a fps ruins the game. Supports wanting to sit behind two shields yawn


What? If anything, dive is the least FPS-y meta in OW. You got heroes like Winston and Mercy who don’t need to aim at all. Weird heroes like Tracer, Dva, Ball, Genji, Lucio, Sombra. The only hero that’s even close to being an FPS hero is Ana


People romanticize Dive. Folks forget how unpleasant it was for Supports, how obnoxious Tracer + Widowmaker were and how smurfs for these heroes were encouraged by Dive meta, how difficult to follow Dive was because of how spread out players were (and how many matches pretty much focused on the DPS).

People also overstate greatly the level of diversity in Dive–in Dive 1.0, it wasn’t too bad, but Dive 2.0 (Moth meta), diversity was really no better than most other metas–and they falsely suggest it was a more-FPS meta than other ones, which… isn’t really true. It, like GOATS and Double Barrier, utilized a lot of non-FPS elements and had a relatively low emphasis on aim outside of Widowmaker and Zenyatta (who were also in GravDragons/Double Sniper, so I assume that the FPS lovers really enjoyed that meta since it also featured the more-aim intensive Hanzo and Zarya). Also a lot of DPS players prefer Dive because it’s a lot easier to kill things in Dive meta.


Because shooting players is better than spending most the game shooting blue rectangles.

And in general, the game gets boring when preventing kills is fundamentally stronger than getting kills.